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S4GRU Robert is on Vacation


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S4GRU Members:


I will be on vacation starting tomorrow morning, through Monday, April 15th. I will be on the road, in and out of coverage. I will be very slow to respond to posts, PM's and emails directed to me. I will likely work in triage mode, only tackling the most urgent or easiest to answer.


If you have any issues while I am gone, please contact a Moderator. Here is a link to our staff: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1250-s4gru-staff/ A PM is the best way to reach them. You can always use the report function regarding a post.


We plan on keeping the updates going even while I'm gone. I will be signing in late in the evenings, and some of our staff will be helping too. I will also be able to upgrade donators on the road. There may be a delay at times when I drive out of service. But rest assured it will be taken care of when I get back into coverage.


I appreciate your patience during this time. Please also let other members know if you see them comment that I haven't responded to them, etc.


Thank you to all of you. Without you, there would be no S4GRU and I would be a lonely wireless nerd in a virtual corner all my myself. And many thanks to our dedicated all-volunteer Staff, who tirelessly effort with no pay.


I really need this break. At least, that's what my wife has told me to say as she has a gun to my head. :bang:



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Make sure to enjoy your vacation though... much deserved!


I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. I encounter too often where project managers at my job "go on vacation" and are forced to continue replying to emails and being involved in projects while they're away to the point of sometimes having to return early. So make sure to have fun man! We'll be here when you return!

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Just remember, Robert, if you see Christie Brinkley in a Ferrari, then have a chance to go skinny dipping, yes, it is "crazy," but you should "go for it"...




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Just remember, Robert, if you see Christie Brinkley in a Ferrari, then have a chance to go skinny dipping, yes, it is "crazy," but you should "go for it"...





I had an episode with whiny kids last night that made me nearly do a Chevy Chase scene after he found at Wally World was closed. I nearly lost it. My wife looked at me and said, "Clark!"


Although, Beverly D'Angelo now looks a lot better than I remember the older I get. ;)


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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