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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. Call sprint and have them guide you through the re activation process, it could be related to the LTE sim not being activated properly (its an internal sim non removable on older phones)
  2. This looks as if LTE might be disabled by software, and by the screenshot im assuming this is a single band phone (as you have both LTE and 1XRTT in view. You might want to look into the phone settings to make sure you have CDMA/LTE enabled.
  3. Pure android+awesome radio=LG G2 killer! But the G2 is a pretty good phone in its own right.
  4. As everybody is reporting, almost no issues here with sprint on new years. Everything held up nicely.
  5. I'm pretty sure Sprint is installing all bands at all locations if I'm not mistaken, you speak as if 1900 deployment is no longer going on or that they will not deploy co located sites with 2500 sites. Also, this disparity of users without other bands on the same technology does crop up on different carriers like its currently happening on Verizon with them deploying another band to offload users from a burdened frequency. But eventually I think it will be fine whether you have tri-band device or not, except for indoor situations.
  6. Quick interview with Dan Hesse, most stuff we already knew, but nice to see it reaffirmed with a bit of confidence from the top http://www.marketplace.org/topics/business/corner-office/sprint-ceo-dan-hesse-says-faster-data-and-higher-definition-calls-are
  7. No one has been successful connecting to band 41 on ALU market on the east coast using a Nexus 5 as far as I know.
  8. They still make these!? LOL. I never imagined a blackberry with sufficient I/O performance to even take advantage of LTE.
  9. Watching a buddy of mines ATT phone get 1mb down during peak hours in midtown Manhattan with his Note 3, while another friends HTC One Max gets 35mb+ down (on band 41) is a glimpse into the future of what sprint has in store. Granted, coverage is limited for Band 41 at the moment, but also keep in mind that there is also 800 LTE, it will be deployed at a much faster pace, and will help alliterate load. Im currently on a Nexus 5 thats only currently capable of accessing 1900, and I do average between 5-12mb sec, and in reality, its plenty fast enough as long as the pings are under 100.
  10. Today underground on 34th street train station got amazing roaming signal -40dBm! ..looked up, and what did I see!?...Verizon antennas in the station 2 feet above me! Looking forward to finally getting it on Sprint. Another observation, don't know why i could not complete a call on my Nexus 5 in the station.
  11. Got a chance to play with HTC One Max today at 34 street Harold Square. Speeds were averaging between 12-18mb sec about 50-70ping indoors. Considering that no other sprint phone (Galaxy S4 or Nexus 5) connected to LTE at all. I'm pretty sure it was connected to Band 41. Another note is that the signal averaged about 2bars, also this was during rush hour, 5 30, streets were packed! My 3G speeds were about .30k/sec 100ms ping.
  12. The LG G2 doesn't hold a candle to the Nexus 5, you can go into the devices thread and read all about it.
  13. I seriously doubt they would advertise it as a tri band device if they themselves doubt its ability. I think this is more of a lack of time for testing in real world situations from Sprints standpoint, it could also be that because of the circuit switch fallback issue, they were probably caught off guard with stability on a network that lacked full compatibility with eCSFB. I would probably do the same to minimize further issues.
  14. Nice, were you able to browse the web while underground before losing signal?
  15. I'm gonna disable band 26/41 for a few days to see if that affects the current radio as well, the way you mentioned.
  16. The update tends to be a double edged sword, if your in an area where LTE is not overcrowded, having it hold on to that signal longer might yield better performance like the original baseband does. But I've found that in the city the opposite is true, you might be better off on 3G than overcrowded or fringe LTE.
  17. You should consider becoming a sponsor, you can take a look at the deployment maps. Looks like Irvington Passiac and Paterson. Finally NJ!
  18. Massive love for Northern Jersey!!! Northern Jersey - 43 updates (40 CDMA 800)
  19. My fault for not elaborating, I meant without the "update" I know the radio supports it. There is no clear indicator if we also need that update for band 26 or just for 41.
  20. There is no saying for sure considering that our devices have yet to receive the proper update for band 41(who knows whether we support band 26) But with so many reports of people connecting to band 41 with our devices on the west coast, It causes more confusion.
  21. A lot of the lines that hosted the back-hauls (or potential back-hauls) got destroyed. So companies that lay the Fiber lines(like Verizon) gave their own infrastructure higher priority. So time will tell when all of the issues will get resolved, hopefully within the next few months.
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