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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. Without question, what you experienced was due to upgrades being in progress, not due to a lack of coverage. Meaning that probably very very soon that would have changed dramatically. If your talking about long island, it has been very very active lately(upgrading), and would definitely explain your dropped calls. Now, if your talking about the financial district, that's another story all together, but I can tell you without a doubt, my voice quality is quite great after the upgrades (and some calls in HD Voice!) and haven't dropped a call in ages where I go (all over downtown, midtown, uptown and the bronx) all post NV.
  2. I've seen it act this way before, I think the Roaming icon is just a bug, surely you are connected to a sprint 1x800 site, as Signal check is displaying.
  3. It all depends where your using the phone the most, the only place in NYC with questionable service is the financial district. Almost all other places in NYC have excellent service for voice especially, just make sure the phone supports at least 1x800 for voice calls and you should be OK.Also the mere fact that the site you speak of has been upgraded does not guarantee your connecting to it for voice or data. You might be getting either or signal from different locations.
  4. I had to deal with sketchy call quality for months, and today, for the first time I noticed a dramatic increase in call quality (first HD call) it was spectacular! So eventually, you will have the same quality in most locations. One thing I would advise, is to make sure you have a tri-band device. Anything else is a waste, and you will not see the benefits of the other frequencies until much much later when the load balances and the usage lowers on the current frequency (1900) But regardless I hope you stick around, cause its going to be a great ride...
  5. Baseband is so looks like its unchanged from 4.4.1
  6. My signal seems slightly worse, by 2 or 3dBm, nothing too drastic like some people have been reporting. I'm willing to give this radio a go considering the phone holds onto LTE longer than it probably should with original radio.
  7. I thought the version everyone got was KOT49E??? This is KOT49H
  8. What is this!?? A newer version of kitkat released by Sprint!? http://support.sprint.com/support/article/Find_and_update_the_software_version_on_your_Google_Nexus_5/WServiceAdvisory_542_GKB61196?INTNAV=SU:DP:OV:UG:GoogleNexus5:FindAndUpdateTheSoftwareVersionOnYourGoogleNexus5
  9. Cant wait to see the pic, just kinda odd that Cali is the only place the N5 has connected to any B41 as far as I can tell...
  10. LOL, sample shots look promising, and speed is definitely improved! https://plus.google.com/112773496741623034196/posts/YW8sTPpVN8W
  11. Nice write up about the updated Nexus 5 camera improvements, seems very promising!! And fixes the two complaints I've had with the camera, speed and UI. Also, I wonder if 4.4.1 would include other sprint band support...hmmm http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/5/5175568/fixing-the-nexus-5-android-4-4-1-improves-camera
  12. I have seen this before in NJ, -115dBm signal on my old HTC One and average speeds were around 20mb/sec I'm guessing very little noise on the airlink.
  13. The financial district is a big question mark, after Sandy things have gotten delayed considerably. I was reading some reports that Verizon themselves have had massive issues straightening out there lines that got destroyed. So, I could imagine that new clients like sprint aren't of the highest priority to get up and running. The only reason ATT and Verizon are working, is because they had previous infrastructure in place, unlike Sprint..If your main place of use is Financial district, it will be a tough go for at least a few months. I have seen 3G acceptances come up and also a couple of LTE sites. So there is light at the end of the tunnel down there, just dont know when you will get to the end of it. But, in most other places, with a triband phone like your LG G2 its pretty decent now!
  14. NYC is not completely upgraded, its about 40-50% complete, there is ways to go, but the LG G2 isnt a bad way to start. Also, keep in mind that the LG G2 will not support sprint spark (Band 41 for speeds over 50/mb sec) till Q1 2014..But NYC is officially spark launched so there is plenty coverage already in place.
  15. Sandy really left its mark to say the least, its really epic how bad it is..
  16. Had to go to lower manhattan, financial distract. WOOOW! Its Horrible!!! I barely could make a call, I wonder if its the upgrades or just been that bad all this time. The contrast between what you get anywhere further uptown is astounding.
  17. Wow, are you kidding me about the pizza....Im sure, that tomatoe pie they serve in Chicago taste fine, but you haven't had pizza until you eat NYC pizza! Sorry Chicagoland...your tower might have more physical floors to stand on in your "tallest building" interpretation, but you guys aint got nothing on us when it comes to Pizza... Stewart knows his pizza!
  18. I have tried every possible combination of LTE priority settings, and as far as I know, most of NYC does not suffer from the eCSFB issue, and again, the HTC One Max, connects flawlessly.
  19. I still don't understand why the inconsistent B41, if it is indeed something remote that has to be activated on the Device, why would it connect to any site at all. I am completely surrounded by Band 41, and at one point went to a verified place, (where I know the HTC One Max connects without issue) and no dice..stuck on 25.
  20. Did you try speedtest? I know another user here in NYC caught some B41 on his Nexus 5 but got horrible speeds (under 500k/sec)
  21. Just started noticing today that my voice calls are connecting considerably quicker than It has been in the last year at my home. I have Google voice integration and have always chalked it up to that being the issue, but it's a pleasant surprise, also the quality of the calls sound quite GREAT from sprint to sprint! (HD VOICE!?)
  22. I've seen a couple of those, pretty awesome stuff..
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