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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. This situation rapidly transforming from an inconvenience into a debacle. While money is extremely important, there's another commodity at stake here which is time and, unlike money, that generally can't be made back. These incessant delays will eventually start costing dearly.
  2. I never looked up the RF performance of the Photon Q, but that explains some things. My wife's Photon Q seems to break up and get poor than expected reception in locations where it should perform well. I thought it might be defective unit and told her to take it in to the Sprint store, but as per usual she hasn't listened to me. Yeah I just read that it's going to be made in Texas and that is indeed a big deal. I do try to buy products that are made in the USA whenever possible; unfortunately with consumer electronics it's not usually possible. I suppose when they decide to release the second generation with tri-band support, I'll have to seriously consider them again.
  3. No tri-band, no sale. I'm still pissed off at Motorola for the way that they abandoned the original Photon anyway. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  4. Charlie is like that drunk guy in the club constantly trying to hit on your girl and get in your face. You try and be cool because you don't want to get kicked out, but he just keeps on and keeps on until you finally just say to hell with it and beat the living crap out of him. What's the "nuclear option" for Sprint & SoftBank to get rid of this pest once and for all? Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  5. Crest getting almost as desperate as Charlie. I suppose they feel that they have to try, but these jokers aren't going to get the asking price that they think they deserve.
  6. Yep, pretty much what Chad said. The reverse merger with MetroPCS was clearly a means for DT to separate T-mobile USA from the rest of the company.
  7. Possibly, but I don't believe that their actions really reflect that.
  8. That's not another study. That's the same study as in the OP being recycled over at BBR/DSLR. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  9. Garbage? I trust that you've somehow been able to spend an extensive amount of time using the PS4 (months before it's release, no less) in order to make such a statement. Quality? I've still got a launch day PS3 running strong (knock on wood) while I've known PLENTY of people who suffered from the dreaded RRoD with their 360s. Will that recur with the XBone? Probably (hopefully) not, but at this juncture I simply have more faith in Sony's ability to produce a quality console than M$'s. My gaming dollars will be going towards a PS4.
  10. Yep, because retail representatives at Sprint stores are always the most reliable source of network information. Anyways...
  11. Oh sweet, I hadn't noticed.
  12. I guess it was never released publicly. Maybe the Tapatalk folks felt that it wasn't worthy...
  13. Is anyone else using this yet. It's still in beta, but so far I'm digging it. I can even go directly to the interactive maps, sponsor and premier sponsor forums without it asking me for a password now. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  14. Maybe something is getting lost in the translation here, but adding TD-LTE only to protection sites? That doesn't really sound plausible. I don't see where that makes much sense.
  15. Who said that Clearwire is only deploying TD-LTE on protection sites? That's simply not accurate. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. Well this is VZW that we're talking about so naturally we can't expect for them to like anything that even has a whiff of being pro-consumer.
  17. Yeah sucks for them I guess, but it is a good thing for consumers.
  18. Oh my, the t-mo section of HoFo...Well I won't go into it too much, but I will say that lilotimz and others must have incredible patience trying to have rational conversations with some of the fanbois in their pink capes over there. I also find it odd that a few of them seem to (incorrectly) discuss Sprint just as much, if not more, than T-Mobile. Very weird place.
  19. A little reality right upside Charlie's head http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2013/05/24/the-security-sideshow-in-the-fight-over-sprint/?partner=yahoofinance
  20. Charlie still trying to beat the national security drum: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/dish-uses-national-security-ads-181139410.html
  21. I *believe* that he was referring to the Tech Hive article from the OP which used a Galaxy Note II to specifically test LTE, not EVDO. Although with T-Mobile they included HSPA+ in their testing which, although fast, seems to defeat the purpose of attempting to determine LTE speeds.
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