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Network Vision/LTE - Chicago Market


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Robert, with all due respect, what are you basing this on? Do you have a document or something that says the Note 2 doesn’t show LTE strength? I really feel like my device is showing LTE bars based on my own logical findings. Essentially I will have full 4G bars when I am near known LTE towers. As I move away from those towers the bars will go down until there is only 1 bar or no bars left but I still maintain the 4G icon. Shortly thereafter it will switch over to 3G usually with full or 1 less than full bars.


Whenever I have full 4G bars (which I can corroborate with my known towers in my area) I can then check the CDMA Field Test app and see the RSRP and it will typically be between -78 and -90 or so. When I have half 4G bars it is usually around -100 to -110 and if I only have 1 or 0 4G bars it will be less than -110.


If I was seeing 1x or 3G strength with my bars it wouldn’t make sense that I always jump from virtually no 4G to full 3G. It would instead go from 0 or 1 bar of 4G to 1 or 2 bars of 3G or I would at times go from full 4G to full 3G as you are claiming I didn’t really have full 4G. None of this ever happens. I do sometimes go from full 3G to full 4G but I think that is b/c my phone will only switch over to 4G when there is a strong signal nearby.


Finally, the bulk of the time I have a strong 4G signal (full bars) I will get very strong download speeds and when I have a very weak 4G signal (only 1 bar) it will be much slower. My earlier comment that started the debate is just the occasional finding but what I normally observe with 4G speeds and number of bars only seems to further cement in my mind that I am seeing the correct number of bars for 4G.


You definitely are far more knowledgeable about all of this than I am but based on my experience I’m pretty confident that my phone is displaying 4G strength in the bars. I guess I’m just wondering why you believe that the Note 2 doesn’t show 4G bars. Is it b/c you haven’t heard yet of any Samsung device being confirmed as doing this or do you have some notice or information directly from a source that proves this?


Its common knowledge that the only Android phones that show actual lte strength is lg phones. The iPhone 5 does too


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.1 using Tapatalk 2



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Supposed to be 60 degrees and heavy rain


No rain.. 78 here.


Well I tried my test with a custom PRL where I would be on Verizon but their coverage is just crazy good in that area. I couldn't find a spot where they had poor coverage and Sprint had good LTE coverage. I had no problem finding a spot with good vzw coverage but crappy Sprint coverage. Ha!


But here you go.. Note2 at the base of a "no work" site with a fringe LTE signal. If you looked at bars alone it would look like you had full LTE signal. The Note2 shows the 1x signal on the signal indicator.






Sent from my little Note2



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I was downtown yesterday... boy do I feel sorry for anyone that goes down there! My EVDO performance was non-existent. 1x on my Verizon phone was actually faster. I can usually maintain an LTE signal pretty good out west, but LTE was hit or miss in the city and almost non-existent in the Loop. It took me about 14 to 15 blocks to reacquire navigation after accidentally canceling it. It took until about Oak Brook\Downers Grove to actually have a usable connection again.

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No rain.. 78 here.


Well I tried my test with a custom PRL where I would be on Verizon but their coverage is just crazy good in that area. I couldn't find a spot where they had poor coverage and Sprint had good LTE coverage. I had no problem finding a spot with good vzw coverage but crappy Sprint coverage. Ha!


But here you go.. Note2 at the base of a "no work" site with a fringe LTE signal. If you looked at bars alone it would look like you had full LTE signal. The Note2 shows the 1x signal on the signal indicator.


Sent from my little Note2


Thanks for confirming that.


So I guess the only other thing to make of what I see then is that whether or not a tower that sometimes does output LTE and strong LTE is very temperamental from day to day. I often determine how my speeds/performance should be based on my location and where I know there are towers that put out LTE. Sometimes they do but other times they don't. Often if I'm in an area that I know has a tower nearby and where I've gotten strong results in the past I'll look at my phone and see LTE and full bars which is why I assumed it was accurate. If I'm getting poor performance it means that either I'm connected to a tower much further away and the tower nearby isn't sending out LTE at that time or that the tower is sending out LTE but for whatever reason i have a very weak signal from it.


These towers that I'm referring to have been broadcasting LTE for months so I don't think it is an issue of it just being turned on and them still doing regular work on it.

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What??? I have a SOLID 4g connection downtown and in the Austin area.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.1 using Tapatalk 2


*shrugs* Just reporting my observations.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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I was downtown yesterday... boy do I feel sorry for anyone that goes down there! My EVDO performance was non-existent. 1x on my Verizon phone was actually faster. I can usually maintain an LTE signal pretty good out west, but LTE was hit or miss in the city and almost non-existent in the Loop. It took me about 14 to 15 blocks to reacquire navigation after accidentally canceling it. It took until about Oak Brook\Downers Grove to actually have a usable connection again.


I work in the Loop and live in Lincoln Park. LTE is quite scarce in the loop and has been since NV started and came through town. I only get LTE sporadically in the loop, I definitely do not get LTE near my work right by the Board of Trade, riding the EL around the loop, nor do I get it on the Mag Mile. The LTE I get at home in Lincoln Park and in and around my neighborhood is 1000x better. I get it indoors at the gym, on the brown and red lines, in my house, etc. Im probably getting LTE 80% of the time in Lincoln Park and about 10% of the time in the Loop. Its been quite disappointing from a Loop perspective thus far.

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Look what phone u are using lol. No disrespect intended.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.1 using Tapatalk 2



By making a comment like that, that's exactly what you intended to do.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

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I work in the Loop and live in Lincoln Park. LTE is quite scarce in the loop and has been since NV started and came through town. I only get LTE sporadically in the loop, I definitely do not get LTE near my work right by the Board of Trade, riding the EL around the loop, nor do I get it on the Mag Mile. The LTE I get at home in Lincoln Park and in and around my neighborhood is 1000x better. I get it indoors at the gym, on the brown and red lines, in my house, etc. Im probably getting LTE 80% of the time in Lincoln Park and about 10% of the time in the Loop. Its been quite disappointing from a Loop perspective thus far.


So as an update to my previous post on scare LTE coverage in the Chicago Loop. I have some evidence that shows just how bleak the situation currently is. If I compare the "Network Vision Sites Complete or in Progress" map here on this site (http://s4gru.com/ind...sites-complete/) with the "Network Vision Site Map" for our region (http://s4gru.com/ind...ntral-illinois/), zoomed into the loop, we can see the difference.


I am calling the loop anything east of 90/94 from Congress/290 Spur to Ohio Street. Here I see 24 towers listed for NV upgrades. According to Jan 29th Sites Complete Map its shows 5 of these sites complete, for a completion rate of 21%. Furthermore the Map shows only 2 sites complete in the Loop proper, essentially from Congress north to the River/Wacker Drive and over east to the Lakefront.


Seriosuly, Two NV or LTE sites in the Chicago Loop, five in the whole Loop / Streeterville area. Thats seriously weak considering how far along we are in the Chicago build out and NV process. For being the most mature LTE build out the Loop is basically at bare bones coverage levels with only 5 out of 24 towers completed. There is a lot of hype surrounding the Chicago market, a lot of cheers, and positive press regarding the LTE buildout, there is not a lot of recognition by folks here, no real realization from the community, nor Sprint that they are considerable weak with NV completion or LTE build out in the loop. Happy to hear they have 24 towers to properly cover, but 6 months into NV build out, lots of hey look at Chicago and how good we are at NV, and the Loop has only 5 NV towers completed on Feb 4th 2013. BOOOOOOOOO!!!!




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So as an update to my previous post on scare LTE coverage in the Chicago Loop. I have some evidence that shows just how bleak the situation currently is. If I compare the "Network Vision Sites Complete or in Progress" map here on this site (http://s4gru.com/ind...sites-complete/) with the "Network Vision Site Map" for our region (http://s4gru.com/ind...ntral-illinois/), zoomed into the loop, we can see the difference.


I am calling the loop anything east of 90/94 from Congress/290 Spur to Ohio Street. Here I see 24 towers listed for NV upgrades. According to Jan 29th Sites Complete Map its shows 5 of these sites complete, for a completion rate of 21%. Furthermore the Map shows only 2 sites complete in the Loop proper, essentially from Congress north to the River/Wacker Drive and over east to the Lakefront.


Seriosuly, Two NV or LTE sites in the Chicago Loop, five in the whole Loop / Streeterville area. Thats seriously weak considering how far along we are in the Chicago build out and NV process. For being the most mature LTE build out the Loop is basically at bare bones coverage levels with only 5 out of 24 towers completed. There is a lot of hype surrounding the Chicago market, a lot of cheers, and positive press regarding the LTE buildout, there is not a lot of recognition by folks here, no real realization from the community, nor Sprint that they are considerable weak with NV completion or LTE build out in the loop. Happy to hear they have 24 towers to properly cover, but 6 months into NV build out, lots of hey look at Chicago and how good we are at NV, and the Loop has only 5 NV towers completed on Feb 4th 2013. BOOOOOOOOO!!!!





This is an accurate assessment. The Loop is only covered in the most basic sense. However, given the building topography, it's going to take 1/2 to 3/4 of the sites converted for a truly meaningful NV experience.


The market is nearing completion, probably over the next 2-3 months. So it will not be much longer. Somewhere has to be last, unfortunately.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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Of all the places to put at the end, why put the densest and most populous part of the largest city in the Midwest?


I'm not understanding this.


Sprint doesn't like people of the loop.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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Of all the places to put at the end, why put the densest and most populous part of the largest city in the Midwest?


I'm not understanding this.


At the end... of what? The Chicago rollout? Because it's certainly not the end of NV. They are many more place still waiting for NV to even start. Most likely the sites in the center of the city are the hardest to get permits, crews, equipment and other things to. I doubt Sprint has just been sitting on them saying, oh the middle of the city can wait. I'm sure they've been pushing whatever paperwork and manpower they have to to get them done. They just happen to take the longest time.


Sent from my GS3 using Tapatalk 2



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Yes, the end of the Chicago rollout. I know Chicago is way ahead of most places as far as a complete Network Vision rollout goes. That's good because Chicago needs it. I just thought it was curious cornfields got LTE before the most populous part of the market, as well as the area where the most business takes place. The craziness of the urban environment is a good reason.

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So as an update to my previous post on scare LTE coverage in the Chicago Loop. I have some evidence that shows just how bleak the situation currently is. If I compare the "Network Vision Sites Complete or in Progress" map here on this site (http://s4gru.com/ind...sites-complete/) with the "Network Vision Site Map" for our region (http://s4gru.com/ind...ntral-illinois/), zoomed into the loop, we can see the difference.


I am calling the loop anything east of 90/94 from Congress/290 Spur to Ohio Street. Here I see 24 towers listed for NV upgrades. According to Jan 29th Sites Complete Map its shows 5 of these sites complete, for a completion rate of 21%. Furthermore the Map shows only 2 sites complete in the Loop proper, essentially from Congress north to the River/Wacker Drive and over east to the Lakefront.


Seriosuly, Two NV or LTE sites in the Chicago Loop, five in the whole Loop / Streeterville area. Thats seriously weak considering how far along we are in the Chicago build out and NV process. For being the most mature LTE build out the Loop is basically at bare bones coverage levels with only 5 out of 24 towers completed. There is a lot of hype surrounding the Chicago market, a lot of cheers, and positive press regarding the LTE buildout, there is not a lot of recognition by folks here, no real realization from the community, nor Sprint that they are considerable weak with NV completion or LTE build out in the loop. Happy to hear they have 24 towers to properly cover, but 6 months into NV build out, lots of hey look at Chicago and how good we are at NV, and the Loop has only 5 NV towers completed on Feb 4th 2013. BOOOOOOOOO!!!!



It's the same thing in Boston.


Sprint has roughly a dozen 4G sites live in the City of Boston out of roughly 100 sites, yet Sprint marketing officially launches Boston.


Outside of Boston, Sprint has made much better progress. As others have said, it isn't really a network vision issue - they are deploying where it is easiest to first. It's really a sprint marketing issue.

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This is an accurate assessment. The Loop is only covered in the most basic sense. However, given the building topography, it's going to take 1/2 to 3/4 of the sites converted for a truly meaningful NV experience.


The market is nearing completion, probably over the next 2-3 months. So it will not be much longer. Somewhere has to be last, unfortunately.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


And seeing how congested the loop is no matter what time it makes sense for the loop to finish all the towers last. LTE is there I know because I play ingress downtown 2 outta 5 days out the week.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.1 using Tapatalk 2



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It's the same thing in Boston.


Sprint has roughly a dozen 4G sites live in the City of Boston out of roughly 100 sites, yet Sprint marketing officially launches Boston.


Outside of Boston, Sprint has made much better progress. As others have said, it isn't really a network vision issue - they are deploying where it is easiest to first. It's really a sprint marketing issue.


Yeah well you are never gonna get the Sprint marketing team to announce the launch of a market and than read the fine print aloud noting "service not available in downtown xyz or in city proper yet". That's not gonna happen. Its just disappointing b/c the fact that there is an announcement of market launch, press release, and a community buzz (people were saying Sprint reps at Sprint stores were being quite the cheerleaders for "Market Launch") all without the acknowledgement that the downtown area or Chicago Loop is going to be the worse covered LTE area or the last NV site area to be covered is just misleading. Not me, but Im sure there were many people who received all this fanfare and decided to get their shiny new LTE device only to find that M-F when they work in the Loop they are stuck in the same bogged down old 3G network.


To me, I just figured that after hearing things like "Nearing NV build-out completion" and "Chicago Market wrapping up" that the coverage of the loop would be greater than 5 out of 24 towers at this point. I mean if things are wrapping up you would kind of assume they are on their last leg and had at least half if not more of the loop sites complete. As of today, we have 20.8% complete.

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Haven't been on here in a while. What is the status of Chicago?


As far as LTE rollout? Chicago is furthest along with the rollout, I forget the percentages, but most of the market has had either a 3G or 4G upgrade, with a good chunk of the region now broadcasting 800 SMR as well.

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