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Network Vision/LTE - Atlanta/Athens Market


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I find that Sensorly does not work with the screen off. That is what it said due to Android OS.


Keep your phone plugged in and charging as Sensorly loves to eat your battery for lunch.

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Keep your phone plugged in and charging as Sensorly loves to eat your battery for lunch.


You can set Sensorly only to be allowed to use a certain percentage of your battery. But if you want to use it continuously, definitely need to keep it plugged in.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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Hey, I am on my 2nd day with the updated OTA and I think the LTE tolerence problem has been fixed.


Here is my uneducated free public school education says and here is why:


I am trying to help Sensory here map new LTE signal n when I go running every morning and when I am near the bounds of the purple color, sure enough my LTE indicator flicker with the strenght bar decresing and it go back to 3G.


Then when I come back to the LTE area again doing 4 miles of big circle, sure enough the LTE signal comes back on again right where Sensory was map by someone with the LTE.


Robert I think you want take me for a spanking back out in the woods and yes it is frustrating to see a LTE tower few feet from me and not able to get any LTE without toggling airplane or reboot the phone. That was before.


I hope everything is getting better for everyone and your pursuit of LTE signal.

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Does anyone know the LTE tower at the Atlanta airport? Especially at the northern part of it?


I see purple circle all around the airport on Sensory, but dont know why the LTE signal would go in and out at the northern end.


I been using Sensory to map the LTE signal whenever I can. :-)

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I live 1.25 miles from a tower that is now live with 4G (in cumming). I can only get 4G when I am within .25 miles of the tower. This is on an Evo LTE, with the latest OTA update installed. Is a quarter mile the expected footprint of an LTE tower??


I have been running sensorly, which is how I found this tower...you can see on sensorly.com the absurdly small area around the tower that gives LTE connection. (Tower is the red dot).






Speeds are good when I get close to the tower. This test is when I am parked directly under it.






There is another tower about 1 mile from this one...I havent been able to find out exactly where this tower is, but its coverage is also about .25 miles:







I hope these towers are still in test mode, and will increase their range at some point in the future...neither show up on the s4gru "Sites completed" map, so I have my fingers crossed.

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I live 1.25 miles from a tower that is now live with 4G (in cumming). I can only get 4G when I am within .25 miles of the tower. This is on an Evo LTE, with the latest OTA update installed. Is a quarter mile the expected footprint of an LTE tower??


I have been running sensorly, which is how I found this tower...you can see on sensorly.com the absurdly small area around the tower that gives LTE connection. (Tower is the red dot).


Speeds are good when I get close to the tower. This test is when I am parked directly under it.


There is another tower about 1 mile from this one...I havent been able to find out exactly where this tower is, but its coverage is also about .25 miles:


I hope these towers are still in test mode, and will increase their range at some point in the future...neither show up on the s4gru "Sites completed" map, so I have my fingers crossed.


It's possible you are not connected to the site you think you are. How do you figure which site you are connected to? The bars in your signal strength indicator does not show your LTE signal strength, ever. It only shows your 1x signal strength. We discuss that in this topic here: http://s4gru.com/ind...ignal-strength/


You may just be at spots that have line of sight to a more distant tower that the one you are parked near. This could especially be true if you are in a hilly area and near the top of a hill. The next time you are in one of these spots, go check your actual LTE signal strength (as described in the link above) by going into the LTE Engineering screen. This will help us to determine if you are connected to the tower above you, or one further away.


One quarter mile is not a typical distance, except in a very dense urban deployment with lots of adjacent sites.



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I have never been this close to a cell tower before.

Was at Jackson EMC in Jefferson, GA. Did not have any 4G signal so I assume none of those nodes or whatever are on this tower.




Sent from my Galaxy Nexus w/Jelly Bean.

Edited by VW Maverick
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It's possible you are not connected to the site you think you are. How do you figure which site you are connected to? The bars in your signal strength indicator does not show your LTE signal strength, ever. It only shows your 1x signal strength. We discuss that in this topic here: http://s4gru.com/ind...ignal-strength/


You may just be at spots that have line of sight to a more distant tower that the one you are parked near. This could especially be true if you are in a hilly area and near the top of a hill. The next time you are in one of these spots, go check your actual LTE signal strength (as described in the link above) by going into the LTE Engineering screen. This will help us to determine if you are connected to the tower above you, or one further away.


One quarter mile is not a typical distance, except in a very dense urban deployment with lots of adjacent sites.




Thanks for the info.


I assume that I was connecting to the tower I was parked under, because anywhere else I dont get 4G.


The other thing that concerns me is that to get the LTE signal to connect, I am still having to go into Mobile Settings and cycle between "CDMA" and "CDMA/LTE". Even when parked right under the tower, I have to cycle this setting. I tested this by driving around near the tower last night. I had hoped the latest OTA update for the Evo LTE would have fixed this issue.


I will use the ##DEBUG# code to do a bit more testing.

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I know I had been beaching about this before, after my OTA update, my LTE problem is gone.


It has been 6 days since I did any phone power/off and when I come back to my home or near my LTE tower, my LTE comes on.


I would say a LTE range around my house is about 1.5 miles radius.


If you are close to a LTE tower, your dbm should be in that great range. This is very true. See that post Robert mention.

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Thanks for the info.


I assume that I was connecting to the tower I was parked under, because anywhere else I dont get 4G.


The other thing that concerns me is that to get the LTE signal to connect, I am still having to go into Mobile Settings and cycle between "CDMA" and "CDMA/LTE". Even when parked right under the tower, I have to cycle this setting. I tested this by driving around near the tower last night. I had hoped the latest OTA update for the Evo LTE would have fixed this issue.


I will use the ##DEBUG# code to do a bit more testing.


You need to check and see what your dbm's are. My lte signal(on my evo lte) tends to drop off at around -107 or so. Most times it will connect if I toggle but it drops back off soon after. Once my signal comes back to at least -107, the phone reconnects by itself just fine.

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I feel like Sprint is singling me out and laughing at me for fun lol, check out my situation and try to understand why I'm so frustrated.


Sensorly map



Tower location







Why oh why no LTE @ home for me!!?? I got blazing speeds on my OG Epic w/wimax hope they get this one working by Christmas.

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You need to check and see what your dbm's are. My lte signal(on my evo lte) tends to drop off at around -107 or so. Most times it will connect if I toggle but it drops back off soon after. Once my signal comes back to at least -107, the phone reconnects by itself just fine.


If you are in good range, you still have to toggle sometimes?


Does changing PRL make things better for LTE?

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If you are in good range, you still have to toggle sometimes?


Does changing PRL make things better for LTE?


Oh no, when I have good signal I don't have to toggle at all, only if my signal drops below a certain point then I would have to toggle but that doesn't last long since the phone has an issue with holding on to a weaker lte signal.

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I feel like Sprint is singling me out and laughing at me for fun lol, check out my situation and try to understand why I'm so frustrated.


Sensorly map



Tower location







Why oh why no LTE @ home for me!!?? I got blazing speeds on my OG Epic w/wimax hope they get this one working by Christmas.


That is me who mapped that stuff up I-85 and around I-285 toward Dekalb County. I am not sure it is blank right there. Give me a few more days of driving to work and we will know for sure.


The problem I am running into on my S3 is that I stream Pandora and SiriusXM on my phone going to work. What happens is that if it sees a 4g signal before I start streaming it will keep it, but once a 3g signal happens on my phone while streaming, it very rarely switches back to 4g on its own while I am streaming. I tend to have to toggle mobile data off and on. If I am not streaming or doing anything with the data it switches back and forth more regularly. Maybe this new OTA for the S3 will fix some of this switching back and forth stuff.


Funny, my grandparents live right off Old Bill Cook Rd by that fire station and tower.



Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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Don't take all the credit. I drive around that area as well.


Well all I know is that Sensorly had nothing down I-85 and southern arc of I-285, I run it one day to and from work and the map is updated with LTE on it now.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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Sensorly map



I have checked and checked here and there is a gap in coverage, but it is down in a low part of the interstate which is why it probably doesn't get good LTE coverage in that one spot.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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I have checked and checked here and there is a gap in coverage, but it is down in a low part of the interstate which is why it probably doesn't get good LTE coverage in that one spot.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


Fortunately there is a Sprint site in that gap that will get LTE coverage in the not too distant future to help with a signal in that hollow.



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I map my subdivision, little of Mt Zion, half of Upper Riverdale and part of Roy Huey.


Really, nobody use this app and nobody have LTE phone in my area?


Forgot this is not Silicon Valley.


I frequent that area all the time but I been out of town for the last few weeks on my usual business travels and won't be back until next saturday. When I get back I will look at the map and try to map areas that aren't showing up yet.

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I frequent that area all the time but I been out of town for the last few weeks on my usual business travels and won't be back until next saturday. When I get back I will look at the map and try to map areas that aren't showing up yet.


Its not just Sprint user. ATT and Verizon for LTE, they dont have much mapping except on the highway also.


Sorry to come into conclusioin too fast for Sprint. :o

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Its not just Sprint user. ATT and Verizon for LTE, they dont have much mapping except on the highway also.


Sorry to come into conclusioin too fast for Sprint. :o


Realistically how many regular people are gonna use an app like sensorly anyway? Apps like this will only be used by a small fraction of us "enthusiast" which in itself is a small fraction of the total number of customers.

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Realistically how many regular people are gonna use an app like sensorly anyway? Apps like this will only be used by a small fraction of us "enthusiast" which in itself is a small fraction of the total number of customers.


This is true. Additionally, since other carriers have caps, many people are afraid to use services like Sensorly and RootMetrics. So Sprint usually has more of a showing on these sites, all things considered.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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