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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. I don't believe that utility rates for people in western states or brownouts in California (which is what pyroscott quoted) have anything to do with the topic at hand.
  2. Yeah...I think that's the idea that the link & story that I posted conveyed.
  3. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/03/metropcs-sprint-idUSL1E8N3GAK20121203?type=companyNews&feedType=RSS&feedName=companyNews&rpc=43
  4. Not an HTC device, but I've been running CM10 on my ancient Epic 4G that I'm letting my son use. I must say that it's been running as smooth as butter! And so fast too. It simply embarrasses the stock Samsung/Touchwiz ROM.
  5. Indeed, and that also applies to SU as well. Just for giggles I was over there reading some posts and couldn't help but laugh when some idiot that I believe doesn't even have Sprint was proclaiming that nobody had seen an impact from Network Vision. They should just shut that site down. While it was once a great place, it now doesn't even live up to it's name anymore as it seems like the majority of posters there don't use Sprint.
  6. Snow shoes Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  7. Though this seems to persist, I don't believe it to be the case unless they were sold off. Nextel (and thus Sprint) own SMR spectrum licenses in PR and the USVI (as well as Guam, American Samoa and the Northern Marianas Islands though I doubt they'll ever utilize those). Page 62 of 63 shows the 800MHz spectrum licenses that were purchased at auction 36: http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/36/charts/36cls3.pdf Nextel also purchased the 800MHz SMR B block for PR & USVI in auction 16: http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/default.htm?job=auction_summary&id=16
  8. No, sir. Don't even have Sensorly installed. No LTE here in Sin City yet so nothing to map. If the battery on this phone were smaller this would be even more annoying. It's happening with more frequency nowadays; if I don't manually turn the screen off, it never goes off. Edit: After a great deal of testing uninstalling and reinstalling a great many apps, I may have tracked the problem down to the Samsung Drive Link app. I want to observe for some time before declaring victory though. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  9. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Eat, drink and be merry!!
  10. I can certainly believe that. A while ago my family was thinking about the USVI (probably STT or STJ) for a vacation villa. Naturally, what I was concerned with was internet connectivity. So I researched what is offered there and I was appalled at how expensive it was and even worse, how slow it was for how much it cost. As you note, getting sufficient backhaul there will likely be the biggest challenge. Hopefully, they already have some kind of plan in place. According to their map, AT&T claims to have "4G" HSPA+ there. I wonder what they're doing for backhaul.
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