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What's your speed like RIGHT NOW?

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They gave you a F-... That's not good for anyone LOL


I'm a straight A student. So I don't run speed tests on Sprint 3G. I can't stand the failing grades. :lol:


S4GRU is now mobile...posted via Forum Runner

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Sprint's network enhancement website states that the tower closes to me recently had a data speed upgrade LOL


The speed upgrades listed on network.sprint.com are temporary band aid improvements in front of Network Vision. They are just additional T1 lines. Which don't add much for speed at sites that are already way over capacity.


S4GRU is now mobile...posted via Forum Runner

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I sit about 250ft. away from a Sprint tower at my office. My Photon shows 5 bars of 3g, no 4g here, just legacy wimax.

Usually get anywhere from 700kbps - 1.3mbps down and 75kbps - 300kbps up.

At home its less, usually 400kbps - 600kbps down and 25kbps - 150kbps up.

I had an Evo3d before the Photon, needed repair and was backordered by about a month, that thing would only get half the speed. I've been finding that the antenna on the Photon is better, reception and transmitting. Might have been that my Evo3d had more wrong on it than just the touchscreen but i'd rather have the Photon, even with oodles of ROMs available for the 3d.

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I sit about 250ft. away from a Sprint tower at my office. My Photon shows 5 bars of 3g, no 4g here, just legacy wimax.

Usually get anywhere from 700kbps - 1.3mbps down and 75kbps - 300kbps up.

At home its less, usually 400kbps - 600kbps down and 25kbps - 150kbps up.

I had an Evo3d before the Photon, needed repair and was backordered by about a month, that thing would only get half the speed. I've been finding that the antenna on the Photon is better, reception and transmitting. Might have been that my Evo3d had more wrong on it than just the touchscreen but i'd rather have the Photon, even with oodles of ROMs available for the 3d.


Thanks for the info. And :welcome: to the forums!


- Robert, S4GRU

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I sit about 250ft. away from a Sprint tower at my office. My Photon shows 5 bars of 3g, no 4g here, just legacy wimax.

Usually get anywhere from 700kbps - 1.3mbps down and 75kbps - 300kbps up.

At home its less, usually 400kbps - 600kbps down and 25kbps - 150kbps up.

I had an Evo3d before the Photon, needed repair and was backordered by about a month, that thing would only get half the speed. I've been finding that the antenna on the Photon is better, reception and transmitting. Might have been that my Evo3d had more wrong on it than just the touchscreen but i'd rather have the Photon, even with oodles of ROMs available for the 3d.


That seems to be the general consensus, that the Photon had great radios in it. Motorola in general is regarded as getting great signal. It is kinda surprising that the Epic 4G Touch is seen as Sprint's top dog when the Photon is a world phone and seems to pick up better signals. I guess thin wins, and the screen on the E4GT wins as well.

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I had a choice between waiting on backorder, Photon, or E4GT. I've become partial to my qHD screens, can't go back.


I was not impressed with the evo 3d screen except for the 3d function


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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Used to at least be ok on weekends. Now even sunday afternoons are useless.


Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk


Your 3G speeds are much better than i have in pahrump. I barely hit 100k down ever.


Sent from Josh's Evo Shift 4G using Forum Runner

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Well I guess I spoke too soon about Pahrump data speeds. I just got home at 5:30 this morning for those that were in the chat room last night and knew I was traveling. It's been almost a month since I was home last, so this is a major improvement. over what I used to have.


OK, for some reason it won't let me post pics from my computer. Argh! The average speed between the 3 tests I took over a half hour period was 778 down, with the fastest being 808 down and slowest being 739 down

Edited by Macinjosh
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Nope. Noon speeds aren't even hitting 300 down. And pings are terrible right now too. But it is still better than it used to be. Most days I couldn't even hit 100 down during the day.

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Nope. Noon speeds aren't even hitting 300 down. And pings are terrible right now too. But it is still better than it used to be. Most days I couldn't even hit 100 down during the day.


ha sounds like u got a lil band-aid fix at least. lol

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ha sounds like u got a lil band-aid fix at least. lol


And a slight signal increase too. My normal 1 bar to 2 bars is now 1 to 3. I'm starting to be happier with Sprint.

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Those show up as "Posted Image" does it work to link to box?


It appears that those pictures are password protected and not visible to us mere mortals! :jedi:

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It appears that those pictures are password protected and not visible to us mere mortals!

These are not the pictures you're looking for...


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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Weird. They show up on my computer.

I'll just post the box.com share links.






Dropbox shouldn't be password protecting my files unless they weren't in my public folder. I'll have to check it out later.

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