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Softbank - New Sprint - Discussion


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There is a problem with that. The tech is changing. So you can ink agreements with those operators but if they or you change tech then those agreements are worthless. You can buy those operators but now you have to modernize them as you move along the tech evolution. Thats dicey at best. The best course in my opinion is to sit back and wait for VOLT. Then you can start signing international roaming agreements.


Why was Verizon able to offer free international texting, using the same technology?

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Why was Verizon able to offer free international texting, using the same technology?


Uh, do you think Vodafone might have had something to do with that?



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Although 54% of US Citizens have never travel outside the US and 35% don't even have passports...


Call me the fact checker today, but I question the 35 percent stat because it implies that 65 percent of US citizens do hold passports.  I find that hard to believe.  Is it inverted?  I would more credibly believe that 65 percent of US citizens do not hold passports, 35 percent do.



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So, I don't know if this has been posted before or not, but this Lightreading article has some serious allegations against Legere's past, including misappropriating company money, sexual harassment suits, etc.




Whoah.... :o ! I used to deal a lot with Global Crossing back in the day. Sprint might want to absorb Level 3 for its metro fiber loops, if they want to offer wireless broadband.

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Call me the fact checker today, but I question the 35 percent stat because it implies that 65 percent of US citizens do hold passports.  I find that hard to believe.  Is it inverted?  I would more credibly believe that 65 percent of US citizens do not hold passports, 35 percent do.



Don't shoot the messenger. I got that percentage from this article, which as they say, if it's in the internet then it must be true.  :D

Yet, this Forbes article somewhat collaborates the percentage by stating a third of US Citizens do have a passport and the rest not. So to me that makes it 35 do and 65 do not, unless I'm reading it wrong. 


Regardless of the percentage, I still do not see it happening anytime soon for International roaming agreements.  



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I never understood that "Americans" term to only refer to US Citizens when any country in North and South America can be considered Americans, but I digress, that's for another topic.

Although 54% of US Citizens have never travel outside the US and 35% don't even have passports, the reason most do their international travel there is because they are the closest to US. Beyond that I guess it depends on what list you look at to determine which country gets visited the most by US Citizens. But most are in Europe.


Either way, I would love for more roaming agreements but I don't see that happening.

I think most Americans travel to the Carribean and Central America as traveling to Europe is super expensive.


And the official demonym for the U.S. is American.

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I think most Americans travel to the Carribean and Central America as traveling to Europe is super expensive.


And the official demonym for the U.S. is American.

Can I get an irregular form demonym for a Sprint subscriber?  :lol:

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Uh, do you think Vodafone might have had something to do with that?




Sure, for some countries. In the same way the DT helped Tmobile.


But they dont have presence in all the countries theyre offering the free service.



And yes, only 1/3 of Americans have a passport, up from 14% before passports were required for travel to Canada and Mexico post 9/11.


Passports still not needed for closed loop Carribean cruise trips I believe.


Note that the big 4 are mroe interested in opper income customers that can afford to travel abroad. Im not saying the Boost brand needs free intl text, but Sprint sure should unless they want to lose business and travelling customers to competitors.

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I just picked up 200 shares of $S, I have a good feeling about the merger talks tomorrow and the progress of NV going into the rest of the year. Also writing options, if any of ya'll are interested  :tu: 

Anyone else holding any positions? I feel like Sprint could run up above $10 if the merger talks are positive and NV continues on schedule. Softbank/Son aren't playing any games here, they're in it to win it.

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I just picked up 200 shares of $S, I have a good feeling about the merger talks tomorrow and the progress of NV going into the rest of the year. Also writing options, if any of ya'll are interested  :tu: 


Anyone else holding any positions? I feel like Sprint could run up above $10 if the merger talks are positive and NV continues on schedule. Softbank/Son aren't playing any games here, they're in it to win it.

I have a moderate position in S although not where I wanted to be as my investment instructions were not followed post SB merger and Post CLWR acquisition.  They converted my shares to cash which sat there for months doing nothing before I realized that they were not converted to new shares as I had instructed.  A little whatever disconnect caused this issue, I would have had better returns pre to post had the conversion gone appropriately instead of a later repurchase at a higher price point

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Well after hearing Son admit to wanting to buy T-mobile, and hearing DT moving its T-Mobile stake into an account in the Netherlands, As well as T-mobile going un-"uncarrier" by increasing it's prices saying it needs it for return on investment. Maybe sprint can show how they are already increasing prices, and benefit Sprints siding?

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Well after hearing Son admit to wanting to buy T-mobile, and hearing DT moving its T-Mobile stake into an account in the Netherlands, As well as T-mobile going un-"uncarrier" by increasing it's prices saying it needs it for return on investment. Maybe sprint can show how they are already increasing prices, and benefit Sprints siding?

DT moved the US TMO assets a couple months ago, they want out.


But yeah you summarized it nicely .


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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No, really, T-Mobile raised prices because they want to stop losing money? Who would have thought ;)? And to hear all those pundits that thought that T-Mobile would start a price war. While I applaud them for decoupling the cost of the handset from the cost of service, it really hasn't done too much to lower prices overall. You get what you pay for, there is no free lunch! Those investments in the network have to be paid for. I wish Sprint and T-Mobile had merged a while back.

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No, really, T-Mobile raised prices because they want to stop losing money? Who would have thought ;)? And to hear all those pundits that thought that T-Mobile would start a price war. While I applaud them for decoupling the cost of the handset from the cost of service, it really hasn't done too much to lower prices overall. You get what you pay for, there is no free lunch! Those investments in the network have to be paid for. I wish Sprint and T-Mobile had merged a while back.

Thank you. Start posting this on comment sections and message boards everywhere. Give the magentans a wake up call. They have had their fingers stuck in their ears for too long



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I'm skeptical the deal with T-Mobile won't go through and one of the videos with Masayoshi Son where he says "it would be a long shot" to succeed if they don't have the scale, what will happen then? How could Sprint compete with not as big of a scale? 


P.S. I am hoping for the merger to go through.

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