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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. That's merely speculation on your part. The facts as it stands today is that Comcast, Intel and Bright House Networks have all pledged their shares in support of Sprint.
  2. Clearwire has already taken $80 million per month in financing from Sprint in March, April and May for a total of $240 million. The financing is in the form of debt that will be convertible to Clearwire shares (at a mere $1.50 per share) in the event that its shareholders vote against Sprint's offer.
  3. http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=12515&p=all#page5679 I refuse to buy ZTE (and Huawei) phones and this review just reinforces my position. Random reboots on a stock ROM and poor call quality? For $99 why would anybody buy this over a GS3? The only thing I will take issue with as far as the review is Eric Zeman's claim that Sprint LTE isn't available in the NYC region. While it may not be ubiquitous yet, if he'd take a look at Sensorly, I don't know how he could make such a statement. Now if the Vital's LTE rf performance is just so poor that it couldn't pick up LTE or he simply tested in a single location that indeed doesn't have LTE coverage then that's another story altogether.
  4. I believe he's referring to the $3B in breakup fees that Sprint was asking Dish to agree to.
  5. To each their own I guess. Reading that link still makes me feel better about Sony's approach as opposed to M$'s. Pre-ordered my PS4 yesterday. Amazon claims I should have it by New Year's Eve (at the latest), though on that date I should be more concerned with partying than video games. :azn:
  6. You said you're sticking with your XBox 360. Given what's been revealed about the XBone, I don't blame you.
  7. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-11/dish-sprint-talks-said-to-falter-in-part-over-breakup-fee-issue.html?cmpid=yhoo Pretty smart. They don't want to hook up with Dish so they put a poison pill in the agreement that they know Dish won't agree to and then refuse to budge on it. I still can't believe that AT&T actually allowed that exorbitant break up fee with T-Mobile to be put into their merger agreement.
  8. Gave up on the XBone, eh? Can't say that I blame ya.
  9. Sorry to hear about your accident. Get better soon.
  10. Apple cart Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. I'm a very patient fellow, but it truly would be nice if Sprint/AlcaLu would start lighting up some LTE south of the 215. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  12. FUD muffin, lol! That's putting it mildly. I won't mention the terms that I'd use for him and some of his fellow t-mo fanbois since they aren't around to defend themselves (AFAIK anyway), but some of them are real pieces of work.
  13. A little bit of good news in the midst of this mess... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ontario-teachers-vote-softbank-sprint-235720710.html
  14. Yeah I know what Sprint has to pay if they exit the deal. I'm just curious if there's a provision for SoftBank to have to pay anything if they exit the deal.
  15. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-softbank-eyes-t-mobile-193643098.html Music to to that rat bastard Charlie's ears I'm sure. I wonder what, if anything, Sprint would get if SoftBank walked away from the deal. Between the clowns at Crest, Mount Kellett, et al on one side and Charlie on the other, I certainly figure that it's conceivable that at some point that Son could throw his hands up and say, "To hell with this." The only thing with T-Mobile USA is that it wouldn't give Son his economies of scale in regards to 2.5GHz TD-LTE.
  16. It must be Choice as the devices on Innovative's website appear to be GSM. Learn something new everyday. Thanks!
  17. Interesting. Since I'm guessing that VZW isn't there, who is Sprint's roaming partner(s) in the USVI?
  18. I don't see why it'd be such a difficult thing to show the 800MHz SMR coverage. Just like there are currently tabs for "VOICE" "DATA" and "DIRECT CONNECT", just add another tab with a clearly explained disclaimer and perhaps a link to the handsets and other devices that can take advantage of it. Maybe list all of the early 800MHz capable handsets like the Evo 3D, Epic 4G Touch, etc. and then say ALL Sprint devices launched after xx/xx/xxxx date.
  19. Just in case there was any doubt: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/iden-nextel-national-network-schedule-140000248.html
  20. Yeah I believe Chicago was supposed to be the other Xohm launch market.
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