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Sprint Declares Their Network Vision 'Substantially Complete'

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This was posted on a site I frequent and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts regarding this considering that service has  not really improved or like here, has gotten consistently worse.






We have 4G here and it was fast when they rolled it out but it has gotten horrible. I ran speedtests yesterday which averaged 1/.10. The 3G never got improvements. Until Sprint makes some real network improvements (we don't have spark here) they will continue to be irrelevant. I have been with Sprint for a long time and put up with the b.s. over the years but 2015 will be the last year I give them. I will wait it out for Spark to be deployed here and hope that it makes some sort of improvement but judging by what other people are saying in some markets Spark doesn't change a thing.


Either Sprint is doing something wrong, there are some technical issues, or maybe they took a technically cheap route at network vision; idk. 


Any thoughts?

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This was posted on a site I frequent and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts regarding this considering that service has not really improved or like here, has gotten consistently worse.






We have 4G here and it was fast when they rolled it out but it has gotten horrible. I ran speedtests yesterday which averaged 1/.10. The 3G never got improvements. Until Sprint makes some real network improvements (we don't have spark here) they will continue to be irrelevant. I have been with Sprint for a long time and put up with the b.s. over the years but 2015 will be the last year I give them. I will wait it out for Spark to be deployed here and hope that it makes some sort of improvement but judging by what other people are saying in some markets Spark doesn't change a thing.


Either Sprint is doing something wrong, there are some technical issues, or maybe they took a technically cheap route at network vision; idk.


Any thoughts?

Yes many thoughts but since this is your first post I believe you are a troll.



Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk

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This entire forum is filled with Network Vision success stories. You come across as a troll because there are years worth of information on these forums that answer your exact question. Instead of making a blanket statement about Network Vision based on the experience in your market why don't you take some time to actually do some research? All your post did was state that Sprint sucks in your particular area. Sprint is great in my market, so by your logic I can describe Network Vision as a roaring success! They did everything correctly and spent top dollar on the best available equipment and vendors nationwide.


Sent from my Sprint LG G3

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This entire forum is filled with Network Vision success stories. You come across as a troll because there are years worth of information on these forums that answer your exact question. Instead of making a blanket statement about Network Vision based on the experience in your market why don't you take some time to actually do some research? All your post did was state that Sprint sucks in your particular area. Sprint is great in my market, so by your logic I can describe Network Vision as a roaring success! They did everything correctly and spent top dollar on the best available equipment and vendors nationwide.


Sent from my Sprint LG G3

So because Sprint works in your market makes it so in all the markets? Furthermore for them to be complaining that Network Vision is substantially complete will not only rub myself but a bunch of other Sprint customers the wrong way.

Edited by atuarre
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So because Sprint works in your market makes it so in all the markets?

No, and that is my point. Your post uses your experience to describe the Network Vision project nationwide.


Sent from my Sprint LG G3

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So because Sprint works in your market makes it so in all the markets?

That's not what he's suggesting. He's saying this is a forum where we report Network Vision improvements, because Sprint is improving. Band 25 Is bound to be congested, this is a fact that you could have picked up on if you did a little more reading. Band 41 is the saving grace for congested markets, as well as PCS spectrum for refarming. Haven't you noticed how much better a Sprint phone calls sound, or how there are less issues with texts, or how LTE coverage improved? Because I have. And I'm so happy it's not like it was 4 years ago.

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No, and that is my point. Your post uses your experience to describe the Network Vision project nationwide.


Sent from my Sprint LG G3



That's not what he's suggesting. He's saying this is a forum where we report Network Vision improvements, because Sprint is improving. Band 25 Is bound to be congested, this is a fact that you could have picked up on if you did a little more reading. Band 41 is the saving grace for congested markets, as well as PCS spectrum for refarming. Haven't you noticed how much better a Sprint phone calls sound, or how there are less issues with texts, or how LTE coverage improved? Because I have. And I'm so happy it's not like it was 4 years ago.


Band 25 AND Band 26 are congested here,

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That's not what he's suggesting. He's saying this is a forum where we report Network Vision improvements, because Sprint is improving. Band 25 Is bound to be congested, this is a fact that you could have picked up on if you did a little more reading. Band 41 is the saving grace for congested markets, as well as PCS spectrum for refarming. Haven't you noticed how much better a Sprint phone calls sound, or how there are less issues with texts, or how LTE coverage improved? Because I have. And I'm so happy it's not like it was 4 years ago.


My Sprint calls always sounded fine to me. And I never had issues with text messaging. My only issue with Sprint has been slow/no data.


I've been with Sprint since before it was corporate Sprint and it was a network partner run by affiliate US Unwired.

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Network Vision 1.0 is substantially complete. Which is mostly 3G and physical site conversions. They didn't say LTE is substantially complete. And the important LTE capacity upgrades are not a part of NV1.0 and are going on in earnest now. Nothing here to see folks. Move along.

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Why would I be a troll for asking a legitimate question?


Sprint in Louisiana is pretty horrible anyway, from my last bout with driving around that state.  So its probably your market.  Nearly everywhere else has greatly improved.  The 3G only areas I will say are not so good, but they are improving more every month.  This is the primary reason I am not leaving sprint, plus the unlimited data as well.

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This was posted on a site I frequent and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts regarding this considering that service has  not really improved or like here, has gotten consistently worse.






We have 4G here and it was fast when they rolled it out but it has gotten horrible. I ran speedtests yesterday which averaged 1/.10. The 3G never got improvements. Until Sprint makes some real network improvements (we don't have spark here) they will continue to be irrelevant. I have been with Sprint for a long time and put up with the b.s. over the years but 2015 will be the last year I give them. I will wait it out for Spark to be deployed here and hope that it makes some sort of improvement but judging by what other people are saying in some markets Spark doesn't change a thing.


Either Sprint is doing something wrong, there are some technical issues, or maybe they took a technically cheap route at network vision; idk. 


Any thoughts?

Sprint is implying that Network Vision 1.0 the actual rip and replace of the legacy hardware (basestations, panels, radio units, etc) is substantially complete, nothing was stated that LTE was substantially complete.  Sprint's LTE network grows with every passing day as more sites get LTE.  You have to remember that this network was basically built from the ground up while also optimizing the new network and maintaining their legacy network at the same time, pretty darn impressive if you ask me.  


Now that Network Vision 1.0 is getting wrapped up its time to improve on that with Network Vision 2.0.  Network Vision 2.0 will add Sprint's 2.5GHz Band 41 holdings to their LTE network.  The use of 8T8R radios (eight transmit/eight receive) on their LTE TDD 2.5 will help push that signal further and give it a speed boost, this will be another hardware install to Sprint's sites.  

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I've noticed good improvements in 3G after network vision work has been completed. Today while on lunch I was watching some video and didn't notice until the very end I was connected to Ev-DO and not LTE. BTW, this was faster than Verizon's b13 LTE in the same spot at the same time.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


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This was posted on a site I frequent and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts regarding this considering that service has  not really improved or like here, has gotten consistently worse.






We have 4G here and it was fast when they rolled it out but it has gotten horrible. I ran speedtests yesterday which averaged 1/.10. The 3G never got improvements. Until Sprint makes some real network improvements (we don't have spark here) they will continue to be irrelevant. I have been with Sprint for a long time and put up with the b.s. over the years but 2015 will be the last year I give them. I will wait it out for Spark to be deployed here and hope that it makes some sort of improvement but judging by what other people are saying in some markets Spark doesn't change a thing.


Either Sprint is doing something wrong, there are some technical issues, or maybe they took a technically cheap route at network vision; idk. 


Any thoughts?

Come to Atlanta and experience what a mature market feels like. It's as good as VZW or ATT on a local level in the city. It's pretty awesome.
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Come to Atlanta and experience what a mature market feels like. It's as good as VZW or ATT on a local level in the city. It's pretty awesome.


I'll move for ftth before I move for wireless service. Wish you could move Atlanta's Sprint service here. LTE speed test as of 2 minutes ago, 0.54 down / .02 up.


Sprint tried to insist it was the device but I made sure they understood that both devices are behaving the same.


Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as a troll. I'm just tired. First, it was oh band 25 is a mess, wait for band 26. Then band 26 was rolled out and it's still a mess. But this is Louisiana.

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I'll move for ftth before I move for wireless service. Wish you could move Atlanta's Sprint service here. LTE speed test as of 2 minutes ago, 0.54 down / .02 up.


Sprint tried to insist it was the device but I made sure they understood that both devices are behaving the same.


Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as a troll. I'm just tired. First, it was oh band 25 is a mess, wait for band 26. Then band 26 was rolled out and it's still a mess. But this is Louisiana.

Leave sprint like all the others on this site that had sprint in that region . Another provider will work much better than sprint in that forsaken market.
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Why does Sprint struggle so badly in Louisiana? There must be a reason or 2. But no provider is best for everyone, everywhere. If the glass slipper doesn't fit, it just doesn't fit!

I remember reading that most or all of the Louisiana area was an affiliate market that Sprint bought, and that affliate had poor cell spacing to begin with.



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I remember reading that most or all of the Louisiana area was an affiliate market that Sprint bought, and that affliate had poor cell spacing to begin with.


That would make sense. Perhaps it will be addressed in the medium to long term.
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Why does Sprint struggle so badly in Louisiana? There must be a reason or 2. But no provider is best for everyone, everywhere. If the glass slipper doesn't fit, it just doesn't fit!

Probably not willing to invest heavily in backhaul in case of hurricane.

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