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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Well said. The whole thing wreaks. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  2. There was a Joplin and Neosho site accepted yesterday. More details later when I return to my office computer. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  3. Samsung is working on the Davenport switch, upgrading equipment and backhaul. As for the sites, those are done on an individual basis and not by Samsung, but by Sprint under separate contracts with several vendors. I'd say for the most part, this is pretty accurate. Field work is already under way in East Iowa at GMO sites. But full build sites will not get moving in earnest for a few more months. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  4. You will not see new panels at a GMO site. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  5. Congrats on getting LTE. When it comes to coverage from a site, it is highly variable. Signals from sites cannot overlap adjacent sites by very much. So engineers specifically engineer signals by the mounting height and panel downtilt to get the signals exactly right. In your case, the signal may only go one mile. In some places in rural Kansas on a boomer along a highway, it can go 10 miles. And in urban New York City, there are sites that have signals that only go two blocks. If your site only goes one mile, it is by design. The good thing about sites that cover less area is they tend to have stronger signals within their coverage. Where service now ends, it is likely a transition area where another LTE site would pick up when it comes online later. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  6. I'm having the same feeling with the GS4 as I did when the iPhone 4S came out. What can be possibly different to make me want to part with my money to upgrade out of sequence? So far, I'm not moved by the leaks. Maybe something will change tonight. It makes sense for someone who didn't upgrade last year with the GS3 (or other similar device) to move up to the GS4. But digiblur makes a good point. The GS3 is such a solid RF performer, that if the GS4 reduces that any, that alone could be enough for people who spend a lot o time in marginal and weak signal areas to stick with the GS3 or Note 2. However, if it supports LTE Band 26 or 41, where do I preorder? Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  7. You certainly were not lectured by me. I hope you aren't suggesting that I cannot respond to posts on my own website. No one can make points on this site and then hide behind a shield. It's all open for discussion. That's the point of forums. Tsk, tsk. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  8. So many things were discussed, I'm not sure I understand to what your question is pointed. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  9. Hartford area sites are mostly full build and will receive 800MHz deployments. I was saying that all the N CT sites deployed to date are GMO. Not all N CT sites in general. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  10. The Kansas market and NYC market started at the same time. Do you suggest they have people who could be working in Kansas sit on their ass and do nothing so it would be a better marketing story for the New York deployment? Obviously not. Sprint needs to do a better job explaining to its customers. That's the issue. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  11. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2166-network-visionlte-central-southern-jersey-market/ Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  12. They look like AT&T PCS panels I've seen before. But not 100% sure. Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  13. It's already available on these 17 sites. Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  14. Launched? Perhaps. However work is beginning in the next few weeks in the Columbus market. And it is a Samsung market, and Samsung tends to bring up the LTE side first because it is easier and doesn't have to be done in clusters like the 3G. However, this is plausible because Sprint may have to do Columbus like Chicago. Both are legacy Motorola markets. They may have to do 3G first to minimize service disruptions from dropped calls. If so, they will have to do several months of 3G only installs. Fortunately, the Columbus market is much smaller than Chicago, so they can bang this out much quicker. But if this is the case, I expect them to fly through the 3G upgrades because backhaul will not be an issue and the customers will be screaming bloody murder from dropped calls and service disruptions. Remember the 75-100 sites per week Samsung did in Chicago? After 2-3 months of an aggressive 3G rollout, they could start the LTE side. If this is true for Columbus, it's also the case for Cincinnati and Cleveland. Because both of them are legacy Motorola markets too. If Sprint and Samsung were smart, they'd do both. Have separate 3G and LTE crews. Send out the massive 3G conversion teams as planned and stick as many people on that as possible. But then have separate teams that go to each completed 3G convert and add LTE now as each site has upgraded backhaul in place to support it. That would be the best way to handle this issue. Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  15. Unfortunately, no. We didn't know back then that the sites being deployed at the time in Delaware were GMO sites. Full build sites with LTE will not begin for a few more months. Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  16. We will accept whatever you can afford. However, we need approximately $20-$25 per new Sponsor to make our monthly costs. Some give less, some give more. I will let your wallet and your conscience be your guide. Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  17. I have two VZW LTE devices. A personal hotspot, and a work phone. VZW LTE speeds have dropped dramatically in the places I have been to in New Mexico, Colorado and Texas. VZW is the market leader here in NM, and probably contributes to their LTE network strain. Sites in ABQ that were 25Mbps last summer are down to 3-6Mbps at peak times, and they consistently drop a little more every month...no end in sight. Our site here in Los Alamos can drop down to 1-3Mbps at peak times. The VZW site next to my house stays steady 18-25Mbps 24 hours a day. But that's a rural site. Robert
  18. That's not journalism. That's an editorial about Verizon's network. No mention about how Verizon LTE is dropping to 2-4Mbps in many places and this AWS spectrum is their only chance to save their network before it completely disintegrates. Also, no mention of the millions of Verizon LTE customers that will be stuck on a degrading LTE 750 network until enough people buy AWS LTE capable handsets. It will take years before the 750 and AWS LTE carriers can support even loads. Years! Although the same can and will be said of Sprint LTE 800, at least we will not sugar coat or bullshit everyone in our article about it. Robert
  19. So there was a whopping 17 LTE sites accepted and went live yesterday in Philly. That may be a new one day record for a single market. Sponsors can see info about the sites accepted here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1120-comments-related-to-nv-sites-complete-thread/page__view__findpost__p__115782 Robert
  20. Hmm. This doesn't look like any Sprint cabinet or Samsung cabinets I've ever seen. Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  21. From outside the Lehigh Valley looking in, we don't see the distinction. And likely, Billy Joel didn't either. It's kind of like the Reno/Sparks distinction from where I'm from in Nevada. No one can tell the difference where one ended and the other began if you were from outside the Valley. But we knew! Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  22. Sprint has thousands of in-building solutions sites inside buildings all over the country. However, IBS sites are requested by the property owner and the property owner provides the backhaul. If your building has AT&T and VZW IBS sites, then that is the carriers your building owner wanted. In public venues, Sprint can set up DAS and micro/pico cells. Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  23. S4GRU

    Hello All

    We welcome you to the forums of S4GRU. May Detroit LTE live long and prosper! Hope to see you around. Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
  24. It's a tower here and a tower there. Based on production rates in Philly, the earliest conceivable launch date would be in May. But I'd guess more like June. More sites will likely go live every week though until then. Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
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