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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. But what about re-banding which to this day still isn't 100% complete?
  2. True. Maybe someone can contact Patricia Eaves for some clarification. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  3. I don't know how or why this persists, but I've shown somewhere in this thread and elsewhere that Sprint does indeed have 800MHz SMR licenses in Puerto Rico and the USVI. Now if they've sold them, which I doubt, then that's another story. I'll really admit that I don't know anything regarding any international border issues in PR. What country or countries might they have an issue with
  4. Ok, I'm following you here. But then... I'm not sure how you come up with these figures.
  5. Fair game Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  6. No. As milan points out, you can turn the phone back in to T-Mobile and they'll assess the "fair market value" of the phone at that time and credit that towards the remaining balance on the phone. As I said earlier, I'm really curious as to how they'll come up with that "fair market value" figure, but time will tell.
  7. That it won't work with a AT&T or VZW subscriber, for instance, isn't surprising to me. That it won't (initially) work between Sprint subscribers if they're located in different vendor territories is a bit disappointing to read. That needs to be rectified ASAP.
  8. Go towards the remaining phone balance. Almost certainly won't totally fulfill it. Whatever is left, that's your ETF. I mean, that's the type of wordplay that I think Paynefanbro may have been talking about. They can spin it, dress it up, do whatever with it, but it's still an ETF. And it's necessary, I understand that; they can't just eat that money, but call a spade a spade. I'm also really curious to see how T-mobile's idea of "fair market value" actually works out. Apparently Washington's attorney general wasn't impressed with their wordplay either: http://www.eweek.com/networking/t-mobile-accused-by-attorney-general-of-misleading-consumers/
  9. I don't disagree with anything you're saying, but I guess maybe what some might take issue with is the wordplay. They're basically saying that they're not going to put you in a contract with an ETF like their three "evil" bigger brothers. BUT, if you decide to cancel after say 4 months, cough up $400 promptly please but we aren't calling it an "ETF". Now, it's nice that they give you some flexibility in how much you put down and/or how much you pay towards it each month. However, until the phone is paid for, there is a ETF component there, but they just aren't calling it an ETF.
  10. Sprint and the Clearwire BoD. "What lawsuits?" someone asked when I predicted this happening months ago. {sigh}
  11. Even still, unless there's a really serious problem with that server I would think that the ping would be under 5 seconds!
  12. Oh your company participates in Corporate Challenge too? Lol, my company always tried to recruit me to sign up for some events. After three or four years of me saying no to everything they finally gave up.
  13. Interesting. It wasn't me as I didn't turn on Sensorly until I got to the site. I also see that someone mapped a spot at Eastland Ranch Ave & Jones.
  14. Yeah I had some free time after getting dismissed from jury duty earlier than I thought this morning so I bit the bullet and made the trek up there. I can verify that LTE is indeed active on that site: I turned on Sensorly so hopefully it will show up on there sooner rather than later.
  15. http://seekingalpha.com/article/1373671-clearwire-management-discusses-q1-2013-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single
  16. Decided to stop by this cell site that I can see from my back balcony. I've never seen any work being done on this site, but it does appear to have been worked on at some point. Located on St. Rose Parkway & Bermuda.
  17. Another quote of note from Hesse-san: Looks like I may be putting a cell phone on my Christmas list for myself.
  18. Unless you could provide documented proof of such a claim, you'd just be wasting your time and their's.
  19. Earnings call transcript: http://seekingalpha.com/article/1365951-sprint-nextel-s-ceo-discusses-q1-2013-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single A couple of salient quotes imo: Not sure what ECSFD is off the top of my head, but all in all things sound like things are proceeding about as well as can be expected.
  20. http://newsroom.sprint.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=2574
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