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Has LTE roaming started?

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Last week Sprint announced they inked LTE roaming agreements. Looks as if they may have taken effect already.





Looks like voice roaming on Cricket and LTE on Sprint to me.

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That Signalcheck app screenshot looks interesting.


Do you have a shot of what it looks like normally (native Sprint LTE)?

If someone wants to prove LTE roaming. A LTE engineering screenshot is the only proof. I am agreeing with COZisBack on what really is happening.

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So here's a question.  Let's say in the area you are in, there's Sprint 3G service, no Sprint LTE service and MetroPCS LTE service.  Which one would the phone pick?

Uhhh........is this a trick question?

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This is likely because the 1X connection is on Cricket, but the device is connected to Sprint LTE.  This has happened a number of times around my home area in North Carolina when my device is connected to Carolina West Wireless for 1XRTT, but my device is also connected to Sprint LTE.  It will say LTE (Carolina West Wireless) in SignalCheckPro.  I agree with what COZisBack and digiblur are saying.

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310000 looks like verizon's ID

No, that is not a valid MCC-MNC.



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Same here, I have noticed a few times when flying into atlanta that when I turn my phone on it will roam for a minute or two before switching to sprint but during that time I am already connected to sprint's lte.

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I get all the time in Lansing LTE(Verizon) because my parking ramp has a Verizon site on the roof.  It takes my until the end of the street to pick up Sprint 1X again.

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I have noticed on Sprint's coverage maps, that if you compare their voice coverage and their LTE coverage in a given area, you can see that there is more LTE coverage (in areas where they don't have voice coverage).

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I have noticed on Sprint's coverage maps, that if you compare their voice coverage and their LTE coverage in a given area, you can see that there is more LTE coverage (in areas where they don't have voice coverage).


The LTE coverage maps are not accurate.



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idk i know for a fact that i am on native sprint LTE coverage and it also says my carrier is unknown 31000.  does anyone know why it says this?  because it was formerly saying sprint 31120 i think or something close.  but i really dont care as long as its LTE

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idk i know for a fact that i am on native sprint LTE coverage and it also says my carrier is unknown 31000.  does anyone know why it says this?  because it was formerly saying sprint 31120 i think or something close.  but i really dont care as long as its LTE


That is probably due to good old Samsung "enginerring."



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I've had times where my iPhone said Extended LTE for brief periods of time.  I would go to check the field test screen, and was on Sprint LTE, but I didn't check the 1X screens.  I'm guessing I was doing voice roaming somehow, but was still getting an LTE signal.

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I've had times where my iPhone said Extended LTE for brief periods of time.  I would go to check the field test screen, and was on Sprint LTE, but I didn't check the 1X screens.  I'm guessing I was doing voice roaming somehow, but was still getting an LTE signal.

I've encountered the same thing recently, but it seems like it's just a bug in iOS 7, because if I flick the phone into airplane mode then back out it comes up as saying Sprint LTE in the corner with the same amount of bars and the same info in the field test screen. I was so excited when I saw it but then when I did the airplane mode thing I got really sad :(

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