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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Sprint's LTE on the interstates in the Northeast is pretty good. I was on LTE for nearly the whole trip. I was on I95 for about half of it from Brooklyn to Boston. The only time I recall being on 3G for an extended period of time was on I84 in northeastern Connecticut, approaching the border of Massachusetts.  Eastern Connecticut in general seem to be having hard time getting LTE.

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So I was just looking through my usage for my iPhone 5s, and I saw this:




Which is odd, because it's an iPhone 5s, so I don't have Wifi calling of any sort, or Wifi texting, so this is kind of confusing. Anyone else seeing something like this?



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So I was just looking through my usage for my iPhone 5s, and I saw this:




Which is odd, because it's an iPhone 5s, so I don't have Wifi calling of any sort, or Wifi texting, so this is kind of confusing. Anyone else seeing something like this?




Did you update to 8.2?

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Check the Settings thoroughly. Maybe we missed something.

Just did, and couldn't find anything related. If this isn't an error, then there may be some interesting behind the scenes developments going on...



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Just did, and couldn't find anything related. If this isn't an error, then there may be some interesting behind the scenes developments going on...



Keep an eye on it and see if any phone calls start showing up as wifi calls. If not, it's a fluke.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1

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Not sure where this should go, maybe here?  http://transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2015/db0309/DA-15-301A1.pdf


- Trip

That is awesome. It is about time the FCC starts saying not to these squatters. 4 years have gone by and these local governments can't resolve their issues is rediculous.

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The best and most clear response from the FCC to a Public Agency that I can ever recall regarding 800 Rebanding. Oakland is practically blackmailing Sprint saying we will hold you up on anything and everything related to Rebanding because we suffer from interference in a few places, of which, is mostly AT&T. Including holding millions of dollars in equipment that they aren't even using. What a joke.


Sprint is not in the clear, of course. They will have to address the interference, albeit outside of rebanding. And they will have to entertain Oakland's change order request, and go to mediation if they don't approve it. But I love the language the FCC used here in slicing right through the BS and outline a practical approach that allows the rebanding process to complete and still give Oakland an opportunity to resolve its issues within the processes available.


Common sense rules the day. Now if the FCC would just throw out the licenses of spectrum squatters who never have met their build out requirements years ago in the same effective manner.

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The best part is the second footnote, which cites one of Oakland's replies to the FCC about Sprint's "defunked" iDEN network.  Yep, that is some fine Oakland urban intelligence on display.



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The problem with cites in California is they are trying to get money from any sources they can because they spent themselves into a hole and can't get out of it because of the tax base dwindling.

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The best and most clear response from the FCC to a Public Agency that I can ever recall regarding 800 Rebanding. Oakland is practically blackmailing Sprint saying we will hold you up on anything and everything related to Rebanding because we suffer from interference in a few places, of which, is mostly AT&T. Including holding millions of dollars in equipment that they aren't even using. What a joke.


Sprint is not in the clear, of course. They will have to address the interference, albeit outside of rebanding. And they will have to entertain Oakland's change order request, and go to mediation if they don't approve it. But I love the language the FCC used here in slicing right through the BS and outline a practical approach that allows the rebanding process to complete and still give Oakland an opportunity to resolve its issues within the processes available.


Common sense rules the day. Now if the FCC would just throw out the licenses of spectrum squatters who never have met their build out requirements years ago in the same effective manner.

I don't know if you cought it but there is a typo, where sprint says that if the FCC is to grant Oakland an extension it should only do so to June of 2105. I think it was suppose to be 2015 but I would like to think sprint was using sarcasm to show how exaserbated they are with these localities holding them up.

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Dwindling tax base?  That sounds vaguely familiar.





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Good thing I don't live in that cesspool of handmeouts [emoji106][emoji12]

Suburbs are much nicer.


Anywhere in the US within a small radius of Detroit -- except for Ann Arbor -- is Detroit.  The presence of suburbs is due to Detroit.  Those suburbs would not exist without Detroit.





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Anywhere in the US within a small radius of Detroit -- except for Ann Arbor -- is Detroit. The presence of suburbs is due to Detroit. Those suburbs would not exist without Detroit.





The suburbs are civilization, Detroit is a cesspool. Big difference.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Semantics.  The suburbs of Hell still are hot and wreak of sulfur.  Tough sell for any demonic real estate agent.

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Good thing Dearborn, Wayne, Livonia form a nice buffer.


...as does all of central Michigan, since you live in Muskegon, of course.



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The best part is the second footnote, which cites one of Oakland's replies to the FCC about Sprint's "defunked" iDEN network.  Yep, that is some fine Oakland urban intelligence on display.



Ba ha ha ha! I would expect similar grammatical suicide from the folks here running Atlanta. Jesus.
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    • Tbh not that surprising. Every ISP seems to want to have an MVNO to pitch to their customers to make them stickier and maybe make some money in the process. And unlike USCC the MVNO should be able to cover TDS's entire wireline area, with infrastructure costs that are borne by someone else. Entertaining, yes. Surprising, not really...particularly when competing against Comcast or Spectrum, or even eventually T-Mobile fixed + mobile. This also strengthens my bet that they'll rebrand all their fixed wireless stuff as TDS, as that runs on spectrum they're keeping for now.
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    • Saw that for a while. Now back to n25 + n71 + n41-100Mhz + n41-90Mhz.
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