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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Don't forget about the Motorola XT1056.
  2. It takes two to tango. I seem to recall VZW not being terribly keen about offering Sprint (or most anyone else) roaming although I'm sure that it's a great source of revenue for them. AT&T could replace VZW as a main roaming partner for Sprint as their Band 17 spectrum is included in Band 12. Supporting VZW Band 13 would limit Sprint to VZW and its LTEiRA cohorts. Sprint is a member of the Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) and I'd bet that a lot of it's members have lower 700 A, B & C spectrum so why not use them as roaming partners and likely get better roaming rates than from VZW Edit: One other implication of them including Band 13 support for roaming on VZW is that their devices would almost certainly be subject to the same rules as native VZW devices. Specifically, they'd have to be totally SIM unlocked meaning that if it had a GSM/UMTS radio in it (which almost all of them do these days) then it could be taken to AT&T or T-Mobile no questions asked which doesn't seem like something that Sprint is too keen on unfortunately.
  3. Very well written. I wonder if she'll come back with a snarky response, make an attempt at deflection or flat out ignore your response.
  4. Have you read all of her blog pieces regarding the Clearwire situation? She comes off as very arrogant and likes to tout her credentials, but at this point I only read her stuff to laugh at some of the moronic things that she says.
  5. Oh you haven't read her latest 'masterpiece'? http://www.forbes.com/sites/joanlappin/2013/05/21/softbanks-son-and-his-sprint-puppet-hesse-blink-raise-bid-for-clearwire-by-dimes/ Apparently she sold CLWR and has bought into S. I don't know why a publication such as Forbes gives her a venue to spew this nonsensical vitriol. Funny how she got called out in the comments section and had to start spin doctoring and made a slight modification to the original article. As for Crest... http://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/prnewswire/press_releases/Texas/2013/05/21/DC18321
  6. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/report-sprint-dish-held-talks-spectrum-hosting-deal/2012-12-10
  7. All the same, I think the rumors of Alcatel-Lucent's demise are a bit exaggerated or at least premature.
  8. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/sprint-raises-clearwire-offer-not-141955114.html The dude talking $5-$7 is delusional. While it would be good for me financially if that came to fruition, it's not gonna happen. It's just not. Even though this is supposedly their last, best and final offer, I think Sprint may go as high as $4 to get it done, but even that is shaky.
  9. Sending positive thoughts hoping for the best!
  10. That Netgear Zing has my interest piqued. If the reviews are even remotely favorable, I see one in my future.
  11. I think some of the opposition will relent. I suspect that Crest will still want to hold out for a higher offer. I doubt they'll have the votes now though.
  12. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/sprint-submits-increased-offer-clearwire-130000221.html
  13. The vote apparently has been postponed: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/clearwire_shareholder_vote_postponed_6EdqTZjGXe889DTt6kvqHM
  14. Yes, but the 800MHz is ESMR. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  15. I updated to the latest OTA and rooted. I applied digiblur's PRL write enabler: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=35314467&postcount=1 and still have the PRL Write function on MC2. I can't speak for the other ones, but the MA7.zip seems to work just fine on MC2.
  16. Charlie keeps trying. I guess he gets an A for effort...maybe. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/dish-asks-fcc-suspend-review-223135388.html
  17. Thank ya, sir. I was looking here: http://www.google.com/wallet/how-it-works/in-store.html and thought that the list that they have on that page was exhaustive. Probably silly question, but to use Google Wallet at a terminal with a PayPass logo on it, do I have to have a MasterCard with PayPass set up in Google Wallet or will Visa, American Express or Discover all work as well?
  18. Google Wallet seems to be working ok on my stock rooted Note 2. The device set-up finished with no problem and it instantly found a debit and credit card that I had set up online with Google Wallet a while ago. My only issue is that there apparently aren't any locations to use it near me at any businesses that I usually patronize.
  19. Sprint owns a bit which I doubt they'll ever use. Seems reasonable that at some point they'd sell or trade it to at&t for a tidy sum.
  20. If/when Charlie's bid for Sprint fails, he could turn his attention to t-Mobile... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-16/deutsche-telekom-can-sell-t-mobile-us-before-lock-up-period-ends.html?cmpid=yhoo
  21. Yeah I got a blip of LTE at that spot. I had Sensorly running at the time so it should be mapped. I couldn't find the cell site that it was coming from though. And driving around for a few minutes, I couldn't replicate the signal.
  22. I was in the vicinity so I went by the Boulder Hwy./Gibson site and did a little mapping with Sensorly.
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