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Softbank - New Sprint - Discussion


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I want Sprint's share price to return to the $11 it hit in December. :D

That was an aberration. I would be very suspicious of a stock price near $11 before the end of the summer.

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Every site should be running on just NV gear by the end of summer. Just probably only a few odd outlier sites with problematic owners remaining. But not necessarily all the deinstalls complete.


Deinstalling old equipment is a low priority and doesn't really materially mean much. However, deinstalls seem to be occurring much faster now. They were taking 6-12 months at the beginning of NV.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

Do you think that GMO site's are included in his statement,or are they a diff animal.

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Do you think that GMO site's are included in his statement,or are they a diff animal.


GMO's are running on NV gear.  So yes.  But they will not be all converted to full build by then, no.  In general, GMO sites are in NV2.0.  Which is just beginning.



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GMO's are running on NV gear.  So yes.  But they will not be all converted to full build by then, no.  In general, GMO sites are in NV2.0.  Which is just beginning.



Is NV2.0 gear already on tower's that are 1.0 complete the full built site's or does Sprint need to go back to all 34.000 +/- tower's and upgrade all of them to 2.0.

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Is NV2.0 gear already on tower's that are 1.0 complete the full built site's or does Sprint need to go back to all 34.000 +/- tower's and upgrade all of them to 2.0.


There is no "NV2.0 gear", per se.  NV2.0 involves activating B26 LTE (800), adding B41 LTE (2600) and adding backhaul and LTE to GMO sites.  In the case of B26, all the equipment is already there, except for B26 LTE carrier cards.  In the case of B41, it will be adding the B41 rack in the cabinet and installing one new panel/B41 RRU per sector and connected the base station and antenna/radios via a new fiber run.


In the case of GMO's, it is not completely known.  A GMO site has all the equipment they need to be a full build except new panels on the structure and fiber runs from the base station cabinets to the panels.  They may upgrade them all to be full builds.  In which case, they will move the RRU's from the ground to the tower (where permissible), install a new NV panel and run the new fiber to the ground.  They may also only convert some of them to full build, but others they may just add LTE to the existing GMO set up.  Most GMO sites can run B25 LTE just fine with just the addition of the appropriate backhaul.


We don't know the full plans Sprint has with GMO's.  We just know we have seen a lot of sites that were supposed to be GMO built to be full build instead, and we have seen some sites that were not slated to be GMO end up being GMO in the field, and we have seen a few sites that were initially deployed as a GMO already be converted to a full build.  Shentel has quite a few B25 LTE sites that are GMO's.  They seem to work pretty well.



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Now it gets interesting.... After the presentation how can they say "no"?


I think Son really wants Tmo and obviously with this presentation he is trying to sway some people. Guess he will know whether or not he a has shot by the end of the month.

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Masa Son hosting a presentation in Washington on March 11.




SoftBank CEO to Discuss Mobile Web Amid T-Mobile Speculation


Isn't this the same calendar day as the tragic Tsunami that Son is spending his life to re-mediate? Interesting, Wish I was invited.



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I'm thinking that a Sprint/T-Mobile/Dish deal seems very likely considering all the recent developments in the past few weeks.

I believe that T-Mobile will be mention by name at some point during next week's event, as for if Sprint will outright say that they're looking to acquire T-Mobile, that seems unlikely at this time. I would also expect that the Dish/Sprint broadband trials would also be mentioned, talking up about how both companies are committed to rural broadband, and something about how great of a partner Dish truly is.

In all, I believe that the current plan in the works is that any bid that Sprint might make would be a joint bid with Dish, in which Sprint gets the subs & PCS, and Dish gets the infrastructure(along with Sprint's support to get Dish's HW/Handsets/Spectrum up and running). As for 700 & AWS, where that ends up would be on how long does Sprint expect to take to move subs over to their side.

Feds gets their 4 carriers. DT gets paid. Son gets to compete. Ergen gets his network.

One big happy Framily...

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Son does not seem to have much faith that Sprint can be a true threat to the big 2 anytime soon without merging with T mobile. I don't want this deal to go through for fear of a oligopoly but then again they could truly make a really big impact and force the big 2 to drop prices and compete better. Prices are already starting to drop a little bit. Maybe a 50 unlimited everything plan with no throttling except streaming would be a reality. Could also help make international roaming charges cheaper with Sprint. 

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Son does not seem to have much faith that Sprint can be a true threat to the big 2 anytime soon without merging with T mobile. I don't want this deal to go through for fear of a oligopoly but then again they could truly make a really big impact and force the big 2 to drop prices and compete better. Prices are already starting to drop a little bit. Maybe a 50 unlimited everything plan with no throttling except streaming would be a reality. Could also help make international roaming charges cheaper with Sprint.

If Sprint merged with T-Mobile and dish didn't become the 4th carrier, then we would still have plenty of competition. I don't feel that it would limit competition enough to end R&D expenditures.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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If Sprint merged with T-Mobile and dish didn't become the 4th carrier, then we would still have plenty of competition. I don't feel that it would limit competition enough to end R&D expenditures.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

We would be a market of 300 million split among three players. To me this would not be plenty of competition. Most major western nations are markets of 60 million or so and have four players. The good news is that if three are to few and the establish players can't get the government to erect barriers to entry a new player will emerge.

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Dish wants TMo but they don't have the money to buy. But they do want to deploy their spectrum. This is why Charlie has had to change his saber rattling tact. It hasn't worked out well for him in the past. It didn't work out in the Sprint/Clear proxy fight. It didn't really work out in the Hopper legal drama (and I like the Hopper DVR overall, but you can't tell me the AutoHop feature was that legal), and it didn't work out the last time Charlie tried to buy DirecTV.


I do hope his change of tact with SoftBank negotiations and Disney deal is the beginning of trying to work with competitors instead of tearing team to pieces.

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We would be a market of 300 million split among three players. To me this would not be plenty of competition. Most major western nations are markets of 60 million or so and have four players.


Those countries are also the geographic size of single states in the US.  And the four operators all have been apportioned sub 1 GHz spectrum -- unlike in the US, where the duopoly holds current and historic sway over sub 1 GHz.


So, that parallel is not apt.



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Those countries are also the geographic size of single states in the US. And the four operators all have been apportioned sub 1 GHz spectrum -- unlike in the US, where the duopoly holds current and historic sway over sub 1 GHz.


So, that parallel is not apt.



True, but Canada is roughly the size of the US geographically and only have 20 million. They have 3 major carriers. Brazil is closer to us in size and population and they have four major and about 3 more significant minor carriers. If this merge goes through (in conjunction with the other mergers of the last few years) most major markets are going from 4-6 wireless players down to 3. I don't think that is going to be good for the consumer over all and the FCC and DOJ seem to agree. But will see.
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