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(Angry) birds causing delay in Sprint LTE deployment

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Puuulllleeezzzz.... The media sites need to he shot for taking that comment and putting such a big spin on it.


A bird's nest is not going to stop a contractor from getting paid that day. If he climbed up their I can guarantee you he's not walking from a paycheck over a nest. It will magically disappear.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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A bird's nest is not going to stop a contractor from getting paid that day. If he climbed up their I can guarantee you he's not walking from a paycheck over a nest. It will magically disappear.


Yeah, I can see a guy climbing all the way to the top of a tower, humping his tool bag and then seeing a bird's nest and turning around and not doing his work. Yeah, right! It'll be a quick look around and then; "Fly! Be Free!'



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A bird's nest is not going to stop a contractor from getting paid that day. If he climbed up their I can guarantee you he's not walking from a paycheck over a nest. It will magically disappear.


I don't think they're talking about robin nests here. Imagine making one of these disappear:



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I don't think they're talking about robin nests here. Imagine making one of these disappear:


Well first you ask nicely and if they don't comply there's always....mmm....other options...



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There are plenty of birds protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. I would guess most, if not all, states have their own set of protected species. Osprey and Eagles would be just two of the species that it would be illegal to disturb the nests during breeding season. It is my understanding in NJ, you need to have both federal and state permits to even climb a tower that has an Osprey or Eagles nest during breeding season .


I would think that disturbing the Osprey nests could be particularly troublesome for the contractors as there are organizations that track and watch the Osprey. From what I understand they generally return to the same nest every year.

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Sprint is of course doing the right thing here. I'm sure or at least hope most of the comments here are jokes.


Maybe the next design wouldn't include a flat platform that is so ideally constructed for the birds of prey to build their nests.

If the trees weren't all bull dozed down, they wouldn't do this.

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If they aren't a threatened or protected species then just kick the nest out of the tower.


Probably happens quite a lot. Just speaking the truth. Guess you have to know the type that climb. Most could care less about birds.


Paid by the job, not the hour or mile they drove. Put yourself in their shoes, you drove over an hour one way. Suited up, climbed the tower, and found a nest. Would you really climb down, drive an hour back and wait to get another job for tomorrow and not get paid for the day? All while you had to pay for your food and gas that day.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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Are we sure that some of these nests atop towers are not actually S4GRU members' camp sites as they breathlessly await LTE?



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Not to worry Dan is just reading from his alibi list prepared by the marketing dept:


1. Birds on the tower

2. 1st fledgling Chick tried to fly today and fell to its death. Netting has to be installed on all towers.

3. Verizon worker put Ben Gay tower climber's jock strap

4. Delivery company delivered antennas to Ericsson in China instead of USA

5. We had to buy Olympic ads and we didn't have enough money left over for the month.

6 We lost the only key to the fenced in ground units

7. Apple said we had to silkscreen the apple logo on all the antennas

8. Dan tripped on his shoelace during the conference call he is suffering from a concussion. Nobody else knows what to do next.

9. Protected Snakes are scaling the towers to get the baby chicks.

10. Our service guys are busy installing Christmas decorations on the towers for the coming season. We are almost done!

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Not to worry Dan is just reading from his alibi list prepared by the marketing dept:


1. Birds on the tower

2. 1st fledgling Chick tried to fly today and fell to its death. Netting has to be installed on all towers.

3. Verizon worker put Ben Gay tower climber's jock strap

4. Delivery company delivered antennas to Ericsson in China instead of USA

5. We had to buy Olympic ads and we didn't have enough money left over for the month.

6 We lost the only key to the fenced in ground units

7. Apple said we had to silkscreen the apple logo on all the antennas

8. Dan tripped on his shoelace during the conference call he is suffering from a concussion. Nobody else knows what to do next.

9. Protected Snakes are scaling the towers to get the baby chicks.

10. Our service guys are busy installing Christmas decorations on the towers for the coming season. We are almost done!


Maybe we can just pay the snakes to put up the antenna's once they're up there! lmfao, good post...

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