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Everything posted by Mobilesolutions

  1. Since our market is under construction I'll say that 9/10 towers I pass that have upgrades are equipped with 4 rru's per antenna. I can only think of about 3/30 that have 3 or less rru's per antenna.
  2. I think that its not a bad idea except here's what the consumer hears "you have 10 gigs and "we throttle at Sprint. Now you have people that other wise might use 3 GB monthly trying to consume 10 because they feel entitled to. Enforce tethering without tethering plan policies and use connection optimization software to push devices on WiFi where available.
  3. A fancy C.I.A (cellular information authority) badge. "certified spotter" hats "ask me about my ping time" shirts "official vehicle" "Stay back 1000 feet " vehicle door magnets S4GRU "tower crew" vests "Sensorly session in progress" bumper stickers
  4. I could see a clause about throttling the highest 2 % of data consumers to 1mbps or so if they use an excessive amount of data over a short period, ie 2GB in 24 hours. I think i've used about 10GB one month before, i know that's high but i stick around for the unlimited.
  5. I think its essential to leave unlimited alone. If little Timmy uses 14GB of data watching youtube, online gaming, surfing the web, streaming music, video chat etc that should be completely acceptable. Parents fear data overages people!! I also believe in order to be competitive Sprint does need to offer tiered data plans as well. 1GB,3GB,Unlimited. Tethering without a tethering plan should get you terminated, connection optimization should push the phone to WIFI where available.
  6. Smartphone data will remain Unlimited post merger. T-Mobile now offers unlimited smartphone data as well, if you get the correct package or something.
  7. I'm thinking we COULD see some 800 MHZ Lte in late Q4 of this year, and i hope we have phones out that will support that within the next 2-3 months.
  8. A good chunk of sites around town have antennas, fingers crossed for them to go online soon......preferably this week
  9. I wish that 4G lte icon was the standard Sprint icon!
  10. My solution doesn't solve the Spectrum crunch, but it does get you backhaul....anywhere.
  11. I would trade my S3 for one! So if any established member reads this and decides they want a Blue 16 gb S3 and a couple cases i'll trade you for an Optimus G.
  12. Yes Verizon's in town call performance is a typical complaint of his.. although he is unfamiliar with frequency and attributes it to the fact that Vzw "sucks", granted he is a Realtor as well and does most of his business indoors. I would be grouchy as well if i paid $390.00 for 3 lines monthly, had tiered data, and still couldn't make calls. Yes i agree, density is key for indoor use.
  13. Yes I think 1900 will work much better in Tulsa than it has in Dallas. If the coverage is the same as our existing 3G footprint it will cover everywhere - some brick structures. My new home is 3/4 mile from a tower over at 61 Sheridan, no calls or texts inside the house till the airvana shows up.. On the other hand my friend with Verizon stopped by the other day and had a -74 dBm Lte signal in the center most room of the house. It takes sub 1 GHz to get through the brick/stone.
  14. Only a fantasty that we could see 800 Lte by summers end. We would be lucky to see phones that support it by fall, and even luckier to see the towers broadcasting it by the end of the year. My contract ends in October, I'd really like to see something by then to make the decision to stay with Sprint easy. My brother was In Dallas last week for school and reported that he regularly did not have Lte and that 3G was no better than in Tulsa, I find this semi dissapointing considering Dallas is one of the most densely deployed city so far.
  15. That's what other members are for, get some sleep!
  16. I've heard there is no need for a line card, just hit the tower with software and it's live with 800.
  17. The work schedule is not open, it's past due. Contractors are working round the clock anytime the sun is out.
  18. We all better hope our GF's/Wives don't decide to leave us for an extra 1/2 inch
  19. Probably not, once they turn it on it's on, at least from what I've seen so far with our build. If you become a Sponsor you will gain access to the maps and you will know exactly where to get LTE.
  20. That's a shame, i'd really like to see Sprint compete with VZW for suburban customers and rural areas where there are enough potential subscribers for coverage to be economical.
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