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Say hello to the Framily (inexpensive but potentially confusing new Sprint group plan pricing)


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So tried to change to the framly plan and do a cross up grade. I was told you can not. This in my view is a major draw back (if it's true). I know for a fact ATT and vzw allow cross upgrades on their finacing plans. I have had 5 phones with sprint for over 6 years and have been bouncing upgrades around for the entire time. Now I am kind of stuck. Can any sprint employees confirm this.

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How much are you paying on UMW?

Isn't this still cheaper?

UMW - $150 two lines unlimited

Framily - $140 two lines unlimited

Unlimited my way:

Line one: $50 + $30 (unlimited data, discounted to $23) + $10 (1GB hot spot) + $11 (TEP)

Line two: $40 + $30 (unlimited data, discounted to $23)

Total is $157 + taxes and fee's


Framily should look like this.

Line one $50 + $20 (unlimited data, discounted to $16) + $10 (1GB hot spot) + $11 (TEP)

Line two: $50 + $20 (unlimited data, discounted to $16)

Total is $153 + taxes and fee's


Roughly four dollars a month is not nearly enough savings to give up subsidized phones. I got my HTC EVO LTE for free last January and my HTC One for $30 on black Friday, both from Best Buy. Framily would be great, if I had more people joining. Even if I had the maximum discount, I don't know if I would come out on top factoring the cost of the $600-$700 phones every two years for my situation. By the time I can even convince one person to switch I'm betting the $15/month waived per subsidized phone switching over will be done with. Discount amounts were rounded, I get 22% off.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk


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Roughly four dollars a month is not nearly enough savings to give up subsidized phones. I got my HTC EVO LTE for free last January and my HTC One for $30 on black Friday, both from Best Buy.


Well, the writing is on the wall that we are all going to give up subsidized devices sooner or later, as those plans are going the way of the dodo.  At first blush, that seems a raw deal to some.  However, we will gain more transparent pricing on both service plans and devices.  Moreover, since devices will not be tied to contracts, their prices should become better stratified and trend lower because of retail competition.  Plus, there may be some great deals for those of us who do not need to finance, who want to pay in full upfront.  Now, those advancements may not emerge overnight, and the transition period may be a bit painful.  But change is coming -- it is inevitable.



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Well, the writing is on the wall that we are all going to give up subsidized devices sooner or later, as those plans are going the way of the dodo. At first blush, that seems a raw deal to some. However, we will gain more transparent pricing on both service plans and devices. Moreover, since devices will not be tied to contracts, their prices should become better stratified and trend lower because of retail competition. Plus, there may be some great deals for those of us who do not need to finance, who want to pay in full upfront. Now, those advancements may not emerge overnight, and the transition period may be a bit painful. But change is coming -- it is inevitable.



The only problem is that according to three different sprint stores if you use easy pay and your phone breaks and you don't replace it though insurance or if you simply want to use a different phone the entire remaining balance of the device on easy pay becomes due.


I have a nexus 5 (purchased out right) and did an iPhone 5s on next (the stores claimed it work the same for easy pay) if I switch to my nexus five on this line I get hit for the remaining balance. Also can not cross upgrade under this plan, even though with ATT and vzw (not sure tmobile) you can under their next and edge. I was unaware of this at the time I did next but I usually like to switch my phones often and now I am forced to stay with an active iPhone 5s on my line. This is not what I would call transperent or more flexible, which is what I initally thought when I read about these plans. A big disappointment to me, I am hoping I was misinformed three times.

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I switched to the Framily plan on Friday. I was told that existing Sprint customers lines that are eligible for upgrades can join a Framily. Existing Sprint lines under contract can join...but they will pay the subsidy fee (the fee is only waived for the lines that are merged in by the original Framily creator). I have not put the advice into practice yet... so I can't be certain it was correct yet. I should know within a day or two.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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The only problem is that according to three different sprint stores if you use easy pay and your phone breaks and you don't replace it though insurance or if you simply want to use a different phone the entire remaining balance of the device on easy pay becomes due.


I am not familiar with the "cross upgrade" situation.  But I look at this as a more systemic issue.  Are too many people running around with handsets above their pay grade?


Because of the iPhone and high end Android handsets, we have gotten to the point that a huge percentage of subs are driving the wireless equivalents of Mercedes S-Class sedans.  But just as most of those people cannot afford to drive brand new Mercedes, they may need to better match their wireless devices to their income levels.



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The only problem is that according to three different sprint stores if you use easy pay and your phone breaks and you don't replace it though insurance or if you simply want to use a different phone the entire remaining balance of the device on easy pay becomes due.


I have a nexus 5 (purchased out right) and did an iPhone 5s on next (the stores claimed it work the same for easy pay) if I switch to my nexus five on this line I get hit for the remaining balance. Also can not cross upgrade under this plan, even though with ATT and vzw (not sure tmobile) you can under their next and edge. I was unaware of this at the time I did next but I usually like to switch my phones often and now I am forced to stay with an active iPhone 5s on my line. This is not what I would call transperent or more flexible, which is what I initally thought when I read about these plans. A big disappointment to me, I am hoping I was misinformed three times.

That is not true about the full balance becoming due. If that was the case how would you activate a tempory device while waiting for the replacement? No where in the FAQ that ive seen for easy pay does it say that. What it does say is when doing the turn in for a new device you must turn in the financed device or a sprint replacement for the financed device. This rule is simply to protect sprint because with out people would just activate old devices the day they came in to do the give back. I think that is a fair policy.


Also if you don't like sprints financing terms finance it yourself with a credit card or loan. Though those wont be interest free.


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That is not true about the full balance becoming due. If that was the case how would you activate a tempory device while waiting for the replacement? No where in the FAQ that ive seen for easy pay does it say that. What it does say is when doing the turn in for a new device you must turn in the financed device or a sprint replacement for the financed device. This rule is simply to protect sprint because with out people would just activate old devices the day they came in to do the give back. I think that is a fair policy.


Also if you don't like sprints financing terms finance it yourself with a credit card or loan. Though those wont be interest free.


Sent from tapatalk

That is what I though. But three stores now (two in Ohio and one in AZ) told me that if the phone was not active on the account the balance becomes due. I simply can't understand the logic behind this at all.


Also no need to have a take or leave it attitude. The wireless industry is highly competitive and sprint can't really afford to have that attitude (at least at the moment). Further, I am not the only person who like to switch phones and if this is true those people should know about it. Sprint needs to be customer focused and drive their desisions based on positive customer experiances. The days of take or leave it in the wireless industry are over and if sprint and it's employees don't get that they will not be around.

Also totally under stand giving back the original phone, that is the same with all carriers and makes complete sense. But that is not the issue I am concerned with.

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Also no need to have a take or leave it attitude. The wireless industry is highly competitive and sprint can't really afford to have that attitude (at least at the moment).

You do realize the irony in your complaint because it is because of competition that Sprint is going away from the subsidized model? Right? :hee:


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


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You do realize the irony in your complaint because it is because of competition that Sprint is going away from the subsidized model? Right? :hee:Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

I get what your driving at, this is a move driven by competition (like NV) but the way they design these programs are important. If this stipulation is true (not sure that it is) this is a very customer unfriendly policy. further sprint is the only one that feels it should exist and I can't think of a good reason for it (nor can the sprint employees I talk to).


Execution is key and this is a fail with a set of customers. How big that set is remains to be seen but it includes me.

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Cross upgrade is when you use the upgrade on one number for another. If you have one person who likes to upgrade often and others that don't you can use the upgrade of another line on the account.


I am unclear as to why you are so concerned about the cross upgrade issue, since subsidized upgrades will be history soon anyway.  I can basically guarantee that grandfathered plans will be lost upon future subsidized upgrades, thereby moving people over to new non subsidy plans.



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I am not familiar with the "cross upgrade" situation. But I look at this as a more systemic issue. Are too many people running around with handsets above their pay grade?


Because of the iPhone and high end Android handsets, we have gotten to the point that a huge percentage of subs are driving the wireless equivalents of Mercedes S-Class sedans. But just as most of those people cannot afford to drive brand new Mercedes, they may need to better match their wireless devices to their income levels.



I don't think people can afford houses because most of them have to finance them. People having to finance something is not the same thing as saying they can afford it.


Further sprint is the only company that would penalize people who simply wanted to change the phone they where using as none of the other carriers do this and to me this is a bad policy with no obvious gain to sprint.


Deleted my original reply on accident. This is my best approximation. Lol

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Well went in to my local store to switch over and they couldnt do it for some reason was getting a error even talked to chat and i guess the system is down or something.

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I am unclear as to why you are so concerned about the cross upgrade issue, since subsidized upgrades will be history soon anyway. I can basically guarantee that grandfathered plans will be lost upon future subsidized upgrades, thereby moving people over to new non subsidy plans.



Because of the way the upgrades have worked out my plan. One of the people on my plan needs a new device (and they really can come up with the expense up front) but there line was used by another person on my account. As a result they are not eligible to finance a phone. Their only option is to buy one at retail which they can't do. In a sense the subsidy is in the financing for them.
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I don't think people can afford houses because most of them have to finance them. People having to finance something is not the same thing as saying they can afford it.

Your reasoning is flawed. A house is not an apt comparison to a phone. Now, if every Joe Blow were financing a $400,000 house, then that would actually serve my comparison, since many would be stretching for more house than they really need or can afford.


My point is this: a person who has to worry about financing a $600 handset is probably in over his head. He would be better served with an older high end, used high end, or lesser model handset at a much lower price. It is not a human right to possess a top of the line handset -- but that has become the mindset due to upgrade subsidy.



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Your reasoning is flawed. A house is not an apt comparison to a phone. Now, if every Joe Blow were financing a $400,000 house, then that would actually serve my comparison, since many would be stretching for more house than they really need or can afford.


My point is this: a person who has to worry about financing a $600 handset is probably in over his head. He would be better served with an older high end, used high end, or lesser model handset at a much lower price. It is not a human right to possess a top of the line handset -- but that has become the mindset due to upgrade subsidy.



Not true at all. There are many reasons why some one would opt for a zero percent finance of a 600 dollar phone that have nothing to do with them not being able to afford it. One it is a better deal, taking into account the time value of money. Two it may be more convenient for them. They may have other larger purchases coming up or variable ones but they have stable income and there phone breaks.


The popularity of financing over out right purchases shows that your logic is flawed. Most people could drop 600 on a phone, yet most people opt for putting on their bill (in one form or another) and most people pay their phone bills ( non-voluntary churn is very low and that is overstates non-pay disconnects) that says both that people can afford their phones and would rather pay for it over time.


Then there are people who can't afford to drop 600 on a phone or 6000 on a car but pay for it over time and make the payments. This person can and does afford both.


Then there are people who couldn't afford the monthly or the up front cost and they are traditionally on metro, leap or virgin with a low end device (now sprint or tmobile with a low end device).


A more abstract objection I have to you thought, is I think a system that puts higher end and higher quality equipment in to more consumer's hands is better than one that puts it in fewer. If the wireless industry is moving to the later that is a bad thing, but I don't think it is.

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Well, the writing is on the wall that we are all going to give up subsidized devices sooner or later, as those plans are going the way of the dodo. At first blush, that seems a raw deal to some. However, we will gain more transparent pricing on both service plans and devices. Moreover, since devices will not be tied to contracts, their prices should become better stratified and trend lower because of retail competition. Plus, there may be some great deals for those of us who do not need to finance, who want to pay in full upfront. Now, those advancements may not emerge overnight, and the transition period may be a bit painful. But change is coming -- it is inevitable.



I fully expect at some point for the subsidized phone buying model to go away, sooner than I'm hoping as well. For the time being, I'm personally better off staying with UMW. Its a hard habit to break, getting phones for next to nothing with contract pricing. I'm just not ready to jump right into the new plan model yet.


I will probably make the change in two ish years when my second line is no longer under contract. I've already pondered the notion of paying full price on devices and it doesn't seem that bad. I can easily afford it, but in my case my device was free so why not. Some people seem to hate service contracts but I don't mind them. Its not like I was going to change wireless service providers anyway unless I moved to a new area without native coverage.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



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Not true at all.


Do not take this the wrong way, but you wrote several hundred words more than necessary.  You misunderstood my point about someone who has to "worry about" financing a handset.



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I see people are having trouble making the switch in store.  Why oh why does Sprint not allow the plan change online?  Do they expect people to buy an overpriced accessory during there store visit?

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I see people are having trouble making the switch in store. Why oh why does Sprint not allow the plan change online? Do they expect people to buy an overpriced accessory during there store visit?

Im not sure what the issue is but it is real if they couldnt do it. Those reps in store want to switch you over since they get paid commission on each unlimited data add on. And yes they want to drive people in store because it is a selling opportunity.


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Some people seem to hate service contracts but I don't mind them. Its not like I was going to change wireless service providers anyway unless I moved to a new area without native coverage.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk


I'm with you. I know it isn't a popular thing to say these days, but I don't see what the big deal is about the contract. In the end it  personally doesn't really matter to me subsidized or unsubsidized. In any event, if one uses the trial period and makes sure that they like the service, unless the service inexplicably just becomes bad or they move to a bad coverage area I don't see where the problem is.


I'm reading this thread over on HoFo: http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1820948-Idea-to-ease-paying-off-my-huge-eip-balance?p=15325719#post15325719 So the guy doesn't have a contract  :cool: But he's still looking at over $1000 to break away from t-mobile  :unsure:


iPhone 5S financed at 0% on t-mobile is $25 x 24 months for a total of $600. Subsidized iPhone 5S is $199 and the contract ETF starts at $350 for a total of $549. I know that's a gross oversimplification, but at the end of the day it seems like six of one, half dozen of the other.

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I personally don't mind paying full price for a phone whether I have full cash up front or have to finance it as long as the plans are cheaper. Which this plan is when you have at least 6 people, but it should be cheaper with just a single person than it is. My All in is $110, Unlimited my way is 50 + 30 for unlimited data for $80. All get you a subsidized phone, potentially free.


Framily is 55+20 for unlimited data for 75. That's only 5 bucks cheaper. And sprint has to be saving more than that by not subsidizing the phone. If it was 15 bucks a month cheaper, I think people would have an easier time paying full price for a phone.

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