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Connection Lag When Making Phone Calls

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For a while now I've noticed that when making phone calls from my S3 it takes anywhere between 10-20 seconds before I start to hear the line ringing.  It doesn't seem to matter if I have a really strong or a really weak signal, the delay is always there.  I've also noticed that if I'm roaming (haven't noticed which carriers or if it really matters) the call starts ringing almost instantly, within just a second or two.


Has anyone else noticed this on either an S3 or other phones?  I would suspect a phone issue since it's only on the Sprint network, but I haven't tested any other phones.


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For a while now I've noticed that when making phone calls from my S3 it takes anywhere between 10-20 seconds before I start to hear the line ringing.  It doesn't seem to matter if I have a really strong or a really weak signal, the delay is always there.  I've also noticed that if I'm roaming (haven't noticed which carriers or if it really matters) the call starts ringing almost instantly, within just a second or two.


Has anyone else noticed this on either an S3 or other phones?  I would suspect a phone issue since it's only on the Sprint network, but I haven't tested any other phones.


I'm roaming on Verizon here in South Dakota and every call takes me 20-30 seconds to go through.  None of my roaming is instant like you noted.



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For a while now I've noticed that when making phone calls from my S3 it takes anywhere between 10-20 seconds before I start to hear the line ringing.  It doesn't seem to matter if I have a really strong or a really weak signal, the delay is always there.  I've also noticed that if I'm roaming (haven't noticed which carriers or if it really matters) the call starts ringing almost instantly, within just a second or two.


Has anyone else noticed this on either an S3 or other phones?  I would suspect a phone issue since it's only on the Sprint network, but I haven't tested any other phones.

On my S4 I experience it, I just end the call, and keep trying until it actually goes through. It happens on an airave, as well as out in Town. 

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For a while now I've noticed that when making phone calls from my S3 it takes anywhere between 10-20 seconds before I start to hear the line ringing.  It doesn't seem to matter if I have a really strong or a really weak signal, the delay is always there.  I've also noticed that if I'm roaming (haven't noticed which carriers or if it really matters) the call starts ringing almost instantly, within just a second or two.


Has anyone else noticed this on either an S3 or other phones?  I would suspect a phone issue since it's only on the Sprint network, but I haven't tested any other phones.



I have noticed this happing in areas that Sprint has capacity issues. Not sure if that is the reason. Just what I tell myself so I feel better.

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This has happened to me quite a few times, I would just hang up and just call back and it will go right through the second time.  A lot of times when I do reach the person I was trying to call they would tell me that their phone rang but then it hung up even though I never heard anything at all on my end when I had called the first time. 

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Long delays on outgoing calls are likely the network being overloaded, or having an issue. My semi-educated guess is possibly your phone is in the process of being transitioned from one tower/sector to another when you attempt to make the phone call, so it is waiting for that to complete first, possibly getting stuck and waiting for a timeout before it checks again. When you cancel the call and try again, your phone checks again immediately to see if it is in a transition and lets it go through since it isn't.


It also could be something somewhere on the network not making a connection properly when navigating through the labyrinth of the digital world to the endpoint you want. Anything inter-carrier will have a more likely chance of this happening since it transitions to a separate system, obviously.


In addition, ringing on modern digital telephones is entirely fabricated, there is nothing real about it. There is absolutely nothing on the network or technology side that requires a phone to ring. It is merely added in to let you know something is happening, as a holdover from previous inferior technology that literally used the telephone wires to "ring" the phone by pulsing the power through the line.

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On my S4 I experience it, I just end the call, and keep trying until it actually goes through. It happens on an airave, as well as out in Town. 


It normally goes through, just usually takes 10-20 seconds before I hear the ringing start.  (And I understand it's digitally generated and not a real ringing  :) ).  Rarely, it won't go through even after waiting a while and the call will just end without ever connecting.  This is very consistent when I'm on Sprint, never less than 10 seconds.


Also, I miss a lot of incoming calls with my S3 and have for a while.  I thought it was just network upgrades going on, and very well could be.  But, there have been several cases when my wife tries calling my S3 a few times and it doesn't ring.  Then will call my kid's iPhone 5 and it will ring.  And a few times tonight while I was on the way to the store she called and my phone never rang.  I was in the car and on a major road with very good coverage.

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It normally goes through, just usually takes 10-20 seconds before I hear the ringing start.  (And I understand it's digitally generated and not a real ringing  :) ).  Rarely, it won't go through even after waiting a while and the call will just end without ever connecting.  This is very consistent when I'm on Sprint, never less than 10 seconds. Also, I miss a lot of incoming calls with my S3 and have for a while.  I thought it was just network upgrades going on, and very well could be.  But, there have been several cases when my wife tries calling my S3 a few times and it doesn't ring.  Then will call my kid's iPhone 5 and it will ring.  And a few times tonight while I was on the way to the store she called and my phone never rang.  I was in the car and on a major road with very good coverage.

yeah if sfter 10 seconds I hang up and try again. I dont have the patience of 20 seconds or more for a phone call haha
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I compared my daughter's iPhone to my S3.  The few comparisons we made her call was connected in 3 seconds or less and mine was consistently 10-15 seconds.  To me it doesn't sound like the tower was overloaded or we both would have seen the same delays.

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On my S4 I experience it, I just end the call, and keep trying until it actually goes through. It happens on an airave, as well as out in Town. 

Yes, I raised the issue about the airave in another forum but it seems that when coming into range of the airave the phone switches from tower to aiave constantly for about 10 minutes then finally stays connected to aiave.  It has only started recently so I think it may be due to NV?  I thought the 2.5 has an 800mhz beacon to resolve that issue.

Edited by matt7701
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I just had this happen today on my S3 - took a while before the call started to go through. Not the first time it's happened either


Today I was out in a parking lot in an area that's been getting a lot of upgrades, so hard to tell.


Still happening to very consistently.  The iPhone 5 of my daughter never has this issue, roaming or not and neither does my wife's old Samsung Seek.  Very strange.

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I only have slow call connection when my signal is 1-2 bars on my iPhone 5. Overall calls connect alot faster then they did on AT&T when I had them. Back when I had my S3 it was the same, never a slow connection unless it was weak signal. 

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Guest kamiller42

My calls can take a while. I'm using a Nexus 5.


Even though the ring is an artificial replica of older technology, it's a great user feedback system. It let's the user know the call has gone through. I like it, but don't like when it take up to 20 seconds to hear it.

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My sister just complained about this with her samsung victory lte. I thought it was a google voice routing delay.


Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2



Hmmm...I do have Google Voice as my voicemail.  My daughter and wife (who don't have the lag) don't have Google Voice.  I thought it was only for voicemail and the call still went through Sprint as any other call would, but maybe I'm wrong there.


Another note, it's the same on 1x800.  For a while I had 1x800 on the testing SID and then it went away.  I thought they just turned it off after testing, but apparently I somehow reset my PRL back to the stock Sprint PRL.  After restoring the digiblur PRL I can now connect to 1x800 again.  Still taking a long time to connect.


Also, I've noticed that incoming calls sometimes only ring once on my phone and I don't have time to pick them up.  Other times they don't ring at all.  I've tried calling my cell from the home phone and I'll hear the six or so rings but my cell doesn't ring or rings only once and then goes to voicemail.  

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It's Google Voice that's been causing my problems.  I just disabled the Google Voice integration with my Sprint number and now calls go through immediately.  Tried while on 1x800, and roaming to several different numbers.  All calls were initiated right away with no delays.


Also, incoming calls started ringing on my phone much faster and I had time to answer before the call went to voicemail.  Tried calling my cell several times and it's much better.


So, not sure what I'm going to do at this point.  I like receiving e-mails or texts when I get a voicemail, and being able to get voicemails from the app on my phone or via the web when I can't listen to them on the phone (mainly at home where I don't have a great signal).  However, having all my calls come through to my phone is much more important.


Any thoughts?


EDIT:  When I disabled GV on the voice website, my phone showed a message saying there was a system update it was setting up services.  Don't know what it did, but it caused something to happen on my phone.

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I had a feeling it was a Google voice issue because every time I leave the G voice or Gmail website open and I get a call, the website always "rings" first before it gets to my phone. So I always know to get my phone ready. About a 5 second delay give or take. Phone calls aren't as big a deal to me. So I don't mind having the delay. And when I am in the subway or no signal at least I know if I have a missed call with Google voice. Especially since some people don't leave voice mail.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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