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T-Mobile LTE & Network Discussion


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Abused women often stay with and even defend men who abuse them simply because the women lack other means of support. But that does not make the abuse right or acceptable. Sprint sells itself to abusers and allows abuse out of financial necessity. That does not mean, though, that bystanders cannot castigate that abuse in either situation.


My utmost hope is that Sprint's situation improves enough that Sprint can retire "unlimited" data or impose throttling/traffic shaping on those who use far more data than what they have paid for. Then, the abusers will have to own up to the reality that they cannot use as much data as they want, as fast as they want, anywhere that they want, all the time.




Well I for one hope sprint never gets rid of unlimited data. Coming from vzw I love not lookin at my data usage and can use this phone like I want.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2



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Robert, why not just assume the liability on someone's old verizon unlimited plan?


I know a family member with a legacy unlimited plan. Truly unlimited, including hotspot - and it does not violate any Verizon T/C's.


Verizon continues to allow customers with these rate plans but at the expensive of losing device subsidies (a worthy price increase for some, I suppose).


It's the enemy, Verizon. Likely legitimate usage.


One VZW account is a work account. The other is a personal hotspot plan. I have no problem with my 4GB bucket, all things considered. I just always live in paranoia wondering how much data I've used. Everyone I know with a Verizon unlimited plan holds on to it like Gollum. My precious!



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And before we all claim people is tearing down lte let's let it roll out first lol.


Nope. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...



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As someone who left T-Mobile in 2010 for Sprint the biggest factor for me was poor coverage in rural areas. I live in Philadelphia so my coverage at home was always descent. However, I have a ton of family in rural PA plus I love going weekend tent camping throughout the summer. So when weekends came around and I was in rural area my coverage generally sucked when I was on T-Mobile. It wouldn't have be so bad if T-Mobile had 3G roaming. However, since AT&T and T-Mobile run on different 3G bands the best I could had hope for was EDGE roaming on AT&T's network.


I love that when I'm in place with no Sprint service I can usually rely on picking up a Verizon 3G tower.


I don't know if that's still the case but unless something changes with T-Mobile I don't see myself ever going back no matter how good their LTE/HSPA+ coverage is in Metro areas.

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Is that real? You have used 319 GB of data in half of your billing cycle? If so, you are a data abuser and a jerk to your fellow Sprint subs. You are violating your Ts and Cs, and I hope that Sprint terminates your account with extreme prejudice.




Yes, it is real. And this is also not the highest usage I've ever done. However, it is on Verizon and with the 'unlimited hotspot/tethering' add. You also have no idea how many lines I have and my total monthly with them, but I can tell you that VZW is most happy to have me as a customer.


I have two VZW accounts. This is indeed a VZW account usage screen shot. I live and die by mine. Because it doesn't say unlimited, but rather 4GB on my account. I'm always checking it...paranoid that I'm going to go over. But generally end up using 2-3GB on it.


Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk


Yep, VZW it is. As irev has already asked, is there a reason you don't try to assume an unlimited plan for your personal hotspot usage?

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Yes, it is real. And this is also not the highest usage I've ever done. However, it is on Verizon and with the 'unlimited hotspot/tethering' add. You also have no idea how many lines I have and my total monthly with them, but I can tell you that VZW is most happy to have me as a customer.


Thank you for clarifying, but that does not totally absolve you.


One, you seemingly posted that total data usage for its shock and awe value. That is akin to posting your company's cash on hand as the total in your personal account. Too many people view their excessive data usage as some silly badge of honor.


Two, you would need to have at least one hundred lines on that account to legitimize that level of data usage. I do not care that it is "unlimited" or on VZW. Nothing in a closed ecosystem is truly unlimited. VZW may kowtow to you because of the number of lines on your account. But that just does a disservice to numerous other subs and is another great example of big business screwing the small consumer.



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OK, I guess I will try to make everyone mad:


1. I am 65 years old. I am not a grandma, nor a grandpa. Like AJ, I have been using Sprint for many years, and have been mostly satisfied. I sell computer software and I am technically up-to-date (in spite of myt "advanced" age). And I use a significant quantity of mobile data: With 17 days to go this cycle, I have used 819.5 MB of 4G LTE, 72.6 MB of 3G, and 192.3 MB of hotspot data (for which I pay extra). Whoever used the "grandma" analogy owes me an apology. Please be more careful whom you insult.


2. I travel for business. Most of this month's 4G usage was on a trip to Los Angeles and San Francisco, where I could get 4G reliably, and where I did not (and do not, and in the future will not) trust hotel WiFi. I do not use bit torrents, I do not watch a lot of video, and I offload to WiFi where practical.


3. At home I have an Airave, and use WiFi on my Sprint phone for data. Even though I do yet not have reliable 4G at home, I would not use it heavily if I did, given that I have and pay for fast Internet, and that WiFi is likely to be more reliable for most Internet functions than 4G will, at least for a mobile phone in an aluminum-sided house on 1900 MHz (or 2600 MHZ, when available).


4. Is my 819 MB of 4G usage "excessive"? In my opinion, no. Others may disagree. But every time this argument pops up (and it seems to do so regularly), people start quoting numbers for "data caps", and berating heavy users, and so on. I agree with AJ that Sprint 4g "abusers" should and must be reined in at some point, and I fully expect Sprint to do so at the appropriate time in the future. However, I also (respectfully) disagree with AJ to some degree, in that I feel that the ultimate NV capacity per user will be HUGE, realistically well over 100 GB per month, even taking into account all the vagaries of time of day, urban congestion, increasing numbers of Sprint subscribers, etc., etc. Until NV is more built out, and until the deployments of 800 LTE and 2600 LTE are better defined, I feel that it is very premature to pronounce the need for data caps.


Thank you for listening, and let the flames begin.



1GB of mobile data seems like a very average data consumption number, Granted i only have 3G, but i stream music,videos,data intensive apps,social media etc, I consume about 2.5GB each month. With LTE i suspect ill consume more like 4GB. I feel that even my "heavy" data usage should remain unlimited as i am using the data per the terms of service. I think Sprint could remain unlimited up to 10GB or so and after that $5/GB. And anyone using 334 GB in 1/2 a month probably needs their own fiber line and should be kicked off Sprint.

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Can't wait to see what T Mobile LTE looks like here in Chicago. Love to see competition and with the continued drop calls with Sprint I would be willing to switch in a heart beat.


Much thanks to Motorola for designing excellent cellular equipment back in the early to mid 2k's for the Chicago and surrounding areas. Thank god it's highly compatible with new modular equipment that Samsung is deploying and doesn't drop calls when transferring from an old tower to an upgraded tower. Those drop calls is Sprints damn fault! Psht, Verizon and ATT can do it without disruption and so can T-mobile. Sprint sucks, I'm leaving!



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Much thanks to Motorola for designing excellent cellular equipment back in the early to mid 2k's for the Chicago and surrounding areas. Thank god it's highly compatible with new modular equipment that Samsung is deploying and doesn't drop calls when transferring from an old tower to an upgraded tower. Those drop calls is Sprints damn fault! Psht, Verizon and ATT can do it without disruption and so can T-mobile. Sprint sucks, I'm leaving!



Verizon and att aren't ripping out and replacing their whole network, like sprint is. All they are doing is slapping an lte panel on the towers. They aren't even touching their 3G network which is the reason they aren't dropping calls.


It really bothers me that people always whine about how sprint isn't doing a good enough job with their network rollouts and then compare it to verizon or att. Please do you homework before you continue your ignorant statements.

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Verizon and att aren't ripping out and replacing their whole network, like sprint is. All they are doing is slapping an lte panel on the towers. They aren't even touching their 3G network which is the reason they aren't dropping calls.


It really bothers me that people always whine about how sprint isn't doing a good enough job with their network rollouts and then compare it to verizon or att. Please do you homework before you continue your ignorant statements.


See the /s at the end?


It denotes sarcasm.

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See the /s at the end?


It denotes sarcasm.


I knew it had to be sarcasm just based on the author.


Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk



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Can't wait to see what T Mobile LTE looks like here in Chicago. Love to see competition and with the continued drop calls with Sprint I would be willing to switch in a heart beat.


I've been with sprint since march 12 and I've only had 3 dropped calles back in September and October. Other than that quality voice.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2



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I've been with sprint since march 12 and I've only had 3 dropped calles back in September and October. Other than that quality voice.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2


Than you my friend are one lucky Chicagoland Sprint customer. I average 3-4 dropped calls a day, annoying yes but still want Sprint to succeed and show up the big boys. I have found that if I turn data off I have a better time holding a call.

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If a group of people are all connected to the same tower, the speed they're going to get is going to be roughly equal right? It'll be faster the less people connected and slower with more. So can one really use a disproportionate share of the service? If I'm being wild and tethering my house to my smartphone and using oceans of data, that only works if the tower I connect to at home can give me fast speeds and if it's giving me good speeds, then it's giving everyone else using it good speeds too, leaving out factors like signal strength / distance from tower. So really isn't it inherently equal? At least to some degree. The less everyone uses their connection the less the connection is being divided up at any given moment but still. Just another thing to add, right now where I live Sprint's 3G in most places delivers really slow speeds, but I would think that has more to do with too many Sprint subscribers in the city for the network to handle than it does with too many people "abusing" their data connection. How can any "abuse" occur at <.20 Mbps? It's not "abuse" that's causing this problem.

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Why is everyone defending Sprint? They never deliver. Theres only always a "promise" that we will get something in the near furure. Sprint can't even get LTE right on 1900mhz. Still waiting for decent coverage here in LA. Let alone most of the country where it hasnt launched yet on 1900mhz, nor will any time soon. I honestly dont expect to see anything on the 800mhz ban till' 2016 or later.

Edited by dw3bb10
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Guest 503ducati

Why is everyone depending Sprint? They never deliver. Theres only always a "promise" that we will get something in the near furure. Sprint can't even get LTE right on 1900mhz. Still waiting for decent coverage here in LA. Let alone most of the country where it hasnt launched yet on 1900mhz, nor will any time soon. I honestly dont expect to see anything on the 800mhz ban till' 2016 or later.

Looking at your post history regarding your personal experiences with Sprint, you may want to look at the option of another carrier.

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Why is everyone depending Sprint? They never deliver. Theres only always a "promise" that we will get something in the near furure. Sprint can't even get LTE right on 1900mhz. Still waiting for decent coverage here in LA. Let alone most of the country where it hasnt launched yet on 1900mhz, nor will any time soon. I honestly dont expect to see anything on the 800mhz ban till' 2016 or later.

Interesting. What promise did Sprint break?
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Looking at your post history regarding your personal experiences with Sprint, you may want to look at the option of another carrier.


I am, lol. Trying to get out of my contract now, I really dont wan't to wait until next April.


I had hope for Sprint and was super optimistic. Though, we all have to admit that they're dropping the ball. I had no Wimax, and I have no LTE now. Honestly, id be ok with a decent 3G network, at least i'd be able to stream Spotify, which I cant do now! My iPhone 5 is literally useless unless I'm on wifi.


They're building it out, I know. But LTE was projected to launch what, 6 months ago in LA? Its almost April with no launch window in sight. As a consumer, its annoying. I can hope and dream for LTE on 800mhz. Its an amazing thought. But lets get real, its not happening ANY time soon, regardless of what they say.


Interesting. What promise did Sprint break?


The promise of 4G, etc. Nothing's getting better. At least for the majority of people.


Of course, tons of people are super happy. But i'm sure we can all agree the general concensus is that more are unhappy.

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Yes, setting other variables that may affect final performance aside; multiple connections don't slow down the pipe (at least not so much with newer equipment) each packet has a scheduled time slot, multiple connections do eat away the bandwidth however, which is the pipe.. Depending how crazy your little tethering party gets over there you will be eating the bandwidth of your site. Eat all you want, don't cry when its no longer unlimited. Yes, Sprints current 3G is not fast. In all urban non upgraded areas 3G crawls, without proper backhaul these legacy sites are way over capacity. This directly kills performance, the current legacy network was designed in a day where the smartphone was a thing of the future.

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