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Network Vision/LTE - Jacksonville Market (including Gainesville/St. Augustine/Ocala)


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Nope. I don't frequent those areas often, so I wouldn't see them if they were working on those sites. I'm sure they have to be working on something in those areas. From my vantage point, it seems Sprint is really picking up the pace, especially since Jax was officially launched a few weeks ago. If you guys aren't sponsors, I suggest becoming one so you can see what is already "in-progress" in the "black hole" of Jax.

6 LTE acceptance reports in the month of August does not support your theory of picking up the pace. I see the pace actually degrading probably because the city has been launched already so some of the pressure is off of Sprint's back.

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If your service is that bad and your tired of sprints promises that it can't keep or takes a long time to execute I would switch and comback in a year when the network is a different animal. When its said and done I think At&t and Sprint will be the two best data providers of the big 4. Jacksonville market is going very slow averaging less than 50 LTE sites a month so I see the frustration. I'm upset to because they listed my area as a fair LTE coverage area and I checked back yesterday and now all of a sudden its a BEST LTE coverage area and we don't get LTE inside or out which is ridiculous they can get away with lying that bad.


You could be like me, have best LTE listed as coverage, yet as I barley get -100RSSI in my driveway on 1X, and -120 RSSP on LTE.


I'm back to working with support again. No way all around gets LTE, and my 1X suffers let alone me getting LTE like they show.


It would be nice to not have to rely on an airave in an area saturated by LTE supposedly.

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No at my house the lte signal is 130 so my phone can't get it. My girlfriend has a gs3 that occasionally picks up LTE but its unusable and usual goes back to 3g in a few seconds


You could be like me, have best LTE listed as coverage, yet as I barley get -100RSSI in my driveway on 1X, and -120 RSSP on LTE.


I'm back to working with support again. No way all around gets LTE, and my 1X suffers let alone me getting LTE like they show.


It would be nice to not have to rely on an airave in an area saturated by LTE supposedly.

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6 LTE acceptance reports in the month of August does not support your theory of picking up the pace. I see the pace actually degrading probably because the city has been launched already so some of the pressure is off of Sprint's back.

I specifically said "from my vantage point", for a reason. They're starting to in-fill the most completed areas of town to get them completed. The Downtown/San Marco/Springfield area is finally mostly completed, with addition of those few key sites that have come online this month. You don't need a lot of accepted sites to accomplish this; the few key sites coming online drastically increased my experience in this area - I get coverage, pretty much everywhere around here and my data speeds are consistently 8-30mbps, rarely ever dipping below 6mbps, even with RSRP going as low as -118dBm.


Furthermore, it's only the 16th of the month and Sprint only JUST launched Jax less than 2 weeks ago.


Give it some more time. We'll see how things shape up at the end of the month.

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17 days ago is more than two weeks lol

I specifically said "from my vantage point", for a reason. They're starting to in-fill the most completed areas of town to get them completed. The Downtown/San Marco/Springfield area is finally mostly completed, with addition of those few key sites that have come online this month. You don't need a lot of accepted sites to accomplish this; the few key sites coming online drastically increased my experience in this area - I get coverage, pretty much everywhere around here and my data speeds are consistently 8-30mbps, rarely ever dipping below 6mbps, even with RSRP going as low as -118dBm. Furthermore, it's only the 16th of the month and Sprint only JUST launched Jax less than 2 weeks ago. Give it some more time. We'll see how things shape up at the end of the month.

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I'd these are the kind of speeds I get in a rural area at 330am with a 73 dBm signal then I am not impressed with the quality of this network. http://db.tt/HN28qa0F however these that I took in the city was impressive http://db.tt/h5QhpQaA

The first screenshot is EVDO and most-likely not from a NV site. .70mbps isn't terrible either, not for EVDO and especially if the site you were connected to isn't a NV site. On ALL NV sites I've connected to on eHRPD, I get consistent speeds of 1.5-2.5mbps. Whereas, with Verizon I don't get anything near those speeds, most of the day.


It's kinda obvious you don't want to be with Sprint at this point and its really starting to show. You're free to go to whatever carrier will make you the happiest.

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My eHRPD speeds are actually worse than my evdo speeds somehow. I will show you proof if I need too. Also I'm not free. Its called a contract and I'm not paying to leave them because there service deteriorated over time. That same tower I took the evdo speeds on I used to get 2-2.5 down at 3am on evdo or ehrpd. Throw a false coverage map saying I have best coverage for LTE when I have none and tech support that I have more knowledge than and I get fustrated. The nexus 7 LTE will resolve my experience with Sprint but no release date on that has me aggravated like the world does not want me to have LTE on any carrier :(

The first screenshot is EVDO and most-likely not from a NV site. .70mbps isn't terrible either, not for EVDO and especially if the site you were connected to isn't a NV site. On ALL NV sites I've connected to on eHRPD, I get consistent speeds of 1.5-2.5mbps. Whereas, with Verizon I don't get anything near those speeds, most of the day.


It's kinda obvious you don't want to be with Sprint at this point and its really starting to show. You're free to go to whatever carrier will make you the happiest.

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Site by my work. It looks like NV panels and ruu's are installed I believe. Took this April first https://www.dropbox.com/sc/yy77jafv0mrund2/KbZmgIyAv6 and took these today https://www.dropbox.com/sc/y85ehfy3olbugj6/OjpWIbZMH2. Sorry the crappy rain weather plus the combination of the evo lte camera does not mix well on that second pic. But comparing pics they have definitely added ruu's and new panels to the bottom row which I believe are Sprints because I've seen those Ruu's before they have bright green lights on the bottoms of them. It fits the profile. Can anyone tell me if I'm right.  

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Site by my work. It looks like NV panels and ruu's are installed I believe. Took this April first https://www.dropbox.com/sc/yy77jafv0mrund2/KbZmgIyAv6 and took these today https://www.dropbox.com/sc/y85ehfy3olbugj6/OjpWIbZMH2. Sorry the crappy rain weather plus the combination of the evo lte camera does not mix well on that second pic. But comparing pics they have definitely added ruu's and new panels to the bottom row which I believe are Sprints because I've seen those Ruu's before they have bright green lights on the bottoms of them. It fits the profile. Can anyone tell me if I'm right.

The second pic isn't working.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



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Yes I have been keeping a close eye on that tower and I was passing by it and something looked different I went there and seen the new equipment and my heart stopped lol. I guess I should report this to Robert because he doesn't have it mapped yet.

That's most definitely a NV install.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4

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2 questions? If I'm getting at 96-110dbm on evdo and ehrpd inside. My chances of getting LTE inside on the 1900 are low right? Second question is can they install the ruus and panels before adding new cabinets?

With that signal strength it may be a close call because with some of the buildings I've been in. I will get LTE along the walls of the building but not in the center. Also with the second question I believe the cabinets are installed first and then the panels and rrus. I'm not sure though.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



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I feel you, talked a friend into getting the HTC One like mine on Sprint, it has worse coverage than the HTC EVO he had, I also seen poorer reception with mine, but kept it instead of trying to see if Samsung 4 had better reception.


He has been a long time Sprint guy too. He got tired of it and went to ATT last week before his 15 days were up. He has 5 bars now inside the building with blazing speeds compared to a brick in his hand.. Not sure it is worth eating the ETF on my new HTCOne and making the jump too. It gets old carrying a brick when you can not use for phone, email, internet, etc and pay 180 bucks a month for 3 phones. I have to use an Airave in the house to have any signal there too.


Been listening to LTE talk since I bought the first HTC EVO two years ago, that phone never seen a LTE the entire time I had it.


How many have made the switch form Sprint and like the grass better on the other side of the fence?

This sounds like astroturfing. Don't post anything like this again. Please don't troll our forums asking for people to talk about how other carriers are better.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 using Tapatalk



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Hey JAX market members. I'm pretty disappointed in the negativity in this thread. I just got caught up on the past few weeks. Pretty surprised. :(


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 using Tapatalk



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This sounds like astroturfing. Don't post anything like this again. Please don't troll our forums asking for people to talk about how other carriers are better.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 using Tapatalk

 Sorry you feel that way, I thought you would want a honest response from someone that has been with Sprint for 12 years that uses Sensorly to help with mapping of this network. You have a good website here that I have used over the years waiting on LTE to arrive in Jax.   


I will not use your website again if you feel like I am being a bad member.  I thought the purpose of this website was for honest reviews from real people.  I just want a phone that works for the amount of money I pay.  That is not too much to ask in my opinion, but I guess it is in yours.


Have a good day.

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Sorry you feel that way, I thought you would want a honest response from someone that has been with Sprint for 12 years that uses Sensorly to help with mapping of this network. You have a good website here that I have used over the years waiting on LTE to arrive in Jax.


I will not use your website again if you feel like I am being a bad member. I thought the purpose of this website was for honest reviews from real people. I just want a phone that works for the amount of money I pay. That is not too much to ask in my opinion, but I guess it is in yours.


Have a good day.

An honest response? You weren't asked by anyone to inquire how wonderful other carriers are. This is a Sprint site. We discuss the Sprint network. We don't offer free advertising for other carriers and we don't offer hosting of other carrier reviews. That is way off topic from the Jacksonville market Sprint Network Vision thread.


You are free to use our site. I'm not trying to chase you off. But fishing for reviews of other carriers is just way out of bounds. And it is something that paid AT&T astroturfers often do. You're welcome to stay, but if you find this as too harsh then I understand if you feel S4GRU is not a good fit for you.


The purpose of the site is not for honest reviews of other carriers. It's not even so people can create honest reviews of Sprint. We are not a review site.




Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 using Tapatalk



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The good stuff is just starting. Jacksonville's actively adding 4G LTE sites on a near daily basis and the 800mhz bands will start rolling out too by the end of this year. :P


I just can't wait to see if there's any Clear wire LTE here once the G2 comes out. I'll be starting my daily site checks again.

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