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Network Vision/LTE Market - West Iowa/Nebraska Market (Omaha/Council Bluffs/Lincoln)


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Does Anyone have any updates for Omaha? How much longer until 4g covers the whole metro area?


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What you see is what there is. I went out Pioneers and Old Cheney the other night and those results show up on Sensorly. I didn't perform a run to the east on Van Dorn, but I'd imagine that between 98th and 112th is about the extent. Still not bad. If you're on a hill crest you'll be good. If a valley, maybe. After 112th it dropped, and I think that the Stevens Creek watershed is pretty flat further east so you're not likely to get any further than what I've mapped.


Having stated all that, I haven't bothered to make a run out O Street or A Street, so maybe if I'm feeling inspired I give those two major arterials a shot. I'd imagine the coverage is about the same. 112th Street will be the furthest east it's likely to stretch.


I went out over the weekend and made some runs on the east side of Lincoln, they show up on Sensorly. 4G drops almost right at the intersection of 84th and Holdrege for some reason. It picks up right away after if you go several feet in any direction, but kind of strange. Some lucky guy or gal is getting 4G at 148th and Pine Lake. My guess is they're elevated (and elated) a bit.


Anyway...looking forward to more coverage. I'm not that lucky of a guy, but if I could get 4G at my house before year's end that would be great.

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Keep in mind that, unless you're running the LTE Discovery app, running Sensorly can actually make it harder to find LTE. This is because Sensorly maintains an almost constant data connection, meaning the phone has less opportunities to scan for LTE.

I had tried to use the LTE Discovery app and unfortunately, it's just not reliable enough, very sad. It would stop running on its own etc... So I started poking around the Sensorly app when I was in some 1x coverage and noticed on the "Details" page of can see the data packages that need to be delivered and if the connection is "Idle" or "Sending". In the 1x coverage, I could see it toggling back and forth and hoped it would continue on its own (figured maybe they updated it or something) but it definitely did not. :mellow:


Once I got to solid 3G I noticed that it was always sending, which, also was very visibly keeping the data connection 3G data up/down arrows solid on the phone (as you talked about). So I went into the "Parameters" menu and change the setting to only "Report to Server" when on wifi and BOOM! Data connection on the phone, while mapping was no longer balls to the wall open and sending, but it was relatively normal (based on 3G icon showing when it's connected/not connected).


When I got home, there were about 600 messages to send and it sent them on its own, without opening the app as I expected. So I don't know if this is new or old news but I did want to put this in here for others to see. Another bonus here is its LOADS less intrusive than the LTE Discovery app forcing airplane mode. I'd still be using it if it were reliable but it's not and I found what seems to be the settings combo in Sensorly to reliably scan/poll for LTE , not stay constantly connected to data AND deliver the data to them quick and easy.


*I may email the Sensorly folks to make sure I'm not missing something or screwing up the numbers but sending later but I think I should be good.



ETA: Oh, and after all that, I still didn't find any new LTE tonight. Lol


Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta


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Tested today at approximately 2:00 PM CST right around the intersection of NW 12th & W Bond St (just east of the airport):


Posted Image


EDIT: I suck at directions.

I wish I could some of that where I live, sadly I could see my part of town in omaha getting things last.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

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I wish I could some of that where I live, sadly I could see my part of town in omaha getting things last.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

What part is that? ^_^


Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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I had tried to use the LTE Discovery app and unfortunately, it's just not reliable enough, very sad. It would stop running on its own etc... So I started poking around the Sensorly app when I was in some 1x coverage and noticed on the "Details" page of can see the data packages that need to be delivered and if the connection is "Idle" or "Sending". In the 1x coverage, I could see it toggling back and forth and hoped it would continue on its own (figured maybe they updated it or something) but it definitely did not. :mellow:Once I got to solid 3G I noticed that it was always sending, which, also was very visibly keeping the data connection 3G data up/down arrows solid on the phone (as you talked about). So I went into the "Parameters" menu and change the setting to only "Report to Server" when on wifi and BOOM! Data connection on the phone, while mapping was no longer balls to the wall open and sending, but it was relatively normal (based on 3G icon showing when it's connected/not connected). When I got home, there were about 600 messages to send and it sent them on its own, without opening the app as I expected. So I don't know if this is new or old news but I did want to put this in here for others to see. Another bonus here is its LOADS less intrusive than the LTE Discovery app forcing airplane mode. I'd still be using it if it were reliable but it's not and I found what seems to be the settings combo in Sensorly to reliably scan/poll for LTE , not stay constantly connected to data AND deliver the data to them quick and easy. *I may email the Sensorly folks to make sure I'm not missing something or screwing up the numbers but sending later but I think I should be good. ETA: Oh, and after all that, I still didn't find any new LTE tonight. LolSent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Far north omaha, between 30th and mckinnely and 30th and ames. What 90% of omahans think is the "Hood" and or "Ghetto" lol.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

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Far north omaha, between 30th and mckinnely and 30th and ames. What 90% of omahans think is the "Hood" and or "Ghetto" lol.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

I don't know.  If Sprint follows the "shotgun" pattern they've followed in some other spots (and the first 5 towers they've picked in Omaha and the first 4 they've picked in Lincoln indicate their probably doing it here), you'd think North Omaha gets at least 1 tower fairly early on to provide initial coverage. 

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I don't know. If Sprint follows the "shotgun" pattern they've followed in some other spots (and the first 5 towers they've picked in Omaha and the first 4 they've picked in Lincoln indicate their probably doing it here), you'd think North Omaha gets at least 1 tower fairly early on to provide initial coverage.

The problem is who is looking at the map, some consider east of 72nd st north omaha.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

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I don't know.  If Sprint follows the "shotgun" pattern they've followed in some other spots (and the first 5 towers they've picked in Omaha and the first 4 they've picked in Lincoln indicate their probably doing it here), you'd think North Omaha gets at least 1 tower fairly early on to provide initial coverage. 


The "shotgun pattern" is THE pattern. That's how the upgrade is going in every market. Who knows if North Omaha gets a tower soon, but the odds are fairly likely that it will. But, just the same, the tower upgrades are random, and even with random spots, someone has to be last. 

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so going by the "NV sites complete" map here:




are the most complete (best) upgraded towers the green (3G/800/4G) pins???


It means all three technologies have been accepted. However, (with the exception of GMOs) as soon as a tower has been accepted for any of the three technologies, it means that all the equipment needed has been installed, so they are technically all complete, just waiting on some other factor to be signed off. In many cases, the 3G or 800 side can be operating without the finally acceptance report (many cases of 800 online in Chicago, Las Vegas, etc) without the acceptance coming through. 


But yes, green pins do indicated fully upgraded towers. At least until we start seeing 800 LTE come online. Then we'll need new colors. 

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The problem is who is looking at the map, some consider east of 72nd st north omaha.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

Ah, yes, the "hood". I have had people tell me I live in the hood AND that it's North Omaha. I live across the street from St. Cecilia Cathedral and my children go to Dundee, "we so hood". Lol


*I went to North (class of 95), I know your "hood" very well and Zesto is the one and mfn only ice cream spot for me and my family.




Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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Ah, yes, the "hood". I have had people tell me I live in the hood AND that it's North Omaha. I live across the street from St. Cecilia Cathedral and my children go to Dundee, "we so hood". Lol


*I went to North (class of 95), I know your "hood" very well and Zesto is the one and mfn only ice cream spot for me and my family.




Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta

I just graduated from north in 2009. And yes, zestos is the place to go.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

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It means all three technologies have been accepted. However, (with the exception of GMOs) as soon as a tower has been accepted for any of the three technologies, it means that all the equipment needed has been installed, so they are technically all complete, just waiting on some other factor to be signed off. In many cases, the 3G or 800 side can be operating without the finally acceptance report (many cases of 800 online in Chicago, Las Vegas, etc) without the acceptance coming through. 


But yes, green pins do indicated fully upgraded towers. At least until we start seeing 800 LTE come online. Then we'll need new colors. 


are current phones compatible with LTE 800 (S3/S4/Note2/etc) ?

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are current phones compatible with LTE 800 (S3/S4/Note2/etc) ?

There are currently no devices on the market compatible with 800 LTE. We expect them to begin releasing compatible devices no later than September, starting first with hotspot devices.


Sent from my HTC ONE



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I found a 4G tower at 72nd and Dodge today (well, 4G covered area, not tower). I was heading south on 72nd and turned east towards UNO. After I passed the bell tower, on Dodge around UNO, my signal went back to 3G. I looks like someone went west from 72nd and Dodge and had 4G.

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Happen to run a speed test?


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


Unfortunately I didn't. Sounds like there was better coverage around 78th and Dodge as I see stronger signals there from what I picked up. Hopefully they can get 72nd and Pacific going on 4G as their 3G doesn't work for my device there. It shows signal but no data works (or VERY VERY slow to the point where everything times out).

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