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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. -76dBm RSRP LTE signal is extremely strong. Not going to get much stronger than that unless you are in front of the panel. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  2. I'm helping my brother move today. But tonight I will check the Florida acceptance reports. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  3. Yes, for the most part. GMO's will not get 800 service until they are converted to full build sites at the end of the Network Vision program. We have maps in the Premier Sponsor section that show where GMO's are at in most markets, including South Carolina. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  4. In my opinion, compared to other similar areas, deployment in Eastern Tennessee has been going fast. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  5. If memory serves, AirTran purchased 757's for Hawaii service. It was the only bird they could get that could meet ETOPs for flying over water long distances. Now the Next Gen 737's meet ETOPs and can be used. I don't know if the Hawaii service was ever even implemented. Although, I may be getting AirTran and ATA confused. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  6. I don't see anything that appears to be AlcaLu equipment in any of these pictures. Currently, all the work in Upstate is at GMO sites. GMO sites do not have any panel work. However, the one base equipment pic you took was not of Sprint equipment. If you get a chance to take more pics of base equipment, I can check those for you. Thanks. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  7. They must be testing it today, or just accepted it today. I had a source go through Glance last night in Michigan and found the new sites I posted. This is great news. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  8. mapping software Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  9. I confirmed with one of our sources, that only the one site has been accepted in Joplin. There is no second site broadcasting. Enjoy the reach! Robert
  10. Let's be clear. A GMO site is still a Network Vision site. It has all new Network Vision gear, except panels and panel cabling. Also, GMO sites are capable of running LTE where Sprint so chooses. And if you think about it, all Verizon sites are GMO sites. And AT&T will not convert these same types of sites in their network for years. And on T-Mo, these types of sites still have EDGE service. We need to keep this in perspective. Additionally, there are very few GMO sites in Michigan. This doesn't really effect you Michiganders.
  11. I'm pretty certain that the two sites currently live in Midland are full build sites and not GMO's. Enjoy your LTE!
  12. I keep checking the acceptance reports for the first site completed. None yet. Maybe tonight? You may notice some improvements from some sites even before they get formally accepted. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  13. Ping is the length of time in milliseconds a data packet takes to go from your device, through the internet to a remote server and back through the internet back to your device. Megabits per second is only part of the story. Ping is the other part in measuring performance. It's kind of like a car, horsepower is great. But if it doesn't have good torque, it's not very useful. That's the way an internet connection is. The better the ping, the better the performance. High speed with poor ping feels mediocre. Low speed with great ping feels mediocre. High speed, great ping equals outstanding combination. A high speed connection with poor ping, usually means bad routing through the internet. Either the routing adds unnecessary length in distance travel, or there are bottlenecks that it goes through that slows it down. Think of the download speed and ping like a road trip to a destination. Your device is Point A, and the server is Point B. There may be 100 different paths to Point B. And your car may travel 60mph. The 60mph speed doesn't change, no matter what. However, one path will get you to your destination with the least amount of delays, stop lights, congestion, etc. The other path will take longer. Even though you travel 60mph on both routes, one is going to take less time. The same is true of the internet speed test. Ping measures how long it takes to get there, regardless of your speed. Your connection may be travelling at 60mbps, however, there are different routes to the destination on the internet. The ping is the time it takes to get to Point B and back. The Mbps (or kbps) is like the speed in mph through the internet. Does that make sense? Satellite internet has horrible pings even though the speeds may be good. Because they have to travel all the way up to space and then back down to earth. So internet speeds alone are not enough to judge the quality of a connection. However, as we were talking about above, 30ms is not noticeable in any practical application, including gaming, VoIP or video conferencing. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  14. Yes indeed. The 717 was built in Long Beach, CA in the same factory as the MD 80 series. The 717 was a great plane. Flown on it twice. It had upgraded cabins over the MD 80's and a completely updated all electronic flight deck like in the new 737 series. The 717 had a great opportunity to take on the new extended regional jets. But Boeing never considered a shortened version in the 80-100 seat range. Instead, they tried to market it with the 737. The economies of scale of a 737 never made the 717 attractive, side by side. Missed opportunity. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  15. The microwave itself is not likely the bottleneck. It's the connection on the other side where the microwave gets terrestrial. That being said, Clearwire has a hodge podge of backhaul with varying performance. Most of their WiMax backhaul as-is is not up to snuff for the LTE performance. But Clearwire has been working on backhaul all year. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  16. The remaining posts do not paint the picture. It is the removed posts. We even had to ban a member for his comments. I don't appreciate it. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  17. All LTE signals drop when you go indoors about 8-12dBm or even more in some building types. If you have a weak LTE signal, within the last 8-12dBm to the threshold, you will be dropped when you go indoors. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2040-bars-lie-for-lte-signal-strength-how-to-determine-your-actual-lte-signal-strength/ Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  18. stamp collection Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  19. Well, I completely disagree. Now you guys completely understand what our tolerance level is. Pull the same crap again and you can expect the same or worse. We ain't a business and we don't have to tolerate the crap. Understand? Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  20. Rubber Duck Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  21. This is my understanding as well. The Samsung sites just need LTE carrier cards. The big thing for Clearwire is backhaul upgrades. Most of their sites could not offer anything remotely close to handling 60mbps speeds. This they are working on. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  22. You're only seeing a few select screenshots. If you could see all the performance everywhere on every network and every city you would see a huge range. Also the difference between 50ms and 80ms is so slight, you can't even couldn't almost detect a pause between two beeps spaced 30ms apart. That's three hundredths of a second. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  23. There are dozens of sites already upgraded to Network Vision standards and dozens more In Progress. You can check them out in Sponsor maps. Every week, more and more are worked on and show up on maps. One site is already live. And in a few weeks, more LTE sites will come online with more being added every week thereafter. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  24. Backhaul is the biggest factor. It needs to meet 90ms at acceptance to get approved. 80ms is still very fast for wireless technology if you think about it. I sometimes get 120ms+ on VZW LTE. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  25. I haven't been able to use LTE on it yet. But I do not want it taken away from me either. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
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