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LG Optimus G


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Good phone? Should this be my next phone? I know it is up to me, but does anyone have any positive or negative input on what to expect about this phone?




Spec wise, this phone is a beast. The biggest problem with LG is the fact that they have a proven track record of releasing devices and not really supporting them after the fact. I just don't get them at all, they release amazing hardware then let it go to waste by not supporting it. My opinion is if size is not an issue then definitely the note 2 over this, if the note 2 is a little too big then I would wait for whatever else comes out next which would probably be various nexus devices. And speaking of nexus devices, LG is releasing a nexus device, if anything I would get that over this. At least you know for a fact that nexus devices will get supported long after release.

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Spec wise, this phone is a beast. The biggest problem with LG is the fact that they have a proven track record of releasing devices and not really supporting them after the fact. I just don't get them at all, they release amazing hardware then let it go to waste by not supporting it. My opinion is if size is not an issue then definitely the note 2 over this, if the note 2 is a little too big then I would wait for whatever else comes out next which would probably be various nexus devices. And speaking of nexus devices, LG is releasing a nexus device, if anything I would get that over this. At least you know for a fact that nexus devices will get supported long after release.



Whata you think of this beast?




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Spec wise, this phone is a beast. The biggest problem with LG is the fact that they have a proven track record of releasing devices and not really supporting them after the fact. I just don't get them at all, they release amazing hardware then let it go to waste by not supporting it. My opinion is if size is not an issue then definitely the note 2 over this, if the note 2 is a little too big then I would wait for whatever else comes out next which would probably be various nexus devices. And speaking of nexus devices, LG is releasing a nexus device, if anything I would get that over this. At least you know for a fact that nexus devices will get supported long after release.


Apparently, this whole LG Nexus thing is pushing LG to start being more supportive of their phones. They are testing and releasing source code for the Viper and ICS. See my post here. Hopefully they will start stay up with the other big phone manufacturers in terms of support and upgrades finally.

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I wonder how it stacks up to the HTC Butterfly http://www.engadget....y-htl21-440ppi/


You may want to wait a bit longer for possible Nexus devices.


That's a massive phone!

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I wonder how it stacks up to the HTC Butterfly http://www.engadget....y-htl21-440ppi/


You may want to wait a bit longer for possible Nexus devices.


Uhh, same phone. LOL. In either case though, this phone looks so sweet and even though a 1080p screen on a phone is total overkill I definitely welcome it with open arms. Now even though I tend to be a little biased towards htc, they are focusing to much on hardware and not software which will be their downfall.


Apparently, this whole LG Nexus thing is pushing LG to start being more supportive of their phones. They are testing and releasing source code for the Viper and ICS. See my post here. Hopefully they will start stay up with the other big phone manufacturers in terms of support and upgrades finally.


I read your post earlier and its good to see that they are releasing ics for the viper but honestly I don't see why the phone was released without ics in the first place, there was no excuse. Like I said though, LG has a very bad track record so there is no way I would ever recommend anyone ever buy a LG smartphone, the LG Nexus would be the exception of course.

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I read your post earlier and its good to see that they are releasing ics for the viper but honestly I don't see why the phone was released without ics in the first place, there was no excuse. Like I said though, LG has a very bad track record so there is no way I would ever recommend anyone ever buy a LG smartphone, the LG Nexus would be the exception of course.


Originally they said at CES that they would release ICS not long after the phone was released. So yes they are behind, but at least they aren't leaving it in the dust like Motorola just did with the Photon 4G.

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I have been able to confirm with a source a 25th release date for the Note 2, and a 11/11 release date for the Optimus G. I don't know anything about preorder dates, yet. If there will even be any preorders for these devices.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

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Sprint's announcement on October 15, 2012 and posted in the community.sprint.com forums indicated pre-orders for the device will start on Thursday, November 1.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be buying the Optimus G. The Nexus doesn't have a CDMA/LTE variant so that leaves sprint users in the dust. I use too much data for pre paid plans like straight talk, and T-Mobile has horrible coverage where I live. I'm buying it off contract though, in case LG does decide to keep up their record of updating phones. Also I want to stay out of a contract so I can get a phone next year that can take full advantage of network vision (800/2500 MHz LTE).


I'm only hoping that development is decent for it, as I love the phone itself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've had mine since Friday. Absolutely love it. It's super fast, great looking, very solid build quality, and I actually really like LG's UI. I have replaced the stock launcher with Apex cause that's just what I do on all my devices lol. I had to run out and get a case from Sprint on Sunday though, this thing is very slippery and I feel like I would have dropped it sooner or later. I got the Otterbox Commuter, which for now at least is pretty much your only option for a decent case, and as usual with Otterbox's it's got great fitment and protection. Doesn't make it too much bigger (the phone is very thin to begin with) and it's a little easier to hold now.


But to anyone that's been on the fence about buying it, go for it. It's a really awesome phone. Some devs over on XDA already have CWM recovery booting up. No unlocked bootloader yet but I know it's coming, they are making great progress.

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New lg phone with 1080p screen running jelly bean.


Uh oh, LG is already giving Optimus G users an F-U. Optimus P is soon to arrive.





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I am actually impressed with this LG.. so much so that I just bought it for my girlfriend! The camera is not that much better than my evo, but it still better than most phones (and imho, better than the GS3). The phone is lightning quick, and three battery is quite good, although a 13hr talk time seems longer than any real usage situation, it does last all day. And although I have never been a fan of LG's designs, the phone seems quality built and I would actually recommend this phone to anyone that has a contact upgrade available. The quad-core is worth it alone! If anyone can wait till they bake in support for 800/2500MHZ, I'm sure those phones will be better from a network perspective, but if you have good service now, get the LG.

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How does it compare in low signal areas?


Sent from my EVO sometimes-LTE


I just got this phone on Monday. The service in low signal areas works remarkably well, I way out in the country and my HTC Evo 3D had some issues out there, this LG is a champ and have yet to have one issue with it.


I totally Recommend this phone to anyone. it may still have ICS on it but i hope and pray that LG holds their word to have JB on it by end of year

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I just got this phone on Monday. The service in low signal areas works remarkably well, I way out in the country and my HTC Evo 3D had some issues out there, this LG is a champ and have yet to have one issue with it.


I totally Recommend this phone to anyone. it may still have ICS on it but i hope and pray that LG holds their word to have JB on it by end of year


The screen quality was amazing as well as the signal numbers in the FCC docs. But I didn't want to be LGs guinea pig for their first real phone here. The locked bootloader was also a big turn off for me.


Maybe next round for me if this phone "rights" the LG ship in the US. Sounds like it will though.


Sent from my SPH-L900



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The screen quality was amazing as well as the signal numbers in the FCC docs. But I didn't want to be LGs guinea pig for their first real phone here. The locked bootloader was also a big turn off for me.


Maybe next round for me if this phone "rights" the LG ship in the US. Sounds like it will though.


Sent from my SPH-L900

The bootloader has been unlocked on both Sprint and ATT versions, other variants will come soon. As of this morning my Optimus G is rooted, unlocked, running CWM, and it couldn't have been easier. Took me a few key strokes and 10 minutes of my time.


Debloated stock roms and AOSP roms are in the works. With this device sharing internals with the Nexus 4, I see great potential for the G since roms will be easily ported. There are already screen shots of it running CM10.

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My impressions:

  • LG gets it, finally, with build quality. Let's up Samsung follows suit.
  • Weight, size, and thickness are about perfect.
  • That screen is really good. Only screen I've seen that's better is the Droid DNA.
  • With a quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro, it really flies. Adreno 320 is finally a GPU fitting of Snapdragon.
  • The LG Touchwiz Clone finally doesn't suck. It's not as good as stock Jelly Bean but it is optimized for the device.
  • I've only played with it in the store but the in-store display is really neat, with a big yellow lighted up table for the display. Really cool touch.
  • I live five hours from the nearest LTE market, Kansas City. So no dice in testing on 4G LTE.
  • The embedded SIM may bother me in the case I want to travel internationally, but I can get a Nexus 4 on the Play Store. Still, in theory, I should be able to bolt from Sprint and put it on StraightTalk or T-Mobile.

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