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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. Here was my result near one of his locations just a few days ago.
  2. He does mention "Galaxy S4 displaying one bar of Spark LTE." As misinformed as his quote is, not knowing whether its a spark connection or not, is not entirely his fault. Sprint should have made it a point to differentiate between B41 and B25. But yes, he seemed to be parked on B25 most of the time of his testing.
  3. I dont know if this would help put you more at ease, but my results Flatiron I average about 50mb/sec+ (B41) Wall Street is still work in progress, but i have not been there in a while. Last time I was there it was pretty slow(about 2months ago) my speeds were less than 1mb sec (B25)....but things can change quickly. Times square, my speeds were blistering, between 30-50mb sec (B41). Grand Central, I havent been there in a very long time, especially indoors, but a few blocks away I do get about 10-20mb sec (B41) Guggenheim museum, I have a buddy of mine just 3 blocks away and my speeds are between 30-40mb sec (B41). Grants Tomb, the closest I have been around there is 140th and Riverside, in that location my speeds are between 1-5mb sec (B25). Penn Station, my phone roams on Verizon (N/A) disappointed that every other carrier has native underground service except sprint. (But roaming underground works amazingly well!) Its clear that in this article the phone was parked mostly on B25, which is overburdened and unusable during peak hours (unless your at stronger than -75dBm signal) I for one go out of my way to reset the data connection in hopes that I connect to B41, which in more cases than not I do! Which is why my results are probably wildly different from Laptopmags results. So my hope is that Sprint will finally get B26 running and since they're very limited Triband devices in circulation let them prioritize B26 over B25 until the load is more balanced (then swap B25 and B26), and of course keep B41 at the highest priority level, and of course deploy that second carrier.
  4. Forester all the way, one of my good buds has had one since 05 and has done about a billion miles (reads 180,000, but I'm sure its gone around the odometer a few times) Subaru are just rock solid!! One thing you do have to take into account is loss of power not only through lower octane fuel, but also at elevated levels, the thinner the air the less efficient that turbo motor can be. Also, Turbos tend to choke and cease easier in high temperatures. (I have a MKV VW GLI and its awesome here in NYC during low temps) I just wish they would spend the same amount of effort on their styling, it always takes one generation for the design to grow on you, and every new generation just gets fuglier and fuglier. Granted, the forester is not quite as ugly as the rest of Subaru's line up.
  5. Maybe one of you G2 fanatics can help me sort out my girlfiends PRL issue. For some reason even after installing Sponsor PRL with 800SMR as higher priority it refuses to connect to any 1x800. Whereas my N5 has no issues. thanks guys
  6. It is definitely worth a go to flash .15 radio. It is fairly stable and can connect to B41 with minimal fuss. The sooner you do it the better, as more and more B25 sites go live the less chances you will latch onto B41 sites. The weaker the B25 signal is, the better chances that you will connect to a B41 site. I do recommend that you consider becoming a premiere member, there is a treasure trove of information related to all the B41, B26 and of course B25 deployment .
  7. Man the Nexus RF performance is ridiculously good!!! I just rode my elevator up and down (while holding it in a death-grip) and could not for the life of me get the PCS signal to go below -95dBm (whereas my HTC One would be in the 100's without the death-grip)... ill keep trying and get back to you guys. Looking forward to B26 stability like this! Would do wonders in pre-war buildings in NYC.
  8. Will do, been needing an excuse to take advantage of KitKat's screen capture feature.
  9. I have seen it occur in the middle of a call, switch from 1900 to 800 without an issue. I don't know why the network sees it fit to connect me to 1x800 even with a PCS signal in the -70's
  10. Welcome back to NYC! Nice to see you back on this side of the pond!
  11. It is super rare to roam in NYC unless your deep indoors and B26/1x800 will help solve that.
  12. In NYC its triband device or go home, B25 covers most parts of NYC well but is overburdened during peak times. B41 coverage is good in NYC and improving everyday, it will be critical in balancing the load. Take a look at my last speed test above where B25 is abysmal.
  13. Was on 39th and broadway, latched onto B41, awesome speeds. Same place i have been going for last couple of months and had unusable B25. One thing that surprised me, it was not CSFB ready, first site i have seen without it in a very long time.
  14. Looking at your signal strength its clear to see you have low data signal. The iphone was the first device to differentiate between voice and data bars. Meaning while your not connected to a phone call your bars represent DATA, as soon as you initiate a phone call it switches to Voice bars. Hence your voice signal is much stronger than your data bars.
  15. I think it automatically switches to low res on 3G service, my assumption is that Google did that to mitigate buffering. You would think that they would have had some sort of manual override for certain exceptions.
  16. My best guess is that they are trying to bundle a good amount into an update. With all this talk about calls not coming in, not only on sprint N5 but also Tmobile, camera needing a new UI, Battery drain issues with apps that use the camera etc.. I wouldnt doubt a whole point upgrade and not just a new baseband is in the works.
  17. No worries, the cleaner the better. I figured you were the culprit of my consolidated posts...lol!
  18. Are you still in queens with that Galaxy Mega? Im curious about the B41 performance throughout queens, Last time i was in Astoria due to the lack B25 sites, it latched onto B41 with ease. I wonder if the rest of Queens is the same deal? I think this is mostly the case in very dense areas during peak hours. Over the weekend the network performance is sublime! Hey Robert, have their been any verified reports of the second carrier coming online? I did see something in the Shentel market thread, but nobody seem to deny nor confirm the users findings. Wondering if that is even in Sprint plans for the immediate future.
  19. Have you tried flashing the .15 radio and changing band priority? you sound like the perfect candidate for the combination. In my case, my LTE signal around my neighborhood ranges between -80 and -90dBm, so my Nexus cannot latch onto that considerably weaker B41 signal (which still outperforms B25 by miles, with my girlfriends LG G2 it connects same spot without a problem) As Robert mentioned, I truly believe B41 will be the only real source of immediate relief for us here in NYC (especially in manhattan) And it is glorious when you connect to it with stability, Day before yesterday, was averaging between 15 and 35/mb sec in midtown Manhattan during peak hours, as my buddy was barely getting 10/kb sec on ATT.....yes! 10/kb!!!! Manhattan is brutal!
  20. The chances seem pretty slim that we will see another carrier before band 26. Its becoming a catch 22 in the Bronx where B25 is becoming more prevalent and overburdened, leaving my phone to connect less and less to B41(until the Spark update)
  21. I have found this to be true in midtown Manhattan during peak times, But in general its nice to see 3G speeds have improved dramatically, not so good for B25. B41 is a beast!
  22. My signal indoors is between -105 and 95dBm so between 1-3 bars
  23. I am super stoked!!!! Picked up a LG G2 for my girlfriend! and found out that I can receive Band 41 @ home!!!! speeds were between 20-45 inside my apt! Cant wait for the Nexus 5 update!!!!
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