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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. I think its a very reasonable trade off, if you swap those numbers around (happens alot on B25, slow downloads and fast uploads) I'll take 15mb/down 1mb/up vs the flipside any day!
  2. It does seem that B41 uploads take a big hit! despite of the 3:2 ratio. At really low signal, the upload does seem to suffer considerably more than B25.
  3. Its not just the priority, there are reports of it having different APN settings and a few other tweaks besides the priority settings.
  4. Looks like the Red Nexus 5 is coming. Nice to see a bit more detailed information about acquiring a proper Sim card or UICC as they refer to it. http://m.androidcentral.com/nexus-5-appears-slated-feb-4
  5. I tried every combination of priorities and switched network modes with zero success. Standing 200ft from a site..
  6. As everyone else I noticed a drop in signal strength with the latest radio, but I can see how that helped balance the load between 3G and LTE. In rural areas you can have much lower signal and still have it perform well enough. But not the same holds true in urban areas. Just to give you an example of this, visited buddy of mine in a smaller town in north jersey, picked up LTE -115dbm indoors, and was still able to average about 15mb/sec. Here in NYC anything lower than -105dBm is almost unusable. In these situations holding on to a unusable -110 doesn't make much sense. I like the balance they struck in the latest radio.
  7. Current triband phones on sprint Nexus 5 (Needs software update to support Band 26 and 41) LG G2 LG Flex (coming this week) HTC One Max Samsung Galaxy S4 Triband edition Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini Samsung Galaxy Mega Dont think I missed any, but if I did, anybody can chime in to add to the ever growing list.
  8. You will get it eventually....didnt go out to everyone at the same time.
  9. I have a 16GB white from the play store, no go on my account...still grayed out.
  10. I believe its Volume down+power, are you in NYC?
  11. NYC Manhattan? and can you throw up an enginneering screen so we can verify what band your connected to.
  12. If your dead set on sticking with an apple device, the new iphone 5S and C do have access to band 26 and that will help coverage considerably. Note* It just so happens that only the iphones have reported to connect to the new band as far as I know.
  13. Unfortunately, this is just a generic text going out to everyone. It really has no bearing on specific markets.
  14. This is a generic text going out to everyone, no matter what market your in, unfortunately.
  15. Install Signal check so you can verify, as far as I know the stock android PRL has 1900 and 800 at the same priority level.
  16. Yes, I pick up 800 all the time, But keep in mind, if you don't need to be on 800, it will not necessarily connect to it.
  17. Here I thought I was the only one with that same sentiment.
  18. Was this on 3G or 4G? if 3G, those are quite impressive, if 4G, it was probably a very weak signal.
  19. Yes of course, not excluding 1900 on voice, they will compliment each other..
  20. Correct, also alot of sites probably got eCSFB updates as well. But again, as I mentioned before, Robert was a bit behind on the 1x800 acceptances. So only he can answer you how long ago these updates were actually made. (I think as far back as October if im not mistaken)
  21. CDMA 800=Just Voice accepted 3G/800=Data and Voice accepted But as far as I know, most CDMA 800 sites already have 3G enabled, and they usually turn on 800 afterwards in clusters to avoid potential issues with legacy hardware.
  22. Just means 1x800 is accepted, If im not mistaken, there was a big backlog of accepted 1x800 sites that Robert just came around to updating since he sorted out a way to automate the updates. CRAZY!!!! Chicago – 508 updates (5 LTE, 487 CDMA 800, 2 new 3G/800 sites, 2 new 3G/800/LTE sites, 1 iDEN Conversion)
  23. Also picked up better speeds downtown FINALLY by wallstreet, could be holiday plus a new LTE site.
  24. Picked up 1x800 on 14th street and 3rd ave in Manhattan yesterday afternoon. Strong signal -70dBm
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