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Google Inbox invite thread


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I have some invites now that I'd like to share with the community. The only prerequisites I have are that you are a sponsor and that you'll share invites here when you receive them.


PM me of you'd like one!


EDIT: Andddd I'm all out. Make sure to share invites when you receive them!

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I have 3 invites, pm me your gmail if your interested.


inbox is interesting, but not anything i would consider groundbreaking. you can still use regular gmail along side it though.

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What is so special about Google Inbox?



Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk

It is a different way to present your Gmail account. It groups certain conversations together and presents them differently than in Gmail. I like it.



Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Crapatalk

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It is a different way to present your Gmail account. It groups certain conversations together and presents them differently than in Gmail. I like it.



Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Crapatalk

Gmail and Google Now had a baby.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk




Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk

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