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An important message from Robert...I'm moving


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I finally got a house in Rapid City. Waiting on the landlord this very second to bring me the keys. Glad to not be staying in camping trailer through this storm!


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk



Congrats Robert.  Make sure you stock up on milk, bread, and fried chicken before you lock in for the duration of the blizzard!

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Congrats Robert.  Make sure you stock up on milk, bread, and fried chicken before you lock in for the duration of the blizzard!


If there is any left in town lol. Work was a complete madhouse this afternoon, you would have thought the world was ending. Although i have to admit the thought of 24 inches of snow the first week of October is hard to stomach. Congrats on the house Robert and thanks for the info on the site location.


Edit: Thats some pretty good reach for 1 site if i can pull in 2 bars from 5 miles away when i am at work and without direct line-of-site.  - Jeff

Edited by CosmicJeff
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Glad to not be staying in camping trailer through this storm!

I thought trailers attracted tornadoes, not blizzards.





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They are expecting between 6" -18" around Rapid City and the Black Hills from tonight through Saturday morning. Don't they know it's the first week of October? Sheesh!


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk


Just a few inches of snow. You know, nothing major. 





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We received about 24"-36" of snow at my house with drifts up to 6' in places. I have no power. But I'm very happy to be in a house. The basement is holding 55°. So I'm holed up there.


It took me 5 hours to shovel a path from my front door to the road. Just a path. But I have a camp stove and I think I'm going to heat up some spaghettios. Then I will go do some more digging out!


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk



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It is good to know you are indoors and dry. While your constant messages are genuinely missed, your safety is MUCH more meaningful!

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We received about 24"-36" of snow at my house with drifts up to 6' in places. I have no power. But I'm very happy to be in a house. The basement is holding 55°. So I'm holed up there.


It took me 5 hours to shovel a path from my front door to the road. Just a path. But I have a camp stove and I think I'm going to heat up some spaghettios. Then I will go do some more digging out!


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk

Holy global warming Batman!!! i love snow but dang!


As to the lack of Sprint service, you can just dot the countryside with airaves. 

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We received about 24"-36" of snow at my house with drifts up to 6' in places. I have no power. But I'm very happy to be in a house. The basement is holding 55°. So I'm holed up there.It took me 5 hours to shovel a path from my front door to the road. Just a path. But I have a camp stove and I think I'm going to heat up some spaghettios. Then I will go do some more digging out! Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk

I bet New Mexico is sounding really good right about now. But, I suppose the picturesque environment and lack of most allergens make up for all that shoveling. Maybe you can enter a log tossing competition in the summer once you build up your "guns".

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We received about 24"-36" of snow at my house with drifts up to 6' in places. I have no power. But I'm very happy to be in a house. The basement is holding 55°. So I'm holed up there.It took me 5 hours to shovel a path from my front door to the road. Just a path. But I have a camp stove and I think I'm going to heat up some spaghettios. Then I will go do some more digging out! Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk

. Yikes, welcome home.
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About half the snow melted today. It's supposed to hit 60°F tomorrow. It will probably all melt but the north sides in the shadows. But I still have no power. I charge my devices in the car. I have to keep increasing my Verizon hotspot data allotment. Since it's my only internet access. Damn capped data!


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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Welcome to the north Robert! Back when I was in like 4th grade I think(I'm 33 now) we had a Halloween blizzard. Pretty much shut everything down and we couldn't go trick or treating. Most depressing things ever! We lost power and there was no tv and all I can remember is being more concerned about not being able to go out and get some candy, October can be a very weird month!

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. . . I have to keep increasing my Verizon hotspot data allotment. Since it's my only internet access. Damn capped data!

You should sign up with Sprint. They have unlimited data.


(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

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Welcome to the north Robert! Back when I was in like 4th grade I think(I'm 33 now) we had a Halloween blizzard. Pretty much shut everything down and we couldn't go trick or treating. Most depressing things ever! We lost power and there was no tv and all I can remember is being more concerned about not being able to go out and get some candy, October can be a very weird month!

I am from MN... blizzard of '91... Remember it well...
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You should sign up with Sprint. They have unlimited data.


I think in Rapid City it is un-Sprint limited data.





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We received about 24"-36" of snow at my house with drifts up to 6' in places. I have no power. But I'm very happy to be in a house. The basement is holding 55°. So I'm holed up there.


It took me 5 hours to shovel a path from my front door to the road. Just a path. But I have a camp stove and I think I'm going to heat up some spaghettios. Then I will go do some more digging out!


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk

I hope you get your power back soon! I guess a snowblower will be on the list of items that need to be purchased. I myself am a fan of shoveling, but if you have significant amounts of pavement to clear sometimes you just don't have 5 hours to do it all. buy a gas powered one, for obvious reasons. The most reliable by reputation seem to be Snapper or Toro.

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