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LG G2 -- the first Sprint tri band LTE handset (was "LG Optimus G2")


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It sure seems like all of a sudden there is a huge rush of folks looking to cancel the LG G2 to get the GS4T.  I guess it goes to show how much faith people still have in Samsung over any other OEM.  But Sprint still has to show that they are going to provide this new GS4 darn device.  Heck Sprint hasn't even announced anything yet for the Galaxy Mega 6.3 so who knows.

If the S4T is coming out soon, it's likely to be sooner than later.  Only because the closer to the May release of the S5 will complicate things.


I, too, have been very loyal to Samsung since the S1 (Epic 4G, WOOT WOOT!), and I have really enjoyed using their devices to date.  I, too will likely exchange to the S4T if it comes out within 60 days of the G2.  Only because Samsung will include an SD card slot, which is something I'm sacrificing on the G2.  Although I do prefer the LCD screen over amoled since amoled is prone to screen burn in and is barely visible in direct sunlight.


But even so, if the release is outside the BestBuy 60 day exchange policy I have, then I'll stick with the G2.  I'll also likely keep the G2 if the S4T only has the s600.  That SoC is going to be a year old soon and I'd rather have a more future proof chipset.  We'll see, though.  The LTE-A versions of the S4 in Korea are all s800.

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There's not going to be that many places yet where you can hit band 41 yet anyway, now that may be different by the end of the year, but I'd rather Sprint make sure all the issues with a new division duplex method of LTE are worked out.

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If the S4T is coming out soon, it's likely to be sooner than later. Only because the closer to the May release of the S5 will complicate things.


I, too, have been very loyal to Samsung since the S1 (Epic 4G, WOOT WOOT!), and I have really enjoyed using their devices to date. I, too will likely exchange to the S4T if it comes out within 60 days of the G2. Only because Samsung will include an SD card slot, which is something I'm sacrificing on the G2. Although I do prefer the LCD screen over amoled since amoled is prone to screen burn in and is barely visible in direct sunlight.


But even so, if the release is outside the BestBuy 60 day exchange policy I have, then I'll stick with the G2. I'll also likely keep the G2 if the S4T only has the s600. That SoC is going to be a year old soon and I'd rather have a more future proof chipset. We'll see, though. The LTE-A versions of the S4 in Korea are all s800.

Best Buy doesn't have a 60 day return policy anymore. If you are a Elite Plus member you get 45 days. 30 days for Elite.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk



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I have never swapped phones online.  What is the link to do this?



sprint.com > Log in to your mysprint account > on the right side look for 'activate a new device' > follow the pages instructions.


it may or may not say to reset your phones, but you usually don't have to unless perhaps the phone was never on your account and it needs to be provisioned to your account. Also if you switch between wimax and lte phones, you may have to rechoose your plan settings.

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Name a laptop that supports wifi ac or 5ghz frequencies for that matter.

802.11n has the option of being used on 5 GHz instead of 2.4 GHz. The n spec has been available since 2009, and has been regularly included in devices since then. Draft-n has been available since 2007. That's a lot of laptops :P
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This thread should be renamed to: "Does the G2 have bands 26 & 41, and ac wifi? Let's annoy AJ"


Regardless, I finally got to play around with the phone. I'm spoiled by the build quality of my One, but I will say that it has a gorgeous screen. The button placement is extremely awkward, but Knock On helps with that.


I really dislike the skin. It's too white and retro looking for me. I like sense and my nexus 7, it's simple and light. And I love the dark themes.


For others, don't knock (on?) it, till you try it :D I'm sure there are other people that will get accustomed to the buttons in the back. Just like how I got used to HTC's two button thing for home and back.





P.S. Did you know that T-mobile uses these industrial looking clamps on their phones? They destroy the phones by tightening them so hard. Even the HTC One was crushed on the sides.

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I have used the Sprint G2, it is most definitely 32GB. sa7y5ujy.jpg Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk




Just curious in regard to two things.


1) How much bloatware does the Sprint version of the LG G2 have?


2) 24.12gb of the 32gb of memory is available to us.

Curious, what do you guys think would be available to us IF this was pure Android and did not have any bloatware? Just curious

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P.S. Did you know that T-mobile uses these industrial looking clamps on their phones? They destroy the phones by tightening them so hard. Even the HTC One was crushed on the sides.


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What I don't get is why are folks so all up and arms about the fact that the LTE B26 and B41 may not available at launch?  If it is proven that by manually enabling the LTE bands 26 and 41 through the MSL code works and we can connect to LTE band 26 and 41 at launch then does it really matter?  As long as we are able to use our LTE band 26 and 41 here on S4GRU then who cares.  The average consumer won't know about how to check for LTE band 26 and 41 activation and will use their phone like normal.


I have full faith that LG and Sprint will release a future firmware update to enable all those LTE bands eventually.  I don't get all this whole mistrust of LG without giving them a chance to make it right and to me this is totally unfair to them.  If anyone who gets the GS4 triband assuming it will be triband LTE support out of the box is crazy as if Samsung is to be the only one trusted.  Sprint is in the driver seat on determining what LTE bands are enabled at launch and it doesn't matter if this was HTC, Samsung, LG or Motorola.  


Can someone explain to me why all of a sudden it seems like people are having this abandon ship mentality on the LG G2?  To me it sounds pretty ridiculous.

Maybe people are concerned because their phone and plan are not trivial hobbies, but the way they communicate with friends and family as well as an important career tool. Neither the phone nor the plans are free, so people want to know exactly what they are getting for their money. I don't know why some people are having a hard time understanding this.


IF it's proven that we can activate bands 41 and 26 manually through msl code, great! For my part, I'm not sure if such a procedure requires rooting the device (which I don't think I'm interested in doing) or if it otherwise violates the t/c of the contract, or if it will even actually achieve triband usability.


As far as droves of people leaving the G2 for the GS4T, I'm not seeing it. There are plenty of reasons why I would stick with the G2 over the SG4 even if the latter was a deca-band phone, but not everyone sees it the same way. People are going to weigh what the OEM's and carriers bring to the table, and then make the decision that best fits their needs.

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802.11n has the option of being used on 5 GHz instead of 2.4 GHz. The n spec has been available since 2009, and has been regularly included in devices since then. Draft-n has been available since 2007. That's a lot of laptops :P

Yeah but the majority of laptops even the most expensive do not have the 5ghz frequency built in. N is not that impressive on the 2.4 band at all. My router is in the living room and I can barely connect outside but on the 5ghz band I can. WiFi AC signal can go even further than WiFi on the N 5ghz frequency so that would be very useful to me


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



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Yeah but the majority of laptops even the most expensive do not have the 5ghz frequency built in. N is not that impressive on the 2.4 band at all. My router is in the living room and I can barely connect outside but on the 5ghz band I can. WiFi AC signal can go even further than WiFi on the N 5ghz frequency so that would be very useful to me


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

I don't understand people fixation on being able to use wifi 100's of feet from their house.


But I do get your point about being able to use it in your own house.


Regardless, I have U-verse and my wifi router (the U-verse one) actually reaches from my apartment (2nd floor) all the way to my car (on the other side of the street, about 50 some feet away). So if it uses ac or b or Jay-z, it works.


I forgot where I was going with this.




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Yeah but the majority of laptops even the most expensive do not have the 5ghz frequency built in. N is not that impressive on the 2.4 band at all. My router is in the living room and I can barely connect outside but on the 5ghz band I can. WiFi AC signal can go even further than WiFi on the N 5ghz frequency so that would be very useful to me


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk


Huh?  I've got a middle of the line laptop from 2009 at home that has 5ghz in it.  Even my kids cheap laptop from a year or two ago has 5ghz in it.  Think about it.  If all the phones in the past year or so have 5ghz you can bet the laptops started before this with 5ghz.


Not sure what you are testing with or what equipment you have but even in my congested neighborhood I can connect to my Asus N router 2-3 houses away with the crappy wifi chipset in the Note2 and the houses aren't an arms length from each other like some neighborhoods are.  Sounds like you need a new wireless access point.

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Yeah but the majority of laptops even the most expensive do not have the 5ghz frequency built in.


You must be buying cheap Windows laptops.  The Apple MacBook lines have had 5 GHz built in for years.



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I don't understand people fixation on being able to use wifi 100's of feet from their house.



Sprint barely has coverage at the park near my neighborhood where the kids play ball at.  The site is still legacy as well and the adjacent LTE sites don't reach.  For a couple years I've had a Ubiquiti radio pointed at the park providing wifi coverage for me when I go there.  Whenever the site gets upgraded and fires up 800LTE I'll probably take it down.

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If this is the best those of us who are less technologically inclined can do, we create a real risk that the AJ's and Digiblur's of S4GRU will really stop being so patient, thorough and "authoritative" as they are. Why write articles and prove their knowledge time and time again when no one will accept it until Sprint explains more or no one anywhere on the interwebs says any different?


On a brighter note, the shat-circus this thread has become comically correlates to LG's typical place in the smartphone hierachy.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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You must be buying cheap Windows laptops. The Apple MacBook lines have had 5 GHz built in for years.



Belkin 1800 ac router and HP windows 8 laptops must be a bad combination


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



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Sprint barely has coverage at the park near my neighborhood where the kids play ball at. The site is still legacy as well and the adjacent LTE sites don't reach. For a couple years I've had a Ubiquiti radio pointed at the park providing wifi coverage for me when I go there. Whenever the site gets upgraded and fires up 800LTE I'll probably take it down.

sprint actually does have full bars where my kid plays at and its still unusable so don't feel bad lol


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



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Where did you order from??  Best buy?  I just noticed that the pending transaction from best buy on my credit card disapeared.

I'm a Preferred Retailer Employee, so yeah, our own "private store".
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Well well well, look what I just got and activated.


Does it have Wi-Fi?  Does it have Wi-Fi?  You have to tell us RIGHT NOW!





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