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Verizon may follow T-Mobile with off contract phones


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"Verizon executive says selling phones off contract is a “great thing,” will watch T-Mobile along with AT&T before acting"



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It would force manufacturers to be competitive instead of relying on their precious subsidies and taking the cellular companies for all they have.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


Yup, cellular companies want higher margins. Subsidies get in the way of that.


A side effect would be cheaper phones for consumers, though the level of quality and rapid pace of development might change a bit... but in the grand scheme of things, worth it.

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I have been pleased with my Nexus 4 purchase. It would be great if we could buy any phone that way for any carrier.


Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk



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Look at the non contract prices of the 4, and you will find out that Sprint prices it at MSRP and the other 3 have a markup starting at $50 to $100 depending on which device. Radio Shack and Best Buy mark it up to $150 above msrp.

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When Did Tmobile's coverage start rivaling ATT/Verizon. That coverage looks larger than the maps they showed during the Metro merger conference.


That map probably includes roaming.


It does include roaming coverage. T-Mobile's native footprint is not nearly that broad. For whatever reason, the "GSM-S" (i.e. Sprint) map is limited to only native footprint, even excluding Sprint Rural Alliance partner coverage.



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Looks like Sprint is also monitoring Tmobile's new handset pricing model. Should be interesting to see how this plays out for Tmobile.


Last paragraph of the article.

"We're working on some interesting things" in this area, Van Norman hinted, without providing details.

Interestingly, Van Norman also said Sprint is closely watching T-Mobile USA's new approach to handset pricing. T-Mobile recently announced it would soon discontinue offering subsidies on devices, instead allowing customers to either buy their device upfront of pay for their device in monthly installments.

"I think we're watching what T-Mobile is doing closely," Van Norman said. "We're evaluating it to see if there are opportunities."




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