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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Well the important thing is that you had fun. Hopefully you also supported the local economy vigorously and left lots of loot here. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  2. "Masa" is not pulling any punches. http://finance.yahoo...-005450714.html
  3. Indeed. I flashed the 'Premier' PRL onto my Note 2 and the nearest site to me, which I can see off of my balcony, apparently isn't broadcasting 800MHz just yet. However, I was able to pick up an 800MHz signal of @ -95 dBm from the site on Jeffreys which I believe Benifactor was watching for some time. The signal was quite usable for talk & text. I didn't do try to do much of anything with the 1x data. In a straight line, that site is a hair over four miles from me. Given the amount of houses, apartments and other buildings and structures between that site and my house, I'd say that was fairly impressive. While my 'regular' signal can't get much better here at home, I still can't wait for 800 to go live officially in Vegas!
  4. Northern lights Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  5. It would seem the Verizon's hand was forced by the requirements of the upper 700MHz C-block spectrum that they purchased. Neal Gompa wrote a great piece about it here: http://www.extremetech.com/mobile/129744-verizon-lte-devices-are-going-global-bringing-us-carrier-interoperability-with-them
  6. Yep, imo Hesse and Son are going to have to address Sprint's rather draconian unlocking policy at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  7. nTelos doesn't seem like a forward thinking company. I mean, while you're busy upgrading these 2G sites to 3G EVDO why not add LTE while you're there? I could be wrong, but it seems like they're angling to be bought out by SprintBank at some point in the near future. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  8. This is all ancient history now, but this: http://connectedplanetonline.com/mag/telecom_evdv_dead/ and other articles that I've read on the subject seem to indicate that Sprint actually did want and plan to go with EV-DV but had their hand forced when Verizon went with EV-DO. Damn impatient VZW...
  9. Ask for an Airave to tide you over until service improves at your house.
  10. This is a rather interesting read though, admittedly I cannot vouch for the veracity of it's contents: http://denbeste.nu/cd_log_entries/2002/10/GSM3G.shtml
  11. The thing is that with WiMax, the 2.5-2.6GHz spectrum was the primary and only spectrum being used. With LTE, that same spectrum will be used in a complementary role. That's makes a big difference right there. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Actually 800MHz SMR is being deployed in the conUS with CDMA 1x. LTE800 should start rolling out in the conUS by the end of year. When or if it'll hit Puerto Rico is anyone's guess at this juncture. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  13. It's not like there's just one license for the entire island. Yes, that company Aeronet does have five EBS licenses on the island. However, Clearwire holds three out of the four BRS licenses as well as an additional twelve EBS licenses. When the time comes, Clearwire will have no problem deploying TD-LTE on band 41 anywhere on the island that they need to. FWIW, AT&T also holds four EBS licenses on the island.
  14. http://seekingalpha.com/article/1400571-shenandoah-telecommunications-ceo-discusses-q1-2013-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single
  15. Of course, the flip side of this is Sprint shouldn't over emphasize rural areas. After all, if they duplicate VZW and ATT coverage it stands to reason that they'd want/need to duplicate their pricing schemes as well. Here's a good post from AJ that is germane to this topic though: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3703-potential-sprint-rural-buildout-by-2016/
  16. Agreed. In terms of actual functionality, it is far from catastrophic for Sprint subscribers. It is bad however, for Sprint from a PR perspective. Everything spreads and is inevitably blown out of proportion on the internet. It's being talked about over on SU, here, HoFo. Eventually it'll spread to DSLR, Engadget, BGR, Phonescoop, etc. Most of the common folks reading the articles won't bother to research or care about the relatively sparse population density of the affected areas or the fact that the coverage was only pseudo-native in the first place. Everyone has been conditioned by the VZW 'there's a map for that' ads and all they will see is Sprint "native" coverage shrinking=BAD. Couple this with the other psuedo-native coverage shrinkages of the past few years (internet pundits never forget anything) and it's just awful PR for Sprint because as Fraydog noted earlier in the thread, this keeps happening.
  17. Not to my knowledge. Significant progress has been made, but I don't believe that this seemingly never ending project is complete just yet. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  18. Charlie has truly gone over the deep end. I guess when you can't come up with a decent rebuttal to SoftBank's points, a little xenophobia will have to suffice. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/02/sprint-dish-ergen-english-idUSL2N0DJ01120130502?feedType=RSS&feedName=cyclicalConsumerGoodsSector&rpc=43
  19. The meeting for Sprint shareholders to vote on the SoftBank bid is tentatively scheduled for June 12th.
  20. Yes, it can. However, I believe digiblur has mentioned the 800MHz priority is set up differently in the iPhone 5 PRL as compared to other Sprint phones.
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