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T-Mobile LTE & Network Discussion V2


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In his defense he specifically stated that hes only going after the people who are illegally tethering. He said there are around 3000 people that are using around 2 TB of data a month on hotspot. 2 TB is a lot for anyone and also very illegal so of course he wants them off the network. No network wants that. Im not a tmobile follower in any sense but if ur gonna blast john legere like that at least be honest about what he said


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In his defense he specifically stated that hes only going after the people who are illegally tethering. He said there are around 3000 people that are using around 2 TB of data a month on hotspot. 2 TB is a lot for anyone and also very illegal so of course he wants them off the network. No network wants that. Im not a tmobile follower in any sense but if ur gonna blast john legere like that at least be honest about what he said


Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk


Very illegal, eh? Abusive sure, but what specific law makes using 2 TB "very illegal"?


Also, if you're going to come at me and imply that I said something dishonest please at least point out what I said that's untrue. Thanks.

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In his defense he specifically stated that hes only going after the people who are illegally tethering. He said there are around 3000 people that are using around 2 TB of data a month on hotspot. 2 TB is a lot for anyone and also very illegal so of course he wants them off the network. No network wants that. Im not a tmobile follower in any sense but if ur gonna blast john legere like that at least be honest about what he said


Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk

" In his defense "


Didn't realize he needed defending!


Btw he did say if you have unlimited then use all you want and there was no exception or clauses that he mentioned.


Point is subscribers of the carrier found a loophole and he knows it and now he's on a rampage.

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In his defense he specifically stated that hes only going after the people who are illegally tethering. He said there are around 3000 people that are using around 2 TB of data a month on hotspot. 2 TB is a lot for anyone and also very illegal so of course he wants them off the network. No network wants that. Im not a tmobile follower in any sense but if ur gonna blast john legere like that at least be honest about what he said


Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk


He will go after people who use much less than 2 TB.  Mark my words.  It will likely be a 30-60GB "abuse" threshold.

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Very illegal, eh? Abusive sure, but what specific law makes using 2 TB "very illegal"?


Also, if you're going to come at me and imply that I said something dishonest please at least point out what I said that's untrue. Thanks.

I should restate that. Its definitely against the terms and conditions they agreed to when they signed up. Also they are using a backdoor/hack to have unlimited tethering which im not for sure is illegal so sorry for saying its illegal when im not sure. And also in my house not giving the whole story is dishonesty so by u only saying hes going after data abusers without specifying makes it sound like ur saying tmobile cant handle a youtube vidoe being streamed


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He will go after people who use much less than 2 TB. Mark my words. It will likely be a 30-60GB "abuse" threshold.

This is very true. I dont necessarily agree with cutting off the 30 gb users but u cant blame him for wanting the TB users off.


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" In his defense "


Didn't realize he needed defending!


Btw he did say if you have unlimited then use all you want and there was no exception or clauses that he mentioned.


Point is subscribers of the carrier found a loophole and he knows it and now he's on a rampage.

Im 100 percent sure that when i was looking into tmobiles plans a couple monthd back the unlimeted 4glte said "comes with 5gb of tethering" . sounds like a usage limit to me. I never remember them advertising truly unlimited tethering


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Im 100 percent sure that when i was looking into tmobiles plans a couple monthd back the unlimeted 4glte said "comes with 5gb of tethering" sounds like a usage limit to me


Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk




Facts not accusations.


Anyone can go over 5 gigabytes of data in the month in general with a smartphone and no hotspot or tethering required.

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I should restate that. Its definitely against the terms and conditions they agreed to when they signed up. Also they are using a backdoor/hack to have unlimited tethering which im not for sure is illegal so sorry for saying its illegal when im not sure. And also in my house not giving the whole story is dishonesty so by u only saying hes going after data abusers without specifying makes it sound like ur saying tmobile cant handle a youtube vidoe being streamed


Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk


Firstly, I don't live in your house so there's that. Second, I didn't feel the need to transcribe the guy's entire Periscope. However, I did state where Legere made his remarks so that people know exactly where to go listen for themselves. Lastly, I never even remotely claimed or implied that T-Mobile couldn't handle a Youtube stream. I specifically mentioned that he stated data abusers. Now if you consider streaming a Youtube video data abuse then so be it.


However, before accusing somebody of being dishonest maybe you could ask a question or have some sort of dialogue before making baseless ASSumptions. Or do you not do that in your house?

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Facts not accusations.


Anyone can go over 5 gigabytes of data in the month in general with a smartphone and no hotspot or tethering required.

Yes that part is pretty obvious. Those people who used 5gb on the unlimeted plan will be throttled on hotspot too. The problem is the people who go against the terms and conditions in order to get extra tethering that they didn't pay for after they started getting throttled.


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Firstly, I don't live in your house so there's that. Second, I didn't feel the need to transcribe the guy's entire Periscope. However, I did state where Legere made his remarks so that people know exactly where to go listen for themselves. Lastly, I never even remotely claimed or implied that T-Mobile couldn't handle a Youtube stream. I specifically mentioned that he stated data abusers. Now if you consider streaming a Youtube video data abuse then so be it.


However, before accusing somebody of being dishonest maybe you could ask a question or have some sort of dialogue before making baseless ASSumptions. Or do you not do that in your house?

Well i sure hope u dont live in my house that would be scary. Also i do not think youtube videos are abusive considering i watch about 40gb worth each month. And also thank you for describing a better way to communicate on this forum. After re-reading my post ill admit it sounded rude. I didnt intend to sound as rude as i did. I will try to be more transparent and polite when I'm discussing topics on this site


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Legere was taking about 3000 users or so doing illegal activity. He seemed to imply it was high level hacking type of things though. The examples he was using was running a cloud business or using T-Mobile connections to hack other businesses. He has every right to call that behavior out. If anything I'd say T-Mobile has already let this slide too long.

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He will go after people who use much less than 2 TB. Mark my words. It will likely be a 30-60GB "abuse" threshold.

I agree with Robert on this definitely!


I haven't been around here much for a few days, except for a very short bit. I haven't been well, though this bit of news is helpful comedy. John Legere is such a hypocrite, who of course set the bar high by telling his customers they can watch as much as they want. Then later on, likely when he realized his network wasn't as "data strong" as he indicated to his customers, he set a data cap of 21gb, in which customers could still go over, but at the risk of being throttled, something T-Mobile seems to love to do, rather than offer the option of high-speed overages to their customers.


I wouldn't be surprised if the 21gb cap becomes 15gb or less. This ought to be interesting, along with whatever excuse for John Legere's words and actions regarding this that Fabian will say in John Legere's defense.

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My opinion is that Legere didn't "realize" jack shit. He knew well in advance what would happen to the network once the subs started signing up in droves, responding to his subterfuge "Uncarrier" hype machine. He knew when he first started this that he would have to be on damage control eventually...even so, he'll still spin it as if T-Mo is somehow the "victim"



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It could be jack holes doing unlimited tethering hacks too... Sprint has had to fight against that. There's people on YouTube describing this process, I won't link to them as to give them the attention. 


I have used the smorgasbord analogies before, these people would be the people coming in and robbing the smorgasbord. 

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It could be jack holes doing unlimited tethering hacks too... Sprint has had to fight against that. There's people on YouTube describing this process, I won't link to them as to give them the attention.


I have used the smorgasbord analogies before, these people would be the people coming in and robbing the smorgasbord.

People proud of it too doing over 100gb on the hack on LG3 and LG4. They have home ISP too and ruining it for everyone in the area.

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" In his defense "


Didn't realize he needed defending!


Btw he did say if you have unlimited then use all you want and there was no exception or clauses that he mentioned.


Point is subscribers of the carrier found a loophole and he knows it and now he's on a rampage.


I will defend Legere on this one -- and I am no fan of his, think he is generally an asshat.


But abusive "unlimited" data users annoy me even more.  They are too ignorant to know what they are doing is excessive, too poor to afford or unwilling to pay for legitimate fixed broadband, or sociopaths who do not care what effect they have on others.  Regardless, they are parasites, who deserve to be shamed publicly.


When Joe Blow goes to the press to complain that his "unlimited" data account was terminated, I would respond with his usage stats -- he used 2 TB of wireless data last month for torrent downloads of pirated movies and porn.  That would shut up most people.



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I don't *think* that anybody is arguing in favor of the alleged data hogs at all (though I would like eventually to hear from those that get contacted just to get their side of the story); using 2 TB a month over wireless is just ridiculous. Hell using that much with a wired connection seems loony. However, I do think that a number people here and elsewhere may have called this turn of events. I mean, IIRC didn't he essentially invite them over? At some point earlier in his 'Uncarrier' thing wasn't he basically telling to everyone to come on over and use data because their network could handle it? Boasting that they have so much capacity per subscriber and their network is built 'data strong'? It shouldn't be too much of a shock that some jerks would take his braggadocio to the nth degree.

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Blog post on stopping network abusers is up




along with a full set FAQs.




This is not copyright protected speech, per se.  It is effectively a press release that is intended to be widely disseminated.  So, we will reprint it in full here:



Some of you may have seen my Periscope this afternoon where I shared a preview of this blog -- and to those of you already supporting my position in social media, I appreciate it! However, I am following up now, because I want to make sure I am being really clear and transparent on this issue as we take action tomorrow morning.


This week, I am taking aim at a select group of individuals who have actually been stealing data from T-Mobile. If their activities are left unchecked their actions could eventually have a negative effect on the experience of honest T-Mobile customers. Not on my watch.


We’ve built the T-Mobile network to reach 290 million Americans with the fastest 4G LTE speeds around. We drive hard every day for our network to reach more people and to keep giving customers the fastest data speeds in the USA. I won’t let anyone jeopardize that. So we are going after a small group of users who are stealing data so blatantly and extremely that it is ridiculous.


Here’s what’s happening: when customers buy our unlimited 4G LTE plan for their smartphones we include a fixed amount of LTE to be used for tethering (using the “Smartphone Mobile HotSpot” feature), at no extra cost, for the occasions when broadband may not be convenient or available. If customers hit that high-speed tethering limit, those tethering speeds slow down. If a customer needs more LTE tethering, they can add-on more. Simple.


However, these violators are going out of their way with all kinds of workarounds to steal more LTE tethered data. They’re downloading apps that hide their tether usage, rooting their phones, writing code to mask their activity, etc. They are “hacking” the system to swipe high speed tethered data. These aren't naive amateurs; they are clever hackers who are willfully stealing for their own selfish gain. It’s a small group – 1/100 of a percent of our 59 million customers – but some of them are using as much as 2 terabytes (2,000GB!) of data in a month. I’m not sure what they are doing with it – stealing wireless access for their entire business, powering a small cloud service, providing broadband to a small city, mining for bitcoin -- but I really don’t care!


These abusers will probably try to distract everyone by waving their arms about throttling data. Make no mistake about it – this is not the same issue. Don’t be duped by their sideshow. We are going after every thief, and I am starting with the 3,000 users who know exactly what they are doing. The offenders start hearing from us tomorrow. No more abuse and no risk to the rest of our customers’ experience. It's over. If you are interested, you can find more info in our support forum.


I’m not in this business to play data cop, but we started this wireless revolution to change the industry for good and to fight for consumers. I won't let a few thieves ruin things for anyone else. We’re going to lead from the front on this, just like we always do. Count on it!


John Legere

President & CEO

T-Mobile USA 


And, again, as surprising as it may sound, I agree with Legere.  People who are abusing "unlimited" data should be smote with extreme prejudice.



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I don't *think* that anybody is arguing in favor of the alleged data hogs at all (though I would like eventually to hear from those that get contacted just to get their side of the story); using 2 TB a month over wireless is just ridiculous. Hell using that much with a wired connection seems loony. However, I do think that a number people here and elsewhere may have called this turn of events. I mean, IIRC didn't he essentially invite them over? At some point earlier in his 'Uncarrier' thing wasn't he basically telling to everyone to come on over and use data because their network could handle it? Boasting that they have so much capacity per subscriber and their network is built 'data strong'? It shouldn't be too much of a shock that some jerks would take his braggadocio to the nth degree.


I agree completely.


That's where I find the irony and I think this is another histrionic move. I don't disagree with any of the scope of his or what AJ agrees with of his point, in general. What I find ironic is that he invited the abusive behavior because he set out T-Mobile's network out to be vastly superior and practically invincible to heavy load (as magentans continually do). Now, he's going to be the hero against the abusers he basically invited? It's this constant cycle of narcissism and victim.


We have the fastest best network, beat that Verizon Oh FCC, we need low band, we're the poor little guys. No Sprint, RootMetrics was wrong, we're really number 4 and they can't keep up with our super fast-growing network! Our network is getting rundown by unlimited abusers, we know your pain! Now I'm gonna hunt them down! Etc., etc. 


The arrogance is spelled out in the FAQ:




How do AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint treat these sorts of users?


You should ask them…


What we do know is that the other carriers use data limits and charged their customers $1.5B in overages last year alone.




I can see right now how T-Mobile is going to be the superhero in the media. Coming out of the woodwork to get rid of all the abusers to make the network all perfect again!!!! Now that the problems are going to get fixed, the network will get all back to normal, so we have all the ammo we need to troll the Sprint cult with nonsense about other carrier's overages, even if they don't apply. Ookla data, cherry-picked and outdated maps and articles, etc. 



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I completely agree with Cortney here.


Thing is, as bad as these particular "data abusers" appear to be for T-Mobile, and yes while 2TB is a lot of data, John Legere clearly invited them onto the T-Mobile network. Whatever T-Mobile is planning to do with the 3,000 customers John Legere is accusing this of, I imagine at least some of those customers will fight back on this. It'll be interesting if they do, especially if John Legere isn't being completely honest in his targets and claims. I still suspect there is more to this matter.

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I cannot vouch for the veracity of this comment on an article I read, but someone with knowledge of the T-Mobile "unlimited" tethering loophole said that it was data usage disguised as whitelisted speed tests.  Maybe data usage can be masked as Music Freedom, too.


Man, that is precious.  Calling the network "Data Strong," then violating the spirit of Net Neutrality comes back to bite T-Mobile in the ass.



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2 TB is just what Legere is using to vilify the data abusers.  He is going after anyone who tethers and tries to hide it as smartphone usage, regardless of the amount of usage.  I don't have a problem with it, but he is using a little sleight of hand to get everyone on his side of the issue.  Because he knows if this is not done perfectly, this could blow up into a story of Tmo not honoring unlimited and beating up its customers.


In my opinion, if people are abusing unlimited smartphone usage by trying to disguise them tethering, they should get shutdown.  I like him moving abusers down to limited plans.  Very fitting.  I'd like Sprint to do the very same thing.

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