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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Unless they inexplicably sold, traded, etc. the licenses, they do have SMR spectrum there. In another thread I posted links to the Nextel license purchases from back in the day. I'll have to look for it later. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Yeah, I've also tried getting it off of my Note II using QPST with zero success. It keeps telling me "roaming list receive failed". Is that the error that you're seeing as well?
  3. As I recall, this would have required something like 20X the GDP of the entire planet or $850 quadrillion to build lol! Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  4. ##DEBUG# 1X Engineering screen
  5. *Small threadjack* I just noticed that my Note II updated to PRL 55010. Is this a recent development for everyone or am I just late in noticing it? I seem to recall that the Note II, iPhone 5 and maybe another device were stuck on PRL 55009 for the longest time.
  6. Hello fellow Las Vegan!
  7. Good read indeed and a nice counterpoint to a lot of the ridiculous vitriol that Joan Lappin has been spewing over at Forbes.
  8. Yep, international travel is the only reason why I'd want Sprint to move to removable SIMs. Domestically, it would be nice and convenient in some ways, but I've survived this long by doing ESN/MEID swaps online or on the phone so I don't really care about swapping SIM cards in the US.
  9. Just so I have a clearer understanding of where you stand, VZW acquired AWS spectrum licenses at auction back in 2006. Here it is, a full six years later and to the best of my knowledge they still have not deployed ANYTHING, ANYWHERE on that spectrum. According to your dogma, they should be forced to return those licenses to the government, correct?
  10. The game is afoot... http://www.reuters.c...tionNews&rpc=43
  11. And as usual, little knowledge used to write most of the comments below the article too.
  12. Yeah that Internazi person is a true moron. And William Diaz used to post over at Mark Hearn's Sprintfeed quote a bit. He's a shining example of a LITTLE bit of knowledge being a dangerous thing. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Agreed. Though I believe any potential litigation will ultimately be quashed (or settled), I don't believe that will dissuade these two thorns in Sprint's side from trying to make some noise. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  14. Yes, lawsuits. Hell, Crest filed one even before an official offer was made. It's difficult to imagine Mount Kellet not filling one of their own or joining Crest's. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  15. Let the lawsuits begin! Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  16. I predict t-mobile will crash and burn with this idea. As the analyst notes, this could work if all of the operators decided to go this route in a similar time frame. I think it could also work if it was VZW that was trying it. T-mobile, on the other hand, doesn't have the network, scope or appeal to pull this off by themselves.
  17. iPCS was a regional Sprint affiliate. Long story short: They threatened to have Sprint's iDEN network shut down in their territory and just became a real thorn in Sprint's side; they essentially sued their way into being bought out by Sprint.
  18. I hope that this is true, but I think I've seen this episode before. I'll believe it when the ink is dry on the paperwork.
  19. I believe that's Tommy Lee Jones as Sam Gerard in The Fugitive.
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