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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Sprint is not focusing on San Diego. Sprint's marching orders to all OEM's and Contractors is do them all as soon as physically possible. If the Riverside/San Bernardino market was ready to be lighting up, they would. And work is still going on site conversions in the market, the same rate they always have. About 10-20 per week. I'd guess within the next few weeks this market will start lighting up LTE pretty steadily. At least at the rate the OC is with 2-5 sites per week. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  2. There were a lot of sites accepted in the JAX market last week. Since each sites is in various states of upgrades, sometimes they don't coincide with steady completion dates. So you may have a whole bunch one week and a small amount for a few weeks. These are being done by humans, not machines. There will be an ebb and flow. What you are observing is not necessarily any failure by Sprint or Ericsson. In my opinion, for a prelaunch market, Ocala has a lot of sites. And has more sites per POP than any other community in the JAX market. And more are coming. It just will keep getting better and better. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  3. I was supposed to see Brian Regan last month, but those plans fell through. I'm still bummed. For those who don't know what we're talking about: Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  4. Since HappyHappy ignored previous warnings, he has been banned. He will no longer be annoying this thread. It has already come to pass just in the past 30-45 days that his doomsday predictions about LTE not coming to Philly were proven wrong. It happened just as S4GRU said in response to his comments. Additionally, members who direct their comments at other members and find people to single out and argue with personally will be banned. No one wants to read that garbage. We are happy to grab our torches and chase the trolls back under their bridges around here. It is one of the advantages of running a non commercial site. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  5. I have stood next to a site and connected to one four miles away before. What you need to do is start logging LTE Cell ID's from your LTE Engineering screen and tracking them. If you know the Cell ID's in your area, whenever you want to know what you're connected to, its easy to verify. I do the same with EVDO sites in my area. I have an Evernote that I can read from any of my devices that shows the PNs for every EVDO site in Northern NM. When I'm connected to one and want to know which it is, I look it up. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  6. OK...let me clarify some things. There is no such thing as a LTE light up...where the whole city goes on at once. Each site goes live the moment it is ready. So do not expect dozens or hundreds of sites to go on at once when Sprint announces market launch. Deployment will continue in San Diego with 5-12 LTE sites going online every week. It may even speed up a little and get up to 20-25. The San Diego deployment has been going faster than almost any other AlcaLu market ever. Eventually they will get to a decent amount of coverage and launch the market. Market launches typically happen between 30% and 60% of the sites being live. But there is a lot of variability of launches between markets. They may split the market up into several launches. They may launch Chula Vista or Carlsbad, etc. as separate launches. The formal launch is just a milestone. Nothing special happens with coverage or new sites at launch. The coverage is the same right before launch as right after. Launch is just a press release telling everyone the pool is open, go swimming. Deployment continues the same before launch as after launch. They will just keep deploying, more sites go live each week as they're ready. The only significance after launch is that the coverage is shown on their maps and it becomes official. So Sprint reps will acknowledge the sites are there and can open tickets if necessary. Also, LTE sites should go down/offline less often after launch. But it still occurs occasionally, just less often. If someone is waiting for a switch to be flipped, or the whole city to light up at once...well, it doesn't happen that way. Deployment will continue with more sites going live every week. Steady as she goes. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  7. Most likely adjusted downtilt because a closer site is In Progress. When a new LTE site goes live, they set the downtilt up as high as possible for maximum coverage. However, before adjacent sites come online, they have to adjust downtilt down to mitigate interference. They cannot overlap sites much, or it creates problems. Robert
  8. It won't be any time soon, I'm afraid. Robert
  9. They are probably referring to CDMA 800, not LTE 800. And I would not consider that a reliable source. Robert via Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
  10. The signal is likely coming across the water over from the Cromwell/Wollochet Bay site. There is an accepted site there. The best way to check is to go into your LTE Engineering screen and get your Cell ID. And then drive over to the tower in Cromwell and see if you get the same Cell ID when standing on the SE side of that site. The site has three sectors pointed in different directions. Only the one facing your direction would have the same Cell ID. If it's the same Cell ID, only with a much stronger signal, then that is the site. There is also a site over in Tacoma/Ruston. But that one seems too far away. It's possible that it may be unaccepted site in testing mode. The only way to find out which LTE site you are connected to is via tracking Cell ID's. The New Orleans and Austin thread folks have nifty spreadsheets that S4GRU Members use to track and share LTE Cell ID's to help determine connection locations. You may want to consider starting one for the West Washington market. Additionally, you should consider becoming a S4GRU Sponsor. Over in the Sponsor section, we have maps that show all Sprint sites, plus maps of all the Accepted Network Vision/LTE sites. For more information about becoming a Sponsor, check out this thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ Robert
  11. All things being equal in the way they're deployed...no. EVDO has longer range. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  12. This is borderline rantish and says nothing new that you haven't said before. And for the record, no one likes Fresno.. So we don't fault Sprint for ignoring it. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  13. I still haven't received the JB update for my LGOG. My wife has taken it from me though. I'm back to my Note. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  14. It is funny how if you don't upgrade the case, 60% of the people yawn. It is definitely a solid generational upgrade. And there is a lot of innovation tech they are trying out to see if it takes. This reminds me of all the whining when the iPhone 4S came out. Samsung is getting a little taste of their own medicine. Remember the Samsung ads mocking Apple fans, who asked of the 4S, "How will people know I've upgraded??". Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  15. Did I miss something? I haven't read anything that says it supports Sprint's LTE Band 26 (SMR 800), other than people drawing that conclusion on their own. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  16. Sprint didn't have a choice but to use WiMax initially. They had FCC build out requirements on 2600MHz spectrum. LTE was not ready at that time. They started deploying WiMax two years before Verizon started deploying LTE. It is not an issue of intelligence. Now, Verizon is stuck on early LTE equipment that is not upgradable to LTE Release 10. Are they now not smart? No. Every company is making decisions on what is best for them within their given circumstances at a particular time. For Sprint, WiMax was the best decision in 2008. And for Sprint, LTE is the best decision now. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  17. Ericsson also provides inspection services for Sprint to accept NV sites in Samsung and AlcaLu markets. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  18. Deployment started in the Phoenix market a few weeks ago. They are upgrading towers now. However, it is still likely to be another 45-60 days before the very first LTE signals start to light up. But work is underway! Robert
  19. I think it's time to end this thread. It's a redundant thread as there is already a Shentel market thread too. And a lot of the mysteries of the Shentel deployment have been solved. Thread closed. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  20. At some point you get to such a fine resolution and the pentile display becomes indistinguishable. I'm not sure the resolution of the S4 is that point. I can tell you that the S3 isn't to that point, though. But I do love the display on the Note 2. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  21. Each individual profile has their own time zone setting, including Daylight Savings Time selections. You can edit it in your profile. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  22. The press release says that the first LTE model will be FDD only and later in the year a TDD-LTE model will be released. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  23. AJ typically provides the S4GRU write up of FCC OET's. And Ian runs backup. They're much better at that than I am. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  24. Fajardo coverage should be getting decent now with 3 sites, and the nearby one in Loquillo. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  25. I was frustrated to get my SW Florida acceptance report and the attachment is corrupted. I'm hoping my source can resend it today! Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
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