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Everything posted by Mobilesolutions

  1. Bunch of us around here are INTJ. We should all go grab lunch,oh wait.
  2. I would certainly hope so. Otherwise many areas would never see an TDD-LTE, protection sites would never be able to blanket the masses.
  3. Yes master Jedi * And on a more serious note i hope by early fall tri-band Lte devices have surfaced for Sprint. And as for the HTC devices, if they have a contender; hopefully with a 5" or larger display i would definitely jump on it.
  4. You are right, but in many locations Sprint has been successfully able to Co-locate with other providers; as the towers are often owned by a 3rd party. I should have specified, by adding towers i did not mean erect new ones, i only was speaking leasing "rack space" and installing provider equipment. Backhaul is another expensive purchase in itself. So take that spacing and put SMR Lte on 80% of those sites and extend high speed data coverage indoors,Clear puts 20MHZ of 2.6 ghz on every wimax site NYC will have a blanket of super high speed wireless coverage outdoors. Bam, Sprint beats Verizon & AT&T
  5. This explains the sleeping in between typing update reports I've heard of. Hence the dog picture, you softie! What class did you have to take it for? I took it in (2) 8 hour testing sessions for a marketing class. I bet you LOVE Tampa then, :jester:
  6. I was 13 back in 05, my age is posted on my profile.
  7. Expanding coverage wont do all too much for speeds. 5x5 configuration is limited to 37mbps down. As far as adding towers and.covering less dense markets, at 40-70k dollars per site don't count on it.
  8. The personality tests seem quite accurate in telling what you already know to be true of yourself,and can give you a basic overview of typical behavior of others.
  9. What was your IMBT personality type? IS there a most common personality type on a Sprint 4G forum?
  10. That sounds pretty spot on with the reports from yesterday, November completion time for NYC with full outdoor coverage by August/September. Yes, 38,000 cell sites are being entirely overhauled. Probably very little if any new towers will be added; we will see if Softbank has any plans to expand coverage later on down the road. 800mhz will really shine indoors, on today's Sprint 1900 mhz network in building performance is mediocre at best. With the lower frequency and a wider 1x channel in building performance for voice calls, and texts will rival verizon/At&t. Excellent coverage in malls, homes, office buildings, etc. Also, 800mhz is coming to Lte for Sprint...hopefully soon. There is no method to this madness!!
  11. It had better have more than a 4.0 mp camera, did we go back to 2005?
  12. Looking like it **COULD BE** October for NV completion in Oklahoma. Everybody hold on to your hats. Also, i have been seeing more and more little yellow flags along the roadways leading to Telco boxes.
  13. sounds like the perfect setup,if only my gs3 would grow to a note 2.
  14. Day one with the VZW ipad, 13 down 6 up seems to be the norm thus far. Pings are between 60-90ms,
  15. When it really has hooked up backhaul you will know.
  16. When it gets backhaul it will spit 4G That site (when unloaded) will give off decent performance. The untouched tower over next to the 71st firestationl gave me 2.6 down the other day and it has received no work.
  17. Galaxy s2 IPhone 4S IPhone 5 Galaxy s3
  18. Thus, in my opinion, you and yours should cancel VZW, suck it up, and go with Sprint or T-Mobile. Otherwise, as I stated in another thread, you are being small minded, short sighted consumers, and you are just enabling the offenders. AJ If it was up to me i would never leave sprint. If my parents cannot be shown that sprint works properly they will not use the service again once the term expires. I wouldnt call sprint better than Verizon in Tulsa at all, we came from Verizon /us cellular and had never had any problems, only to be a "daily struggle" with sprint. I understand that Sprint is bringing a world class Lte network, I'm very excited for it. I wouldn't say small minded is the right word for this instance, as two users on our plan are strictly for business. Price is not an issue, performance & reliability are key. I hope that come October 1 the network is far enough along i can convince them to stay, but as consumers they have a bitter taste from sprint; and i think it would take a good dosage of sugar to neutralize the malflavor. The company I work for is separate from theirs, i had no choice in the matter of which carrier the iPad's came through; higher up's chose VZW, so VZW it is. If i broke away from the family plan i would use Sprint, i get a 23% discount.
  19. A stable signal will yield a better battery life for certain. Assuming you start with poor signal and move to a fair to strong signal with measurable differences.
  20. My office just signed up for a corporate vzw account, we're supposed to get some incredible rate if we switch our personal line over, anyway I have family members that think sprint is dirt,as they use their lines almost soley for business and have tethering plans etc. With the current network state they would be completely unwilling to remain sprint customers if the plan ended today. Luckily there is 4 more months, but as it stands now the two decision makers for the family plan would be entirely unwilling to stay. I can only try to explain how high quality of network is coming etc, I doubt anyone advocates for sprint like I do. I still consider vzw less of an enemy than AT&T, although both are overburdened networks and my personal stance is that switching to them is only adding to the growing problem. As for my interest in broadband deployment you are correct, it is through the roof; through the motherloving roof.
  21. If my contract ended today I'd switch to Verizon. It ends October 1st, ill make my decision then.
  22. I have pictures and have seen crews working on the middle section (clearwire's) portion of the 81 memorial protection site 2 separate occasions. Yes, in town at least Sprint has sites every couple miles. I do not know of any equipment that has been installed that would support BRS/EBS on any of the 38k Sprint cell sites. It certainly would make very little sense. The network clearwire operates is next to needless for sprint to run TD-lte, but i haven't seen any equipment that would be capable of broadcasting 2.5/6 Ghz installed on any of Sprint's current footprint. They need control of the spectrum to proceed, I believe that vote takes place this week.
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