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Galaxy Note 8 rumors, specs, thoughts, etc


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Got my pre-order done already for TWO Galaxy Note 8. Sprint doesnt have the gold edition...so I had to order a black and gray edition.


Problem with sprint.com/esign...

For whatever reason, Sprint has been unable to send me a confirmation text to verify my account, and I can't sign into the esign page ...it says this:





I'm waiting on someone from Exec Cust Relations to return my call regarding this error.


(when I sign into my account, I can't see ANY devices...nothing shows up. And I can't see data use either)...


Something has happened since they added the MagicBox on my account.


The Magic Box was my 11th device..and I could be wrong but after you get to 10, you have to either have a business or corporate account to be able to have more devices ...


Even though the MB isn't an actual "line"...it's still got a number and should show up as a device on my account..

So I think whatever they did with the MB to add it has done something to my account..and I can't sign into it anymore..

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Something has happened since they added the MagicBox on my account.


This is a "known" issue. It happened to everyone who got a MB when they got the shipping notification (ie when it was added to your account). I haven't been able to login since last week.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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Probably not. Only new customers get the best deals.


I just got an email from Sprint offering an upgrade to the Note 8 for $28.88/ month on an 18 month lease. It's one of those credit deals. Pay $40 and get a $11.12 bill credit each month.  With upgrade after 12 months of payments.  Not as good as the new customer deal but cheaper than the $33/month deal that best buy is offering.  

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I just got an email from Sprint offering an upgrade to the Note 8 for $28.88/ month on an 18 month lease. It's one of those credit deals. Pay $40 and get a $11.12 bill credit each month.  With upgrade after 12 months of payments.  Not as good as the new customer deal but cheaper than the $33/month deal that best buy is offering.  

I'm a current customer, and got the $20/mo for 18 month..no new lines.. Both are upgrades and both are $20/mo each.


billed $40/mo but receiving a $20/mo bill credit. Plus the freebies from Samsung.


This is a "known" issue. It happened to everyone who got a MB when they got the shipping notification (ie when it was added to your account). I haven't been able to login since last week.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk



Herein lies the problem with me...If I don't do esign within like, 72 hours (actually now it's like 60 hours) then my order for 2 GN8 will auto cancel...

The nearest store? An hour away.

They gotta get that resolved...

Even Exec Cust Serv hasn't called me back about this issue and I called "Susan" at 8:35 this morning and she's been working on it for me!!

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I'm a current customer, and got the $20/mo for 18 month..no new lines.. Both are upgrades and both are $20/mo each.


billed $40/mo but receiving a $20/mo bill credit. Plus the freebies from Samsung.




Herein lies the problem with me...If I don't do esign within like, 72 hours (actually now it's like 60 hours) then my order for 2 GN8 will auto cancel...

The nearest store? An hour away.

They gotta get that resolved...

Even Exec Cust Serv hasn't called me back about this issue and I called "Susan" at 8:35 this morning and she's been working on it for me!!


Congrats. Only thing I could get was the $28 deal.  I tried to sign up for the $20 but everytime I entered my account info it switched deals to the other one.  Oh, well. No complaints.  It's still better than the $40 full monthly payment. It makes the total ust a bit more than the price I paid for my current Note 4.

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Congrats. Only thing I could get was the $28 deal.  I tried to sign up for the $20 but everytime I entered my account info it switched deals to the other one.  Oh, well. No complaints.  It's still better than the $40 full monthly payment. It makes the total ust a bit more than the price I paid for my current Note 4.



I should be awarded something else I think...because I actually called into telesales and spoke with them (for 45+ minutes) to get the deal that I got. I gotta say, the language barrier is HORRIBLE... It was beyond misery to try and understand / speak with the rep..


I did manage to get it done though. Aside from the huge account issue and not being able to verify since they can't send a text to ANY of my 8-10 devices...


also got the $30 act/per phone waived...so I did pretty good I think.


I was "told"...that my current Note 5 (on lease since release) was buyout for $1.04 .........and my wife's Note 5, also on lease since release, was buyout for $30.36...

So I kept both. But I am not sure that's accurate, and since I can't login, I am unable to see my device balances...


I don't know if/when they will get this fixed, but i hope that it's done soon. I don't want to drive an hour away just to sign the ToS/Lease...


She also told me shipping could start as early as Sept 5...

I should receive between 9/5 and 9/15.

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I should be awarded something else I think...because I actually called into telesales and spoke with them (for 45+ minutes) to get the deal that I got. I gotta say, the language barrier is HORRIBLE... It was beyond misery to try and understand / speak with the rep..


I did manage to get it done though. Aside from the huge account issue and not being able to verify since they can't send a text to ANY of my 8-10 devices...


also got the $30 act/per phone waived...so I did pretty good I think.


I was "told"...that my current Note 5 (on lease since release) was buyout for $1.04 .........and my wife's Note 5, also on lease since release, was buyout for $30.36...

So I kept both. But I am not sure that's accurate, and since I can't login, I am unable to see my device balances...


I don't know if/when they will get this fixed, but i hope that it's done soon. I don't want to drive an hour away just to sign the ToS/Lease...


She also told me shipping could start as early as Sept 5...

I should receive between 9/5 and 9/15.

I went that route as well. Usually I do any buy or upgrade online, but I still had $198 left on the lease for the S8+ I bought 2 months ago. I didn't want to do it all at once online and called Sprint to pay off the lease, to then order the phones later on in the week online.

So I call and I usually have a quick and easy pleasant encounter, but this time wow. I was bounce between depts and finally got a good rep. Although, the language barrier was a bit hard, we both made do and she was nice and got everything done. She waived the $30 activation fee due to being a long time user (whether that is true I wouldn't know), but they are waiving it anyway if one does it online or via call sales. The terms are like yours, $40 but 20 credit every month for each phone I bought. And they start shipping on the 5th, although historically its always been a day or two earlier. I was sent the contract to sign and everything was done. 


One thing I did noticed with the phone order was that she kept pushing for more family members to get a new phone and or tablets. After the transaction was done, I realized that I never discussed with her anything about the extra bonus gifts (SD card and wireless charger, etc). So I don't know if they are included with the order. I'll do a chat to see if it was included or not.


Edit: found out one has to register the phone once we get it and thats when you pick which bonus offer to get.



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 And they start shipping on the 5th, although historically its always been a day or two earlier. I was sent the contract to sign and everything was done. 




Edit: found out one has to register the phone once we get it and thats when you pick which bonus offer to get.





I'm glad I'm not the only one who encounters that. Usually the language barrier doesn't bother me much...mainly because i have a best friend who is Indian and he depends on me to talk to people for him when he's conducting business at the store... And I've been doing that for 10 years or so. So I can understand just fine when it comes to non-American accent...

But, when you need to make sure it's accurate, or affects a bill ...then you want to know for sure what you're hearing is exactly what they mean... 


I've never done the "pre-order" thing.. The Note 5...I got that on release date (telesales, waited on shipping, so it was like ~1 week after it's official release to Sprint)

This is actually the 1st time that I've done the "pre-order" and wait for carrier to even receive devices.. So something new for me.

And I was told about that freebie thing when I asked..the same thing you were ...when you receive device, you log into site and pick which freebie you want...

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I ordered the unlocked version directly from Samsung day one. I am having 2nd thoughts based on the hpue on sprint. Does anyone know if the unlocked version is compatible all the sprint network features? I have a sprint s8+ and my record speed test is 210. Don't want to go backwards.


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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I'd love to have enough tower details to know whether HPUE is capable in area yet (maybe capable isn't the term...I guess active or in use)...

The last "work"done was a gmo to LTE around March or Feb I think...


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

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Hpue doesn't do much.


On the Samsung Galaxy Note 8?  Do you have one?


You and others need to stop with these unsubstantiated generalizations about HPUE -- based on one handset that may be just a mediocre band 41 performer.



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On the Samsung Galaxy Note 8? Do you have one?


You and others need to stop with these unsubstantiated generalizations about HPUE -- based on one handset that may be just a mediocre band 41 performer.





Every experience is different to each user depending on their location

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So... Is there a substantial difference in performance to be expected from the unlocked vs the sprint version. I didn't really think that part through when I did my pre-order. I was thinking of the other benefits like bloatware ect.


Will I be able to add the software that is missing to add some of those features back on? Ex. VoLTE.


I just jumped to the resale value and simplicity. But as a Note line lover this is going to be my device for at least a year and that is not top of the list. The performance for me is!


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I jumped on the Note 7 loyalty promo to get $425 off straight from Samsung. I ordered the Sprint version but now I'm wondering if maybe I should have ordered the unlocked version. So I too would like to know what if any performance difference the unlocked version will have versus the Sprint version if anybody knows.


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Has anyone had any luck registering for the promo deal with samsung after pre-ordering at sprint? I try doing it and it sends me to the Samsung app but nothing there for the promo.


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

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It was mentioned a few posts back. When you get your new Note, you then go to Samsung site to register it and choose your promo deal.

I haven't tried yet but curious if you gotta have the new note to choose your gift? Like required to enter IMEI or such...

If not I'd like to know if anyone is successful with choosing.


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Past promos required entering the details of your device. Along with uploading your receipt. I went directly to Samsung this time and they have you select the promo as part of the checkout process.


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From my understanding of the ol Google results, hpue is not a sprint only tech. It is a new protocol for band 41. With that in mind I feel like the hardware will be in the device. The Chinese market is also using hpue on band 41.


Sprint is definitely poised to leverage the tech and is marketing it heavily. However that really comes down to being the biggest band 41 game in town here in the US.


Is there any thing else I should be concerned with unlocked vs carrier version?


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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