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HTC One M8 User Thread


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Here's a question. Where do I change the name of my phone from "831C" to something better? Seems like Tapatalk extracted it from somewhere, but where? It also appears during a call when switching between, Bluetooth, speakerphone or the device.




Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk


Swipe from the left, then click the gears at the top for settings. Scroll down to Signature. 

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I found that, but where does 831C come from? It's the same name used in the dialer where it lists the name of Bluetooth devices, so I thought 831C is the Bluetooth name of my phone.


Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

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I found that, but where does 831C come from? It's the same name used in the dialer where it lists the name of Bluetooth devices, so I thought 831C is the Bluetooth name of my phone.


Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

Oh, I think that's just the baked in name of the phone. Like when you first post from a Samsung it has a weird letter-number combination as well.

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so I got a M8 and did a side-by-side test compared to two seperate N5's (one on .23 radio, one on .15 radio) for band 25 LTE.


  • N5 .23 -101
  • N5 .15 -95
  • M8 -103


So compared to the latest radio on the N5, they are about the same.  The N5 .15/.17 radios are far superior to the .23 and that's well documented.


Bottom line, radio performance compared to current N5 radio is extremely solid.


I tested in in a few spots and the trend was very similar at lower signal.


Also, I should add that it's probably the best balance in terms of performance.  It is critical that with these phones that your LTE signal isn't too weak otherwise you end up with packet loss and missed calls.  Much better off falling back to 3G in low signal areas.

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Was reading a post that a guy put on the M8 Sprint forums blaming the signal and connection issues to the Sprint system no being able to provision the phone right now. Could that be true or just some hot air junk? Mine's been activated since last Thursday and it's still having the connection issues, hoping the replacement phone fixes it.


Sent from my HTC One M8

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Was reading a post that a guy put on the M8 Sprint forums blaming the signal and connection issues to the Sprint system no being able to provision the phone right now. Could that be true or just some hot air junk? Mine's been activated since last Thursday and it's still having the connection issues, hoping the replacement phone fixes it.

Sent from my HTC One M8

It was strange. I had to update profile about 4 times before it finally activated.


Updating profile on WiFi and again on network always seems helpful.

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Was reading a post that a guy put on the M8 Sprint forums blaming the signal and connection issues to the Sprint system no being able to provision the phone right now. Could that be true or just some hot air junk? Mine's been activated since last Thursday and it's still having the connection issues, hoping the replacement phone fixes it.

Sent from my HTC One M8

I read that same post wondering if it was true. He said Sprint didn't provision all of the devices correctly because they rushed to get the devices out or something along the lines of that.out I'm hoping a software update can fix this or else, Sprint will have to do a recall and replace everyone's device.

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I read that same post wondering if it was true. He said Sprint didn't provision all of the devices correctly because they rushed to get the devices out or something along the lines of that.out I'm hoping a software update can fix this or else, Sprint will have to do a recall and replace everyone's device.

Yeah, mines getting replaced just in case if that done fix it then it has to be something on sprints side.


Sent from my HTC One M8

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I got the m8 last Saturday and so far I love it. But one thing I've found is that almost every time I am listening to anything and I change the volume, whatever is playing stutters for a second. It makes me dread changing the volume. If I reboot the phone, it clears the issue up temporarily, but it always comes back within a few minutes. I'm probably going to do a factory reset, but I first want to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue.


Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

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I got the m8 last Saturday and so far I love it. But one thing I've found is that almost every time I am listening to anything and I change the volume, whatever is playing stutters for a second. It makes me dread changing the volume. If I reboot the phone, it clears the issue up temporarily, but it always comes back within a few minutes. I'm probably going to do a factory reset, but I first want to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue.


Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

What apps specifically are you listening with. I listen to a lot of music with SoundCloud, but haven't had any stuttering unless I enter a dead zone and my cache empties.



Sent from my HTC One M8 using Tapatalk.

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So I just found something really interesting. Lock your phone (like turn the screen off) and press both volume buttons at the same time (using two fingers makes it easier) 3 times really fast. Like 3 quick taps. Your phone should vibrate once. Unlock your phone and play around with it for about a minute. After about a minute, your phone should vibrate 3 times and you'll get a notification that a bug report was captured. Is this something HTC added, or is this an android thing?


Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

Edited by chaz393
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Was reading a post that a guy put on the M8 Sprint forums blaming the signal and connection issues to the Sprint system no being able to provision the phone right now. Could that be true or just some hot air junk? Mine's been activated since last Thursday and it's still having the connection issues, hoping the replacement phone fixes it.


Sent from my HTC One M8

I believe this is true because I have read about new S5 users having to get there phones re provisioned before they could get LTE to work also.  I think Sprint is having some issues getting there new network set up.  They are probably having to do new and different things now that some of the employees are not used to yet. 

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My replacement phone should be here by then end of this week I hope. Done everything I knew how to do and even got a new SIM card. Took it off the network then back on still don't want to connect so there sending me a new phone. They keep saying it was because its a spark device and I didn't have my gps on to get the best signal lol but I'm hoping for the best I love this phone.


Sent from my HTC One M8

Say what ?  :blink:

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Say what ? :blink:

Well it won't stay connected to either lte or 3g even voice drops constantly, I'm leaning towards I have a defective phone. Anything Hunan made can break even if assisted by robots, not every product has a 0% fail rate going down the line. I'm getting it tomorrow I'll keep y'all posted on what happens.


Sent from my HTC One M8

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Well it won't stay connected to either lte or 3g even voice drops constantly, I'm leaning towards I have a defective phone. Anything Hunan made can break even if assisted by robots, not every product has a 0% fail rate going down the line. I'm getting it tomorrow I'll keep y'all posted on what happens.


Sent from my HTC One M8

I think the "say what" was more in reference to what the rep told you, which is completely ludicrous.


Sent from my Nexus 5

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I think the "say what" was more in reference to what the rep told you, which is completely ludicrous.


Sent from my Nexus 5


I love the stuff they come up with sometimes, I just look at them funny and say hmm.. I know more than they do and I don't even work for sprint. About a month ago I was at a sprint store and explained to the guy that my service was on the fringe and spotty where I live and asked him if he knew when they were going to turn on 800 and he had no clue what that was and said they are turning on LTE all over so your service will get better there. LOL

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I was trouble shooting a iPhone that wouldn't get anything more than 1x last night and I called tech to have them help me out. Right away she jumped to the home tower being worked on. When I told her it was everywhere including the store where the device was at now she changed her story and attitude really quick.

They're idiots even to us reps.

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I love the stuff they come up with sometimes, I just look at them funny and say hmm.. I know more than they do and I don't even work for sprint. About a month ago I was at a sprint store and explained to the guy that my service was on the fringe and spotty where I live and asked him if he knew when they were going to turn on 800 and he had no clue what that was and said they are turning on LTE all over so your service will get better there. LOL

Well realistically thats to be expected.  Front line employees are just there to get a check, they are not enthusiasts like most of us here.  You might get lucky and find one that know his/her stuff.  The average customer doesn't know jack, so 9.9 times out of 10 they can say whatever to whoever and get away with it.  Usually try to avoid sprint stores at all costs for that same reason.

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I don't know how to explain it but I think I resolved my issues with losing data and missing calls by flashing PRL 56018.  Does that PRL completely omit the 800 and 2600 LTE channels?

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  • Posts

    • S23 and S24 (at least ultra versions) have 4xCA NR. I currently have n41+n41+n25+n71 most places I go.  I think select devices have 2xCA upload but I do not think it is in widespread use yet. CA is still mostly download focused.
    • If they use n41 + n41 2CA, people that are somewhat distant from the cell site will have an OK download but the upload will be a disaster.  Upload capability on b-41 was always a disaster on the old Sprint Network.   Now, with n25 + n41 combination, even the more distant users have a more decent upload.  I see n41 + n41 + n25 now with my S22 and I understand that we will see 4xCA with newer phones in the future.     I also see n41 + n41 + n71 sometimes too. Also some other combinations of 25, 41, 71.  I would think that eventually we will see AWS paired with n41 too.  What I am not sure of is ----  when I see 3xCA on my S22, I can see the 3 channels involved in the download but I am never sure just what I have on the upload. I do not think I have 3xCA on the upload.
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    • Looks like another T-Mobile 5G bump happened over the past week and a half, maybe less: n41 carriers are now 90+100 MHz, up from 80+100 (which in turn is up from 40+100 back in early March). This is on top of the new n25 carrier recently. As part of this, it looks like T-Mobile is starting to prefer n25+n41 2CA even when pushing data, rather than having higher levels of CA that would hit higher peak speeds; at least indoors I need to force n41-only if I want to see the full 190 MHz there. To be fair the speeds are plenty quick with that amount of spectrum, and I'm sure they're load balancing, and my guess is this is a little better for battery life? With this expansion, they're now at 10x10+10x10 n25, 15x15 n71, 100+90 n41, for a total of 260 MHz (including FD uplink) of deployed NR here, up from 250 MHz a week ago, 230 MHz two weeks ago, and 190 MHz six months ago. VZW is at 140 MHz minus mmW, 170 if you count n2 DSS. AT&T is at 150 MHz (80+40 n77, 15x15 n5), 210 MHz I think if you count n2 and n66 DSS (guessing they're still running those). With this level of spectrum they should be able to continue offering home internet wherever. Guessing this is the last upgrade they can make before they need to throw new equipment on sites for C-Band. At this rate I figure that'll happen next year on a few dozen high-traffic sites.
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