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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. I would say its generally on par with B25, but it is hard to say since I cannot connect to B41 automatically. What i can say is that even with a worse than -100dBm signal, it blows B25 out of the water.
  2. Connected to B41 on 42nd and 8th ave, seemed to be older backhaul. Still beat the pants out of B25, got 1mb down on B25 and 10mb down 15 up on B41.
  3. Thanks Robert! Here is a map of vendors based on location.
  4. Unfortunately, the Nexus 5 does not idle on Voice and Data simultaneously so that most definitely is not a Tri-band device. Besides that, His signature reads..."Sent from my SPH-L710"
  5. Everything seems to point to Chicago running into capacity issues, as all the carriers experienced a massive decline in their performance over the course of the last year or so. Hopefully that extra 5x5 carrier will help alleviate folks with older LTE devices.
  6. Many of sites are still 3G in queens, on top of the density issue, 800LTE will be very welcomed in queens.
  7. I own a Nexus 5, so add another 20% for the awesome signal strength..haha
  8. Sprint has been fixing this issue very quickly! They have already fixed many sites. It's only a matter of time.
  9. What is negative about the update from a connectivity standpoint? Also, if your in Atlanta (according to your profile)there's many "Spark" live sites in that state, so no way I would give that up. BTW...
  10. Assuming your on a Nexus 5 you might be dealing with the eCSFB issue, read here http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-357-nexus-5-and-lg-g2-experience-temporary-sprint-lte-connectivity-issues-due-to-circuit-switched-fallback-technology/ While this was an alarming issue when first discovered, we realized that it was generally a quick fix and not a huge deal at all. If it is the switching issue your having, it should be fixed very soon.
  11. I believe this is due to the image stabilization built into the lenses of the N5.
  12. I had to walk to a site that was far enough from B25 in order for it to choose B41 over B25, when I tried this method on a co-located site it would connect to B41 for a fraction of a second then switch to B25. But the interesting thing is, it would handoff to that site once I connected to B41.
  13. So finally went out there and was able to connect to a B41 site, One thing is clear, once your connected to B41 it will handoff without issues to different B41 sites. Held connection for about 2 and half hours. The highlight of the day was walking inside a Tmobile store (only 3blocks from a B41 site) and comparing speed test and signal strength. Tmobile Note 3 -101dBm DL 8mb/sec UL 3mb/sec 75ping Sprint N5 -103dBm DL 28mb/sec UL 11mb/sec 64ping Tmobile Iphone 5S (unknown signal strength) DL 11mb/sec UL 4mb/sec 60ping Sprint N5 -93dBm DL 39mb/sec UL 15mb/sec 55ping Speeds topped out around 62mb/sec with a -77dBm signal B41 is going to be a force to be reckoned with! *Also as a side note, Updating PRL seemed to do the trick for me. The key is not having a strong B25 signal but a strong B41 one.
  14. I have the same suspicion, I'm gonna take a quick walk to a Clear site a few blocks away from my apt and do more testing.
  15. Yes, it does seem to force B25 back up to high priority.
  16. I rarely ever venture out to SI and LI so maybe someone can chime in on those places.
  17. In the Bronx LTE is solid I'll break up Manhattan into 3 parts Uptown is solid Midtown is good Downtown is hit or miss(After Sandy work has slowed down to a CRAWL) BK seems to be solid Queens is good (a lot of sites still need upgrading) My voice coverage and quality has improved Dramatically after 1x800 and HD Voice. (After many many months of constant dropped calls!) I was able to Force band 41 on my Nexus 5 and test it out, and it was EPIC! (speeds ranging from 20-50mb/sec) So to answer your question, has Sprint improved? Going from 50k/sec to about 5mb/sec average, going from good voice coverage to one of the best in NYC, I would have to say: Absolutely! Are there sore spots? YES, there are places still not quite 100% covered Indoors is OK (B26 will make this a thing of the past) but not great B25 speeds have leveled out from about 15mb/sec avg to about 5mb/sec (still perfectly usable in most cases) My phone does not officially support B41, but I can tell you, from what I've seen, it will be EPIC in dense areas like NYC and Chicago. So the future is bright, once B26 and B41(there are MANY B41 sites already) are fully deployed, Sprint will have one of the most powerful networks hands down.
  18. I think in most cases you are probably right about that, but in midtown manhattan during rush hour when B25 is getting hammered, doing this process to download a quick video podcast before hopping on the train would be a breeze in a pinch. At the very least this gets me excited about the update!
  19. After toying around with my Nexus 5 settings was finally able to connect to a B41 site on the upper west side near the beacon theater! Got awesome speeds btwn 25-50mb/sec!
  20. TIM!!!! I think you found the magic sauce bro!!!!! I decided to bring up the sponsor map for B41 sites while a buddy of mine drove north on Broadway from midtown Manhattan, found a site about 10 blocks from where we were, drove as close as I could near the beacon theater (couldn't visually inspect the site since it most likely was sitting on one of the high rises on Broadway) Then went in and set B41 at the highest priority (lowered the others) Did a PRL update Then a Profile update then...
  21. Maybe you should consider adding "1x" to the 800 maps legend to avoid any potential confusion going forward considering that LTE 800 is becoming more and more prevalent.
  22. Nothing better than using my N7 to manage my text messages, listen to my VM and watch for missed calls.
  23. Yup! With Gvoice, once disabled everything works fine. Sometimes disabling it and enabling helps as well. I get accused of the same thing on a regular basis, but I can deal with it cause I can at least see the missed call through the Gvoice app. Its a love/hate relationship with Gvoice, but the pros outweigh the con's for me, I've just learn to deal with its con's.
  24. The update contains more than just enabled bands, as any LG G2 owner with an updated device can tell you. The word around the web is we will be receiving this update within the next couple of weeks or even sooner.
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