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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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It may or may not be Download Boost assisted.  However, I have seen Band 41 pings in the 20's before when direct fed by fiber, with a great signal and under burdened site.  But it's not common.  And you can forget it on Clearwire sites with several stop microwave connections.



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So that picture lead to this discussion:

Sarah V.: I see here that you are under 20GB Share Pack.

You: That is correct

Sarah V.: Though you have the 20GB, this does not mean that you only have the 20GB or 20971520KB. You: It should be 20+2GB per line

You: but that still isn't 40 GB like it appears to show

Sarah V.: There is an extra data of 2GB per line.

Sarah V.: For 20GB (20971520KB) plus 2GB for one line (2097152KB) plus 2GB (2097152KB).

You: correct

You: I show 41,943,040KB available on the website right now though

You: If you guys want to give me 40 GB of data for the 20 GB price that is totally fine by me

Sarah V.: As I can see here that the data for your shared plan is 40GB.

Sarah V.: That is the good thing about the new plan we have.

You: Sarah, I am so confused now

You: haha

You: I signed up for the 20 GB plan with with 2 GB per line promotion for a total of 24 GB/month available

You: No idea where the currently shown 40 GB has come from

Sarah V.: I do apologize that this has caused you confusion, Tate.

Sarah V.: I'm still researching the information for you. Thanks for your patience.

You: Sure no problem. I understand the plans are pretty new for you guys as well

Sarah V.: Thank you for waiting.

Sarah V.: This is actually a promotion that you got for having 20GB. The promotion awards you with an additional 2GB of data per line per month (for up to 10 lines) through 12/31/15

Sarah V.: You will notice a 40GB allowance when viewing your usage because the additional 20GB is built-in to the plan.

Sarah V.: Although this promotion is marketed as 2GB of additional data per line, you actually receive the benefit of a 40GB data allowance, regardless of how many lines you have in your sharing group.

Sarah V.: This is a great plan we have, do you agree?

You: Err wow

You: so I actually have 40 GB of data?

Sarah V.: Exactly! The promotion is until 12/31/15.

You: That is super interesting

You: Okay, now I have one more question for you

Sarah V.: You've the 20GB and paid the monthly for the 20GB Share Pack and you've got the 40GB without paying extra.



And also this discussion:

Randy A.: There is a 40GB allowance when viewing your usage because the additional 20GB for 10 total lines is part of the plan

You: So I am paying for 20+2+2GB and getting 40GB for that cost?

You: really?

Randy A.: That is correct.

You: Will this end 12/31/15 then or continue?

Randy A.: This promotion will end on 12/31/15.


Maybe Rocket87 can comment on this? It looks like I am paying $77/mo after employer discount for 40 GB of shared data....  I may follow up via phone with Sprint once I am off work if I have time because this seems super interesting if they have it set up like this.

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It would get fixed, but ive seen the billing system mess up before.

I ended up calling in and they also show 40 GBs in their system on the 20 GB for $100 plan with no extra charges pending. I guess we will have to wait and see what the actual end result is.


My guess is that the software is stupid and is duplicating the 20GB package for each line.


Still doesn't make a whole lot of sense though because my promotional data doesn't get doubled. Weird.

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Somewhere deep inside Overland Park :

Marcelo : I want to offer 20GB for the family, *and* 2GB extra for each line as a promo.


Web Developer : But our system was written two decades ago. It's a broken pile of garbage! No living person actually understands the whole thing from end to end. It will take months to cobble together a feature to allow us to provision this!

Marcelo : I don't care. Make it so. *Now*!

Web Developer : ...(screw this. I'll just set a hard cap at 40GB. This promo's ending in a few months anyway, and half the plans on the website don't display right. No one will even notice...)

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Somewhere deep inside Overland Park :


Marcelo : I want to offer 20GB for the family, *and* 2GB extra for each line as a promo.


Web Developer : But our system was written two decades ago. No living person actually understands the whole thing from end to end. It will take months to add the feature to allow us to provision this!


Marcelo : I don't care. Make it so. *Now*!


Web Developer : ...(screw this. I'll just set a hard cap at 40GB. This promo's ending in a few months anyway, and half the plans on the website don't display right. No one will even notice...)

Except it's not a few months - over 15 months


And I bet not just the webs engine is outdated - but so is the CRM.

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Somewhere deep inside Overland Park :


Marcelo : I want to offer 20GB for the family, *and* 2GB extra for each line as a promo.


Web Developer : But our system was written two decades ago. It's a broken pile of garbage! No living person actually understands the whole thing from end to end. It will take months to cobble together a feature to allow us to provision this!


Marcelo : I don't care. Make it so. *Now*!


Web Developer : ...(screw this. I'll just set a hard cap at 40GB. This promo's ending in a few months anyway, and half the plans on the website don't display right. No one will even notice...)

Sounds about right! [emoji6]
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Except it's not a few months - over 15 months


And I bet not just the webs engine is outdated - but so is the CRM.


True, and Marcelo has probably never spoken to an actual developer, I'm sure some edict was passed down from a VP, to a group manager, to a product manager, to a team lead, to a developer, etc, etc. 


I'm claiming Artistic License. ;-)

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I ended up calling in and they also show 40 GBs in their system on the 20 GB for $100 plan with no extra charges pending. I guess we will have to wait and see what the actual end result is.


My guess is that the software is stupid and is duplicating the 20GB package for each line.


Still doesn't make a whole lot of sense though because my promotional data doesn't get doubled. Weird.


And, as if by magic, the extra 20GB allotment per line just disappeared from my account.  It was there from the time I changed plans last week until a few minutes ago, and now, voila!, it has vanished.  I have 7 lines, and it is no longer on any of them.  Looks like someone is actually doing Q.A.


[A footnote:  My bill actually went down by adding a 7th device (LivePro), and will go down yet more when I can dump the 6th device (Zing) and finish the Easy Pay.  Ain't competition grand!]


[An historical footnote:  A large number of years ago, I worked for a company that sold software to Sprint for its first customer service web site.  The site was slower than turtle poop, and a bitch to maintain.  The company I worked for was a bunch of idiots.  We parted un-amicably, (eventually settling out of court).  Their stock subsequently tanked.  I believe Sprint replaced their crapware soon after.  So Sprint was, and hopefully still is, capable of learning from their mistakes.]

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I dunno about all this, but call me when we can actually change to this plan (or $60 unlimited) online. Which, knowing Sprint, will be a few weeks before they roll out their next postpaid brainwave...  :)

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I dunno about all this, but call me when we can actually change to this plan (or $60 unlimited) online. Which, knowing Sprint, will be a few weeks before they roll out their next postpaid brainwave...  :)


I changed online in about 3-4 minutes (via chat  :P)

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Web Developer : ...(screw this. I'll just set a hard cap at 40GB. This promo's ending in a few months anyway, and half the plans on the website don't display right. No one will even notice...)

Web Developer ... heck.. I'll be on to the next project by the time this thing is done so not my problem. 

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