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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Since this is all hypothetical right now, IMO it's next to impossible to say at this juncture.
  2. If they were to buy out a regional, it would (likely) be for the spectrum, customers and their existing infrastructure.
  3. No, no I hadn't. I was probably snoozed my way through US history I'm sorry to say...or was passing notes (no cell phones to text at the time).
  4. I have my doubts that your comments will ever see the light of day on at&t's blog page.
  5. Yes, yes it is. How many non-techie subscribers even know what Band 5 is? Hint: The non-techies are the majority of the population. I didn't mention that because you weren't clear in what you were trying to convey. While still not a slam dunk, I'd give it better odds since VZW is at least discussing re-farming PCS at this juncture unlike cellular. Already asked and answered. Believe whatever you like. In parting, consider this though: It's 2013; how many four year old handsets (released in 2009 such as the original Moto Droid) is VZW still actively updating?
  6. It makes plenty of sense. VZW isn't even talking about re-farming cellular for LTE at this point. They're starting to deploy LTE on AWS. They've mentioned starting to re-farm PCS in 2015. Any re-farm of cellular for LTE likely start until 2017 or later and you think it makes business sense for VZW to go back and update a phone that was released in 2012 ? Umm no, they want for you to buy a new device and be locked into another contract. How many people would still be using an iPhone 5 in 4+ years anyway?? Okay, now that makes no sense.
  7. I highly doubt that the iPhone 5 and any other current generation handset will ever get a carrier update to support Band 5 LTE from VZW.
  8. As predictable as the sun rising, a positive article about Sprint brings out the Negative Nancys rushing to fill up the comment section.
  9. Largely irrelevant concession speech from Crest: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/03/clearwire-crest-idUSL2N0F90GV20130703?feedType=RSS&feedName=mergersNews&rpc=43
  10. Not used to, those CDMA networks are still there. Moreover, the CDMA networks have more coverage than the new W-CDMA networks that are being overlaid. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. Though they probably aren't interested, it would be intriguing if Sprint offered to buy some cellular A side spectrum. It's adjacent to their SMR spectrum and thus would theoretically allow them to deploy 15x15 LTE if I'm not mistaken.
  12. It's a pretty safe bet that it took them more than one day to get everything up and running. That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. I doubt that you know anybody here in real life to be trying to speak on what someone wouldn't say. Who promised you LTE in February, April & May?
  13. I haven't read anything, but quite frankly I don't believe that their approval is of much consequence anymore.
  14. Not 100% sure what you're saying, but it's doubtful that AT&T is exclusively using 1900MHz to provide service there since they have 700MHz, cellular, PCS, AWS, and WCS spectrum there.
  15. They can't slowly sell off shares until 18 months from the close of the merger. If they wanted to, they could sell off all of their shares in one fell swoop before the 18 month period has elapsed. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. You're the one who mentioned evdo in the very first post. Lol Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  17. So we've gathered... Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  18. O rly? Lol... Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  19. Doubt it. The Board has always preferred Sprint's offers. They did cave to pressure of Crest and others with Charlie's latest offer, but even that took a few days IIRC. They endorsed Sprint's $5 offer within a couple of hours of it being announced. They don't want to deal with Dish, but they have to at least give the appearance of impartiality.
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