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Samsung Galaxy S III


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I assumed he meant powered off as in screen isn't on and phone is sleeping. I don't know many people who actually power off the phone to zero.

Sounds to me like he is having battery issues even when the phone is powered off, if that's the case then he may have a bad battery. Go to a sprint store and have them test your battery.

Powered to zero. I was trying it to see what would happen, and last night I charged it all the way up shut it off and pulled the battery and this morning when I put it all back together and started it up the battery was still at 100%, go figure.


I did take it to the sprint store but was told the reason it uses that much battery when the phone is off is because it isn't really off. You can't use it but big brother can! :scratch:

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Powered to zero. I was trying it to see what would happen, and last night I charged it all the way up shut it off and pulled the battery and this morning when I put it all back together and started it up the battery was still at 100%, go figure.


I did take it to the sprint store but was told the reason it uses that much battery when the phone is off is because it isn't really off. You can't use it but big brother can! :scratch:


Weird, just keep us posted.

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I heard that even though phones are turned off they can still use battery cause they can hear everything you do or use your camera if the gov thinks ur suspicious or whatever not sure if true bit wouldn't doubt the government trying to listen to or snap a pic fast while phones off and without u knowing.

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I heard that even though phones are turned off they can still use battery cause they can hear everything you do or use your camera if the gov thinks ur suspicious or whatever not sure if true bit wouldn't doubt the government trying to listen to or snap a pic fast while phones off and without u knowing.




Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1

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I heard that even though phones are turned off they can still use battery cause they can hear everything you do or use your camera if the gov thinks ur suspicious or whatever not sure if true bit wouldn't doubt the government trying to listen to or snap a pic fast while phones off and without u knowing.


Wire up a button to instantly cut the battery if you are worried.


Criminals do a better job of butt dialing 911 and bragging about their crime to their partner in crime.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge



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Hey guys my GS3 only gets about 8 hours until I have to plug it in again. The other day I charged it all the way up, shut it off and unplugged it for the night, about 6 hours, when I started it up the next morning it only had 40% left on it after it had been off all night. I have only had the phone for about 3 weeks, what is wrong with it?


Go to Settings -> Apps, and view the list of All apps. Now, go through and select each bloatware app you find. In the App Info screen, press "Disable". Do this for every app you can't install and won't use (pretty much anything with "Samsung" in it, probably, especially Samsung Push). I'm using CM10 now, so I don't remember what I disabled on the stock ROM, but I disabled every bloatware app I could (there are two, I think, that you can't disable) and got way better battery life - like 6 extra hours, I think. Plus, my RAM usage went from 1GB+ to around 600/700MB.

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I heard that even though phones are turned off they can still use battery cause they can hear everything you do or use your camera if the gov thinks ur suspicious or whatever not sure if true bit wouldn't doubt the government trying to listen to or snap a pic fast while phones off and without u knowing.


Two words "foil hat" although, I am probably classified as a "government agent" so you will probably ignore my sarcasm.


I overheard in a meeting that they are hoping that tungsten foil doesn't catch on, because that will totally stop their brain scanners from penetrating your brain.



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Two words "foil hat" although, I am probably classified as a "government agent" so you will probably ignore my sarcasm.


I overheard in a meeting that they are hoping that tungsten foil doesn't catch on, because that will totally stop their brain scanners from penetrating your brain.




Should I be asking about thorngate?

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Some one (your tax dollars at work I think) did a study and the foil hats increase signals into your head....



But i already get direct tv broadcasts to my head without a choice in the matter. Where are the unobtanium hats?

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But i already get direct tv broadcasts to my head without a choice in the matter. Where are the unobtanium hats?


You get wayyyy more than DirecTV broadcasts. Many satellites up there broadcasting signals. But they are so weak after traveling 22,000 miles and punching through the atmosphere. You should be more worried about the cell phone in your hand.

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You get wayyyy more than DirecTV broadcasts. Many satellites up there broadcasting signals. But they are so weak after traveling 22,000 miles and punching through the atmosphere. You should be more worried about the cell phone in your hand.


Sadly, I was being legitimately serious. I hear radio station (I rarely listen to the radio) broadcasts and tv shows for shows that I have either never watched or channels I would not watch if I had the time. I have confirmed it on several occasions by going and turning on a radio or tv and then scanning through channels to discover that the offending broadcast is at the exact same point (synchronized) in the broadcast as what I am hearing. And no, at the time there is not a TV or radio on in the house or elsewhere. Thankfully it is only an occasional occurrence like 2 or 3 times a week but maybe my brain is filtering it out for the most part since I am usually so busy with work and generally multitasking.

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Sadly, I was being legitimately serious. I hear radio station (I rarely listen to the radio) broadcasts and tv shows for shows that I have either never watched or channels I would not watch if I had the time. I have confirmed it on several occasions by going and turning on a radio or tv and then scanning through channels to discover that the offending broadcast is at the exact same point (synchronized) in the broadcast as what I am hearing. And no, at the time there is not a TV or radio on in the house or elsewhere. Thankfully it is only an occasional occurrence like 2 or 3 times a week but maybe my brain is filtering it out for the most part since I am usually so busy with work and generally multitasking.


Um... you and cousin Eddie have something in common...



Seriously though, that sucks.

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Lol. Old cousin Eddie... I don't have a metal plate but I do have some sort of strange nodule on my brain stem. For all I know it came from my spook days in the service. I fail to see the governmental relevance of picking up reruns of the golden girls though or radio Disney for crying out loud.

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Um... you and cousin Eddie have something in common...


"But I can't swim, Clark."



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How's the temperature up there in Minnesota, Scott. A bit "nipply" out?



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Can someone tell me how good the GS3 screen is while outside in the sun? Just curious because ive heard amoled screens aren't very bright

The GS3 is pretty poor in the sun, even worse than previous generation Samsung AMOLED screens because the max brightness isn't quite as high (AMOLED displays in general are not as bright as LCDs). In my experience, it's barely usable in direct sunlight.

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The GS3 is pretty poor in the sun' date=' even worse than previous generation Samsung AMOLED screens because the max brightness isn't quite as high (AMOLED displays in general are not as bright as LCDs). In my experience, it's barely usable in direct sunlight.[/quote']


GS3 has a great screen...except in direct sunlight as pointed out here. All my other LTE devices are better in sunlight than the GS3, except for the GNex...which is even worse.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

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Not sure what has what but I did notice a big difference in screen readability from the epic 4g to the Evo lte. I haven't compared the evo lte to the S3 in the sunlight.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge



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LCDs do better in the sun. But, the GS3 is way better than any of the older amoled screens. It may not be as bright as an LCD, but you can see your screen. Never the case with the GS1 or GS2.

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