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Long time user thread


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Hey guys I have been with this website which is a wealth of knowledge for a almost 4 years and it what journey it has been! Post how long you have been with this website and your experience last here

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Been with S4GRU almost from the beginning give or take 4-5 months I believe. 

Started out giving ideas, then helped out with modding by reporting stuff and eventually ended up on staff. Learn something new each day, but most of the technical stuff, no matter how hard I try, flies over my head. So I just sit in the background mostly quiet, except for every 3 months when the earnings come out or a new device I like comes out or if I give a one way ticket to Banlandia.


Came really close to meeting a few members in real life, but didn't pan out do to scheduling, work and real life. etc. 

I like the members, staff, style and uniqueness of the forum, unlike many others that for lack of better words are, crazy and disappointing.


TS out  

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Came really close to meeting a few members in real life, but didn't pan out do to scheduling, work and real life. etc.


I thought about inviting Robert out for some face-to-face fried chicken feasting on our Oregon trip last August, but I don't know if he'd have made the trek from Seattle to Portland just for KFC.  Next time we go I may have to rethink the idea after finding this article - it might just be enough to entice him:



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And as for myself, a few months shy of 5 years now (I had to look it up and was surprised its been that long), and the experience for the most part here has been outstanding.  There's a ton I still don't know particularly as I don't have the time these days as I used to to try and inhale all the info/insight shared here, but I started out as a AT&T -> Sprint transplant coming from extreme frustration to lesser frustration but learning/understanding what's to come. 


People can gripe about Sprint all they want, but I've see a night/day difference for my part almost (caveat) everywhere I've traveled in the last 5 years compared to when I was first making treks back/forth between TN and PA, and I'd like to think I'm the poster child for the typical/average (rather than power) user.   And I've been fortunate because of S4GRU to know/understand the changes and why, and have been a happy supporter (though admittedly far moreso, both from a participation and donation perspective, in the earlier days before I got married :X ) of the site throughout my tenure.

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I thought about inviting Robert out for some face-to-face fried chicken feasting on our Oregon trip last August, but I don't know if he'd have made the trek from Seattle to Portland just for KFC. Next time we go I may have to rethink the idea after finding this article - it might just be enough to entice him:



it could be KFC or home made, if its fried chicken, the man will be there.


great, now I'm hungry. ugh btw that link/pic looks great.

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I thought about inviting Robert out for some face-to-face fried chicken feasting on our Oregon trip last August, but I don't know if he'd have made the trek from Seattle to Portland just for KFC. Next time we go I may have to rethink the idea after finding this article - it might just be enough to entice him:



Maybe he'll comply with Portland getting more C block soon.


Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

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Great thread idea! Be a good way of getting feedback for the site.


My two year point was the other day, which I made a thread commemorating. I know many here use this site as a safe haven to discuss Sprint without having to worry about anti-Sprint trolls around. Granted, I think its important to see the differences between trollish hate and constructive criticism. Everyone here is fair about how they perceive Sprint, in my view.


Still, I think there is more to this site than just Sprint. What I like about S4GRU, is the more intelligent nature of those posting here, than on some other sites I've been to. I think most here are very smart, wise thinking people about wireless and obviously not just focused on the consumer side of wireless, but everything beyond that as well. Everything from network, spectrum, financing, investments, company decisions, and more. There isn't just a single area covered by this site, nor a single perspective impressed upon.

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Well, 3.5 years for me.  This site was invaluable for helping me through the nTelos -> Shentel/Sprint conversion here in VA. Great technical info that, because of my ignorance, is more fascinating than illuminating.  But, I can and do still appreciate the thoughtfulness of all the participants!

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It will be 5 years in July! So much ha changed in 5 years


- WiMAX to LTE

- band 25 the only lte carrier

- IDEN phasing out

-800 voice

- Here comes SoftBank

- Dish almost ???? Block SoftBank

- Sprint bought Clearwire

- SoftBank bought Sprint

- Sprint Spark

- LTE Plus


Been through it all lol. I love this site. I honestly didn't know much about cellphone networks until I joined. I remember when I started working at shentel (no longer employed there) I was determine to learn more about Sprint's network itself since I started working there in the early stages of network vision. We had so many customers coming and complaining about the network, so I decided to research online and I googled searched "Sprint 4GLTE soon" (something along those lines) and BAM! I clicked on this site and never left.


Even though I am currently not a Sprint customer, I still want Sprint to win and I hope their brand lives on.

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Edit: I read *bought* SoftBank. NM

Not to hijack this thread, but I wonder what people think would have been different if Dish bought Sprint instead of Softbank. I'll make a thread of it, and if the staff here would rather it go into the Marcelo thread, thats fine too. Its a very intriguing question though.

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According to my profile, I've been here since January 20, 2012. However, I've been around since November 13, 2011 when the site was s4gru.spruz.com and the membership was slightly smaller. ;)



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I signed up 8/23/12 according to my profile. At the time I had AT&T and was unhappy because of some network optimization issues so I started looking for another carrier at a better price. For whatever reason I settled on Sprint and made the switch on iP5 release day. My immediate area was an original NV FIT so all sites around me had LTE which was awesome. Up in the city was a hot mess for the first few months though, but it got better quickly.


I was happy through 2013 and part of 2014, I ultimately left in 2015 because the competition had surpassed Sprint in my area and I was tired of the LTE drops by then.


I attribute most of my wireless knowledge to this site, especially learning all the basics about cell networks and getting pretty deep into technical details. The info on this site helped lay a solid foundation for what has turned into a pretty much full time hobby for me.

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Been a member since April 2012, so 5 years. Lurked a few moths before joining. Was a Nextel customer and became a Sprint/Nextel customer when it was purchased and now fully Sprint. I also had service with Verizon at the same time on a work phone that could not be used for personal calls.


To be honest I would switch back to a Nextel system if it was available (long story). Had it not been for this website I would have switched providers back in 2012 due to the poor service. I still struggle with service today and roam here at work when inside but it has improved from 2012. Have pre-ordered a MagicBox and hope it will fix that problem even though we have no B41 service here YET.

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Not a fan of the recent proliferation of these navel gazing, retrospective threads...





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I was at S4GRU before we had an acronym. :)


We started in other forums back in 2011. I would post WiMax deployment updates in AndroidCentral and SprintUsers forums in late Spring 2011. By the end of summer I added a tracking Facebook Page.


Things really started to gather steam by Fall 2011 when Sprint announced Network Vision and transition to LTE. By November 2011 we had our own Beta Forums (hosted by Spruz). By the end of January 2012, we migrated to IPBoard. So, we have been around in some form for 6 years. In our current iteration over 5 years.


Our members, our motley crew of wireless enthusiasts, is what keeps it going. I never imagined S4GRU would have the longevity it has. Kudos to you all. Thanks for making this a fun place to discuss the Sprint network and wireless technology.


Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0

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