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Softbank - New Sprint - Discussion


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well i see some folks complain like its so wrong to stream a video or a nice movie because your using the so called network data and such or oh your hogging up this or that or because of you this is the reason the network sucks and whatnot when the point is the network sucks because it just do its not up to par like it should be. Im not saying its ok to tether your damn ps4 or xbox using the damn cell network and such but if i have a 6inch no homo with a beautiful screen beast of a high power phone im going to use it as i please if it means streaming a movie on the go or while i wait outside of a doctors appointment or something or miracast it to my tv and watch a movie or something loading webpages and facebooking or intagramming and tapatalking aint the only thing out there to do.


Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk


No one around here complains about people using their data when they're mobile.  It's when they use their network data when they could be offloading on WiFi...especially at home.  We complain about people who use their unlimited mobile data to tether their 60" HD TV.  And we also complain about people who abuse the network and brag about using 100GB off the network every month.  But no one complains around here about the usage you just outlined.


However, I do complain about people who cannot use basic punctuation and paragraphs.  Mark me down as complaining about that.



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well i see some folks complain like its so wrong to stream a video or a nice movie because your using the so called network data and such or oh your hogging up this or that or because of you this is the reason the network sucks and whatnot when the point is the network sucks because it just do its not up to par like it should be. Im not saying its ok to tether your damn ps4 or xbox using the damn cell network and such but if i have a 6inch no homo with a beautiful screen beast of a high power phone im going to use it as i please if it means streaming a movie on the go or while i wait outside of a doctors appointment or something or miracast it to my tv and watch a movie or something loading webpages and facebooking or intagramming and tapatalking aint the only thing out there to do.


Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk

Lol you pay for it. Just abusing it isn't necessary. I am not insinuating that you do, just saying in general.


If you have a home ISP then use it. You're also paying for that too and it's MUCH better when watching videos, streaming , etc. if everyone goes around streaming 1080p videos to their 60 inch tv over LTE, then not even b41 can handle it.


LTE is great! I look forward being able to use it as much as I want to, but I refuse to abuse a service when there are thousands of other people who are using the same service and depend on that bandwidth.



Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk

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Wait let me fix it "Laughing my ass out"

Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk

No, you did not truly fix it. Your grammar still sucks. Or, as you would probably say it, "sux."





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LmaoWait let me fix it "Laughing my ass out"Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk

Also your sarcasm isn't needed . L O L . That's the admin of the website and his points are most often quite sound. Respecting them is common courtesy. If you have a valid argument then he will openly debate you.


Also, punctuation makes it much easier to read your paragraphs. I think even some spaces every 5 lines or so would.



Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk

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the point is the network sucks because it just do


Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk

I'm not sure if I'm understanding your logic in this statement. What facts do you have to back this up? What does "because it just do" mean? I am not very familiar with that statement.


If you're going to try and give a valid reason for why the network "is not up to par", then at least make it be logical. "Because it just do" is not only 1, completely grammatically incorrect, but 2, it's not a real reason. That's kind of like saying a plane is able to fly through the air "because it just do". No, there was a great deal of time invested into planning the construction of an airplane by the Wright Brothers. They did countless experiments and figured out how to make a plane fly by combining thrust and wing designs to make optimal lift for the plane to leave the ground. It doesn't "just do".



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Lol you pay for it. Just abusing it isn't necessary. I am not insinuating that you do, just saying in general.


If you have a home ISP then use it. You're also paying for that too and it's MUCH better when watching videos, streaming , etc. if everyone goes around streaming 1080p videos to their 60 inch tv over LTE, then not even b41 can handle it.


LTE is great! I look forward being able to use it as much as I want to, but I refuse to abuse a service when there are thousands of other people who are using the same service and depend on that bandwidth.



Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk

and this i agree as for me though i don't have wifi at home so i do rely on my phone and lte but at the same time i don't abuse it neither i mean i only average about 2~3GB a month depending.


Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk



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and this i agree as for me though i don't have wifi at home so i do rely on my phone and lte but at the same time i don't abuse it neither i mean i only average about 2~3GB a month depending.


Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk

Thats far from abusing.



Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk

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LmaoWait let me fix it "Laughing my ass out"Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk

It's "off", not "out", but I digress.


As for using your smartphone as smartphone, go right ahead; you'll only hear us complain about gross abuse of the network (any network). You've not stated this is what you've done or are doing, so let's relax a little.


While you don't really need more than about 2.5mbps to stream even the most HQ video without buffering (as long as ping times are decent) on your smartphone, having more speed doesn't hurt. So on this point, I agree. This has been covered many many times on this site. The public does view speed as a measuring stick of overall network health, which is unfortunate. Sprint needs to check-off all of the boxes, including speed, to be considered healthy, from the public's perspective. They cannot afford to be the slowest, in the public's eyes - right or wrong.


Luckily, Sprint's new network, post Network Vision, doesn't suck.

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No more of this stupid tangent. I will delete it all if it proceeds. The conversation has turned off topic and pointless.


Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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Enough with the e-penis swingin'....back on topic....I really hope Son comes to full fruition with his words. Price war and all....He has some high visions, but this could turn out awesome! I watched that hour long video last night, and it made me a believer! Here's to hoping for being the best! 

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P.S...I really am hoping for some organic macro site expansion, but fast data and a seamless experience will be well worth it!  :tu:

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P.S...I really am hoping for some organic macro site expansion, but fast data and a seamless experience will be well worth it!  :tu:

I hope you're right but I didn't think they would be able to unless the merger with T-Mobile was to happen? I least that's what I understand from Masa Son during one of his interviews.

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I really hope Son comes to full fruition with his words. Price war and all....He has some high visions, but this could turn out awesome! I watched that hour long video last night, and it made me a believer! Here's to hoping for being the best! 


Take a look at the prices in Japan, a lot higher than here.

Their cell phone policy for the whole country is very closed door, tourists can't buy a SIM they have to rent overpriced SIMs.


So I don't really understand what this 'price war' is about. By looking at the new prepaid plans, it just means they'll go up if that is any indication?

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Take a look at the prices in Japan, a lot higher than here.

Their cell phone policy for the whole country is very closed door, tourists can't buy a SIM they have to rent overpriced SIMs.


So I don't really understand what this 'price war' is about. By looking at the new prepaid plans, it just means they'll go up if that is any indication?


I am sorry, but who the hell cares about tourists?  Tourists get hit with airport, hotel, and rental car "taxes" all the time.  If you can afford to travel, especially overseas, then you can pay.  Otherwise, do not travel.


So, I do not really understand how your evidence makes your point.



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Take a look at the prices in Japan, a lot higher than here.

Their cell phone policy for the whole country is very closed door, tourists can't buy a SIM they have to rent overpriced SIMs.


So I don't really understand what this 'price war' is about. By looking at the new prepaid plans, it just means they'll go up if that is any indication?

It's all relative. SoftBank's emergence caused prices to drop significantly in Japan. He did bring competition, vastly improved his network quality and picked up huge amounts of subscribers. It is not surprising that prices are more expensive in Japan, as the cost of living is much higher.


You perfectly understand what it's about. You're being negative because you don't want SoftBank to buy Tmo and you're cherry picking data to make a point.


If SoftBank bought Tmo and prices lowered another $15/month on average, would you call it a failure because in some other country with a lower cost of living than the U.S. their prices may be even cheaper? Of course not. Because you will have watched the prices drop yourself. Just like they did in Japan.


Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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Sprint users need the ultimate epenis for years of waiting for this golden network.

I'm sure you will be showered goldenly with e-penis delight.  EDIT: Sorry Robert (I just saw your off-topic warning)


I'm not sure if I'm understanding your logic in this statement. What facts do you have to back this up? What does "because it just do" mean? I am not very familiar with that statement.


If you're going to try and give a valid reason for why the network "is not up to par", then at least make it be logical. "Because it just do" is not only 1, completely grammatically incorrect, but 2, it's not a real reason. That's kind of like saying a plane is able to fly through the air "because it just do". No, there was a great deal of time invested into planning the construction of an airplane by the Wright Brothers. They did countless experiments and figured out how to make a plane fly by combining thrust and wing designs to make optimal lift for the plane to leave the ground. It doesn't "just do".



Unfortunately, I believe his supposition falls under the unnecessary whining and rant clause here at S4GRU.  


I wish people wouldn't make carte blanche statements of ignorance as there is a wealth on information on this site.  (I'm hoping that this guy is just joking much like that Le-A name   http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Le-a.+cause+the+dash+don+t+be+silent_b17309_4160459.jpg , perhaps his mother?)  



Fully back on topic, Has anyone come across anymore Masayoshi announcements on the FCC/DoJ front??

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I'm sure you will be showered goldenly with e-penis delight.


Yes, anyone who desires a golden shower of S4GRU knowledge, that can be arranged...





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The merger with T-Mobile is about scale. It is not about spectrum. It is about the ability to spread the overhead of network upgrading and upkeep over as many people as possible. It is about buying power with the handset vendors or the network vendors. Now, had Sprint and T-Mobile been smart, they would have adopted network sharing a long time ago and maybe even banded together to purchase handsets en masse. But they did not. Now the only real benefit is the savings from network ops, overhead, employees and buying power. They might even be able to afford expanding coverage to exurban and rural areas. Or a substantial chunk of 600Mhz spectrum.

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The merger with T-Mobile is about scale. It is not about spectrum. It is about the ability to spread the overhead of network upgrading and upkeep over as many people as possible. It is about buying power with the handset vendors or the network vendors. Now, had Sprint and T-Mobile been smart, they would have adopted network sharing a long time ago and maybe even banded together to purchase handsets en masse. But they did not. Now the only real benefit is the savings from network ops, overhead, employees and buying power. They might even be able to afford expanding coverage to exurban and rural areas. Or a substantial chunk of 600Mhz spectrum.

This is the argument for every merger/buy out ever known. Even though these savings through efficiency do not materialize a significant amount of the time it is still a valid and attractive argument. My concern lays in the additional debt that would be created through this marriage. How many years would it take to amortize the new debt and is it workable? Finally, I still have concerns about being able to maintain the subscriber base. A failure here would compound the debt issue.

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This is the argument for every merger/buy out ever known. Even though these savings through efficiency do not materialize a significant amount of the time it is still a valid and attractive argument. My concern lays in the additional debt that would be created through this marriage. How many years would it take to amortize the new debt and is it workable? Finally, I still have concerns about being able to maintain the subscriber base. A failure here would compound the debt issue.


But that would be Softbank's debt, not Sprint's. It won't be sprint acquiring T-Mobile, it will be Softbank, then merging the two. Sprint's debt and T-Mobile's debt will be assumed by the new company.

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But that would be Softbank's debt, not Sprint's. It won't be sprint acquiring T-Mobile, it will be Softbank, then merging the two. Sprint's debt and T-Mobile's debt will be assumed by the new company.

On paper yes. In reality not really. For instance, what happens when the new company needs to expand the network but they do not have the money to do so. Will Softbank be able to under write the expansion? I can not understate just how concerned I am about Softbanks debt load, favorable monetary exchange or not.

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