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Teaser: Megalith, megahertz...Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3




by Andrew J. Shepherd

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Friday, September 13, 2013 - 3:15 PM MDT


The teaser articles continue. But this is a big one -- in a quite literal way.


The presumed Sprint variant Samsung Galaxy Note 3 passed through the FCC OET (Office of Engineering and Technology) on Wednesday this week. We have an article already started on it, so look for that full length rundown soon.


But since that SM-N900P variant hit the FCC OET, the cries about it being single band 25 LTE 1900 have been strong among the S4GRU faithful. Well, here is something potentially to make the disappointed forget those concerns.


Just within the last hour or two this Friday afternoon, another Samsung handset has revealed itself at the FCC OET. But this is no Galaxy Note 3. It is even larger than that. The model number SPH-L600 and dimensions (see the diagram below) suggest that this is a Galaxy Mega 6.3 headed to Sprint. The size exceeds that of the Galaxy Note 3, and in an interesting twist, the FCC OET filing even refers to the device as a "phablet."


The grand pronouncement, though, is that this Samsung "phablet" is indeed a tri band LTE device: band 25 LTE 1900, band 26 LTE 800, band 41 TD-LTE 2600 -- plus the usual Sprint CDMA2000 band classes.





In conclusion, the "SPH" model number and the specs add up. This is a huge handset for Sprint, it is tri band LTE, and it may render the Galaxy Note 3 irrelevant.


Enjoy! And know that there is more detailed RF info to come...


Source: FCC

Thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4368-samsung-galaxy-mega-tri-band-sph-l600/

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I, for one, am glad that there will be another triband phone coming out soon. I am not saying that I want this godzilla phone, but whether or not I would buy any particular phone, it is important that Sprint has a range of devices that support their new network. It just helps to further legitimize their relevance in the industry and gets more word on the street when people start using them and realize "Hey, did your Sprint phone just smoke my Verizon uber DROID?"

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I, for one, am glad that there will be another triband phone coming out soon. I am not saying that I want this godzilla phone, but whether or not I would buy any particular phone, it is important that Sprint has a range of devices that support their new network. It just helps to further legitimize their relevance in the industry and gets more word on the street when people start using them and realize "Hey, did your Sprint phone just smoke my Verizon uber DROID?"

I, for one, welcome our new Tri Band overlords.

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Here is a review on the ATT version..probably the same phone overall...


Specs are so-so on this phone.. probably enough to do anything I would do... But so big (and no s-pen I think)...


I will have to decide for myself to be "stuck" with this for two years -- or let my wife go back to the iPhone and get her G4... for a year.. then I can get the Note 4 next fall with all the snapdragon 10,000 chips and stuff....


Something to sleep on a few nights.

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I am glad to see more triband LTE devices entering the Sprint ecosystem. This Galaxy Mega 6.3 phone is just too big for me.  I played with it at the AT&T store awhile back and the phone is huge!!!  For me personally I think the phone is too big for me not only to hold but for being able to pocket the phone.


For those of you now interested with the Galaxy Mega 6.3 over the Note 3, I suggest you play with the Galaxy Mega 6.3 at an AT&T store to really see how big of a monster phone this is so you can get an idea if you truly want this phone. 


I even have a photo taken side by side between a LG Optimus G Pro and a Galaxy Mega 6.3 so you can see the difference.  If people are interested in seeing it, I can upload it.

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Just goes to show



“You can please some of the people some of the time all of the people some of the time some of the people all of the time but you can never please all of the people all of the time.”


Thanks for the heads up, very informative. I knew it was coming to Sprint but this information was unpublished at the time. Also thanks for the input in regards to the Note 3 band limitations and looking forward to read more on it when you guys publish it. 


Keep up the great work. 

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We have not yet nailed down the chipset(s), but I would not be the least bit surprised if the Snapdragon 800 (MSM8974) is right at the center.  About the only thing that you might lose is the AMOLED screen.  But is that a big loss or even a loss at all?




The heart of the Galaxy Mega 6.3 is a Snapdragon 400 as confirmed by Qualcomm.  There are also some other specs that are different than the Note 3 but its not a shabby phone for a midrange LTE phone.



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We won't know what is inside this phone until that is released so I'm not going to go off any speculation. 


Now the size thing.  Of course it is not for everyone, some people just have small hands.  And you know what they say about people with small hands right?  They need small phones of course! :) After having my Note2 for a year now, I've said several times to people,  I wish the phone was just a little bit bigger as it would perfectly fit in my hands when typing and my thumbs wouldn't be on top of each other.  I was never a one handed typer on any phone...not even on my original RIM pager on the Motient network. ;)


I for one can't wait to get this device and I'll probably go to the AT&T store this weekend to check it out.

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i have enormous hands and i would not buy this phone because while it might fit in my hands the fact that its bigger than the note 3 and will not have svlte or svdo your going to look so stupid with that up to your head and the midrange specs almost guarantees that its not going to get updates or accessories and accessories are important to me. It will not fit into a pocket. I seen the reviews for this device and it is a hassle to put into even deep pockets as its closer to a tablet than a phablet. I'm not happy about this at all and actually to me doesn't make since why they would do this in the first place. For me anyway its basically wait for the G2 or just wait until next years phone or PRAY TO THE HEAVENS THAT THIS NEXUS ON SPRINT COMES TO SAVE US ALL! Amen. 

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 your going to look so stupid with that up to your head and the midrange specs almost guarantees that its not going to get updates or accessories and accessories are important to me. It will not fit into a pocket. I seen the reviews for this device and it is a hassle to put into even deep pockets as its closer to a tablet than a phablet. I'm not happy about this at all and actually to me doesn't make since why they would do this in the first place. For me anyway its basically wait for the G2 or just wait until next years phone or PRAY TO THE HEAVENS THAT THIS NEXUS ON SPRINT COMES TO SAVE US ALL! Amen. 


There's always a headset or bluetooth for those that need to jab on the phone all day.  I'm sure they've thought of that.  I can care less what I look like on the phone.  I can care less what others think as I'm no longer in middle school trying to fit in with the right "look". 


So back to the size thing.  What kind of pants do people have that a phone that is 0.6 inches longer and 0.3 wider but yet thinner not fit in?  If this were true that it didn't fit in the pocket, then my Note2 in the Otterbox defender definitely would not fit in my shorts, workout shorts, or 32 inch waist jeans.  Us older folk actually used to carry around this thing called a check book with all kinds of crap stuffed in behind the register sheets, which ended up being bigger than this phone.  Get over it.  Some people will enjoy this phone some will not.  Some will just secretly be jealous of the device and hate the fact that it isn't hip and they have to get a small phone to "fit in".  It's just the way things are.  It's great to have so many choices in phones and not stuck to just one size and look.  I'm not 100% sold on getting this device but I think it's great that Sprint has chosen to carry this device and make it tri-band to boot!  Awesome! 

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I'd take a phone with the same exact specs of the Note2 but with 800LTE and 2.6 LTE added, I would buy it in a heartbeat. 

I'm with you! I got 2 upgrades to burn now. One will most likely go to the Mega over the Note3 due to tri-band LTE, The other will either go to the LG G2 or LG Nexus 5. I'm pretty excited about how this has turned out, actually! 

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We won't know what is inside this phone until that is released so I'm not going to go off any speculation.


Now the size thing. Of course it is not for everyone, some people just have small hands. And you know what they say about people with small hands right? They need small phones of course! :) After having my Note2 for a year now, I've said several times to people, I wish the phone was just a little bit bigger as it would perfectly fit in my hands when typing and my thumbs wouldn't be on top of each other. I was never a one handed typer on any phone...not even on my original RIM pager on the Motient network. ;)


I for one can't wait to get this device and I'll probably go to the AT&T store this weekend to check it out.

I agree, the Note 2 is just about the perfect device for me, but I've often felt that something just a bit bigger would be perfect. As I hold my Note 2 in landscape orientation to type this, my fingers are overlapping each other quite a bit behind the phone. I often interlock them as I type.


I was all set to pick up the Note 3, but since it is not tri-band, that is no longer an option in my book. The Galaxy Mega 6.3 just might do it for me, even with its 'midrange' specs.

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There's always a headset or bluetooth for those that need to jab on the phone all day.  I'm sure they've thought of that.  I can care less what I look like on the phone.  I can care less what others think as I'm no longer in middle school trying to fit in with the right "look". 


So back to the size thing.  What kind of pants do people have that a phone that is 0.6 inches longer and 0.3 wider but yet thinner not fit in?  If this were true that it didn't fit in the pocket, then my Note2 in the Otterbox defender definitely would not fit in my shorts, workout shorts, or 32 inch waist jeans.  Us older folk actually used to carry around this thing called a check book with all kinds of crap stuffed in behind the register sheets, which ended up being bigger than this phone.  Get over it.  Some people will enjoy this phone some will not.  Some will just secretly be jealous of the device and hate the fact that it isn't hip and they have to get a small phone to "fit in".  It's just the way things are.  It's great to have so many choices in phones and not stuck to just one size and look.  I'm not 100% sold on getting this device but I think it's great that Sprint has chosen to carry this device and make it tri-band to boot!  Awesome! 

i dont like using bluetooth unless its for streaming music in my car. Just another thing I have to buy and charge. I finally played with this thing earlier today and I don't like how slippery it is and how big it is. Its like me having a nexus 7 for a phone. Some people may like this phone but its not for me. Good to see options though 

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this thing is HUGE. holding it up to your ear brings back memories of those early 90's WW II walkie talkie sized phones


no way you can put it in your pocket unless you wear cargo pants


if you wanted to look like an uber nerd and clip it to your belt, you would have to take it off anytime you wanted to sit


but what really makes the Mega the Edsel of phones is that the screen resolution is terrible


isn't the screen the reason people would buy this phone?


you are better off just buying a tablet

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About the only thing that you might lose is the AMOLED screen.  But is that a big loss or even a loss at all?




the screen is the whole selling point


and the resolution is terrible


if you want to check one of the Phonensteins out, AT&T has them in the stores now

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you know, considering this is a large device specifically for Sprint, do you think they would add the old 



it's been upgraded


you can use this phone as a riot shield

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but what really makes the Mega the Edsel of phones is that the screen resolution is terrible


isn't the screen the reason people would buy this phone?


you are better off just buying a tablet


First, no one has offered any proof that this Sprint variant Galaxy Mega shares the same specs with any previously released Galaxy Mega variants.  Thus, some of those assumptions may prove correct, but they are currently unsubstantiated.


Second, if this 6.3 inch Galaxy Mega variant screen does retain 720x1280 pixel resolution, that is equal to or greater than that of most 7 inch tablets, including the likes of the original Nexus 7 and iPad mini.  Those screens are not "terrible."  And that makes your conclusion about being better off buying a tablet largely a non sequitur.  If anything is "terrible," it is your hyperbole.


Your profile states that you are here for "trolling."  That is against S4GRU rules and will not be tolerated.  So, if you just want to rattle some cages, take it elsewhere. 



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Nice cover, but...


..........Leaning to the LG G2 for my wife.


LG 423ppi ( 1080x1920 ) vs Mega of 233ppi ( 720x1280 )


13MP cam on Lg  vs 8 MP on Mega..


Both support Wi ac, but the LG also does 5GHz, while the Mega doesnt.


LG G2 has 2048 Megs RAM versus 1536 Megs RAM on Mega


LG has a quad core Snapdragon 800 running at 2260 Mhz... The Mega has a dual core running at 1700 Mhz..



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Comparatively, a 720x1280 pixel screen is going backward, for me.  The smaller Note 3 and S4 have full HD, so it would be hard for me to go to a significantly lower pixel density.  Still, I am hopeful that, since this is a "new" version of the Mega, it will have different specs.  Otherwise, I may have to hold out for the S5, I guess.  I'm definitely not going to have my next phone be of lower resolution.  I've even had my eye on the new LG, given some favorable reviews.

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I've been wanting to try out another Samsung phone, but 6.3" is just too big for me. I will have to just see when they are all released. Right now, I think I am leaning towards the G2, S4 mini or the Nexus 5 if it does come to Sprint. No matter what, Triband is a must for me. Everything else would be KFC gravy.

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Again, that is pulling specs from the previously released version.  We cannot yet vouch that the Sprint variant will share those same specs.  


Phone Arena is not a great source for 3GPP2 (CDMA2000) handset info.  It is too focused on the 3GPP (GSM ecosystem) side.  Note how the posted comparison does not even include the appropriate CDMA2000 and LTE capabilities for Sprint.



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Nice article AJ.  I know that you, Robert, digiblur and many others will put this phablet through its paces after it is released.  I, for one, will be very interested in everyone's feedback.

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Again, that is pulling specs from the previously released version. We cannot yet vouch that the Sprint variant will share those same specs.


Phone Arena is not a great source for 3GPP2 (CDMA2000) handset info. It is too focused on the 3GPP (GSM ecosystem) side. Note how the posted comparison does not even include the appropriate CDMA2000 and LTE capabilities for Sprint.



I can agree bands may change but most specs will remain the same

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To a Sprint customer that has his eye on the Galaxy S5.... this development is VERY exciting.


IT CAN BE DONE! lol (By Samsung)


Hopefully, by the release of the Galaxy S5, improvements to the design will be made and it will end up being a better product.

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