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PRL 01138?


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Hi guys I've been trying to figure out if my EVO 3D is using the 800mhz, I live in the chicago area which I read should have 800mhz turned on


I did a PRL update and now its showing 01138? I tried googling but can't find anything on this, I'm not sure if it affect anything but I've been using MeanRom ICS on my EVO 3D


so can anyone tell me if 01138 is the correct PRL with 800mhz? and also how to check to see if my phone is actually using 800mhz?

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Oh wow... I haven't seen the 01xxx series from Sprint in a LONG time! Thought it was just a test build once. Could you pull this PRL with QPST? It's the only way to determine what it does.


here you go, it won't let me upload with those extension, so just remove the .txt


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West/SW Suburban Chicago, there's a Gulfport IL, but that's by the Iowa border and I've never been there to my knowledge, or were you asking about Gulfport in Mississippi?


anyhow why do you ask if i'm in gulfport? is that where the PRL should be used in or something?

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*Small threadjack* I just noticed that my Note II updated to PRL 55010. Is this a recent development for everyone or am I just late in noticing it? I seem to recall that the Note II, iPhone 5 and maybe another device were stuck on PRL 55009 for the longest time.

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West/SW Suburban Chicago, there's a Gulfport IL, but that's by the Iowa border and I've never been there to my knowledge, or were you asking about Gulfport in Mississippi?


anyhow why do you ask if i'm in gulfport? is that where the PRL should be used in or something?


No, it just has some weird NID SID combinations that I remember seeing a couple of years ago and this one guy in Gulfport, LA had the PRL.


A quick glance shows this PRL with 800SMR support but unlike the LTE devices, this one has the 800SMR set at a lower priority than PCS. So you will only use 800SMR when PCS can not be found.

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*Small threadjack* I just noticed that my Note II updated to PRL 55010. Is this a recent development for everyone or am I just late in noticing it? I seem to recall that the Note II, iPhone 5 and maybe another device were stuck on PRL 55009 for the longest time.


Hmm.. Maybe they finally added 800smr in.


Will have to get autoprime on it to work his prl pulling magic.


-- "Sensorly or it didn't happen!"



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The Future is here. PRL 1138.





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*Small threadjack* I just noticed that my Note II updated to PRL 55010. Is this a recent development for everyone or am I just late in noticing it? I seem to recall that the Note II, iPhone 5 and maybe another device were stuck on PRL 55009 for the longest time.


I'm still on PRL 55009, so my guess is recent development.

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*Small threadjack* I just noticed that my Note II updated to PRL 55010. Is this a recent development for everyone or am I just late in noticing it? I seem to recall that the Note II, iPhone 5 and maybe another device were stuck on PRL 55009 for the longest time.


Looks like a recent development, I just got PRL 55010 on my iPhone 5


I wonder what are the differences...

Edited by Kaixor
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Me too. I can't seem to pull it on the Note2. Keeps giving me an error.


-- "Sensorly or it didn't happen!"


Yeah, I've also tried getting it off of my Note II using QPST with zero success. It keeps telling me "roaming list receive failed". Is that the error that you're seeing as well?

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bitslizer, what type of Sprint plan do you have? Standard consumer plan? Business plan? Something else? Do you recall which PRL you had before 01138?


digiblur, do you see any reason to use PRL 01138 over anything else? I guess I'm wondering... should I bother trying to be able to pull this myself?


PRLs 55010 and 56010 below...



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It is a weird numbering scheme... it is a 800SMR non-LTE PRL. The one posted above was fine. I should have the diffs up by tomorrow.


The 56010/55010 updates pretty much mimic the 25010 updates except the 55/56 ones do NOT have 800SMR yet.


My post from XDA:


Meh.... still no 800SMR support for 56xxx and 55xxx. Guess someone at Sprint doesn't like iPhone 5, Note2, and PhotonQ LTE users. Or maybe there is an issue with the iPhone and 800SMR.


Not sure what took Sprint so long to come out with these as they really match the 25xxx updates...and includes the same glaring errors. Tsk tsk tsk..

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Yeah, I've also tried getting it off of my Note II using QPST with zero success. It keeps telling me "roaming list receive failed". Is that the error that you're seeing as well?


Yep, same error. DFS won't pull it either.

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Not sure what took Sprint so long to come out with these as they really match the 25xxx updates...and includes the same glaring errors. Tsk tsk tsk..



Errors? Like what?

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Errors? Like what?


1x records tied to missing evdo records. Records in the wrong geo.. Optimizations gone wrong.. Optimizations missing. It's what you get from automated tools.


-- "Sensorly or it didn't happen!"



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1x records tied to missing evdo records. Records in the wrong geo.. Optimizations gone wrong.. Optimizations missing. It's what you get from automated tools.


-- "Sensorly or it didn't happen!"


You need to send a 100% correct PRL to Sprint, maybe they'll gift you a few months of free service.

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So humor me this...I'm connected to a site which I know is not broadcasting 1x on 800mhz, but a quick look at ##debug# and 1x engineering shows band class as PCS (LG Optimus).


I'm assuming if I was connected to 1x on SMR, the band class would show 10.

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