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Apple Off-Topic Rant separated from PCMag LTE Test thread

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Been a while since apple was an underdog lol. I guess I like the underdog too which is why I am a fan of windows phone. And let me be clear, I am in absolutely no way saying that Microsoft is an underdog. I just want to see a solid competition between 3 good operating systems, and windows phone is the best candidate for the 3rd OS. RIM had their chance...

Not to mention I believe Microsoft will finally bring a tablet to market that is more than just an oversized phone.


Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner


I agree. I, however, just wish it could have been WebOS. I thought Palm did a great job with that. They just failed with hardware and app development.

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Kind of off topic, but I think worth mentioning. This is one of the things I really enjoy about this site, even though sometimes things might get heated or taken the wrong way, almost everyone on here is able to move on and not let the conversation devolve into something personal and ridiculous. Comment sections on way too many sites these days aren't even worth the time to read with all the negative, personal attacks and lack of respect for others.


I think the staff all do a great job helping things stay civil as well.


Thanks everyone for making S4GRU a great place to learn and communicate.


I think the donation model helps. With most of our active members having chipped into the pot, they feel somewhat vested in the site. I think that helps frame everyone's mindset better. Most of our problems arise from non-sponsor members.



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I agree. I, however, just wish it could have been WebOS. I thought Palm did a great job with that. They just failed with hardware and app development.


The tablet hardware was great, just way over priced. Look at how the touchpad has become such a popular Android device. The two failures of WebOS involve the price and lack of application community.

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Been a while since apple was an underdog lol. I guess I like the underdog too which is why I am a fan of windows phone. And let me be clear, I am in absolutely no way saying that Microsoft is an underdog. I just want to see a solid competition between 3 good operating systems, and windows phone is the best candidate for the 3rd OS. RIM had their chance...

Not to mention I believe Microsoft will finally bring a tablet to market that is more than just an oversized phone.


Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner


I like Windows Phone. It is very fast and can be run on much lower MHz hardware than Android requires. It is also a different UI paradigm than iOS and Android. WebOS is also a different UI paradigm so I appreciate that as well. Android, although popular, does not bring anything different to the table. Sorry if I am insulting your sensibilities, Android fans, but there's not a lot of differences between iOS and Android, whereas WebOS and Windows phone bring something different and fresh to the table. RIM and Nokia made a big mistake not buying Palm. On the other hand a sloth of a company like HP should have never bought Palm.

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iPhone - 2007


LG Prada - 2006


HP iPAQ H6310 - 2004 (and IIRC many of the devices in the iPAQ lineup were actually OEM'd by HTC)


Ericsson R380 - 2000 (and many more between ... dell Axim, HP Jornada, O2's XDA (from HTC))



I'd say Apply clearly "borrowed" technology from HTC and others for a touchscreen smart phone.

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iPhone - 2007


LG Prada - 2006


HP iPAQ H6310 - 2004 (and IIRC many of the devices in the iPAQ lineup were actually OEM'd by HTC)


Ericsson R380 - 2000 (and many more between ... dell Axim, HP Jornada, O2's XDA (from HTC))



I'd say Apply clearly "borrowed" technology from HTC and others for a touchscreen smart phone.


The original iPAQ Pocket PC I bought in summer of 2000 (the H3600) was not a phone, but, to me, was the first useable, color screen, decent resolution, decent app availability device. I carried it and its successors for many, many years and even stayed with Windows Mobile when I came to Sprint to get my HTC Touch. While Pocket PC/Windows Mobile suffered greatly in comparison to iOS, they were all there was for a long, long time. Apple not only marketed well, they made a closed ecosystem that was also user-friendly. Their control of iOS is what made it easy for users to pick up because the apps all had to have a look and feel that was approved by Apple. Of course, it's all what you're used to. While I see iOS as easy to pick up and use, there are a lot fo things that frustrate me with the interface, since I'm used to the Android way of doing things.

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While the dates are when the device was officially sold to the public, one also has to take into account how far back they were in development. Its my understanding that both the Prada and iPhone were basically neck to neck with the Prada having the development cycle started by a year before the iPhone. But it really did not matter in the end since Apple showed off the superior product. Word had it LG had a good case against Apple but never followed through with it.


As for the Other two, hmmm i sort of remember the HP, but the Ericsson, not at all.



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I respect Apple for their marketing, and their ease of use for your average user. They've taken a mid-tier smartphone, and put it in the hands of average Joe/Jane. Any change that they make to the OS, be it incremental in nature, is to just fix issues which confuse folks. One of the biggest topics trending on the web is iOS 6 vs Android in terms of features added. If you read the blogs, many of the features are already available on Android, but they are not easy to find.


I believe Apple is really good at is taking features that others have, and streamlining them into the OS, making it appear evolutionary.

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I respect Apple for their marketing, and their ease of use for your average user. They've taken a mid-tier smartphone, and put it in the hands of average Joe/Jane. Any change that they make to the OS, be it incremental in nature, is to just fix issues which confuse folks. One of the biggest topics trending on the web is iOS 6 vs Android in terms of features added. If you read the blogs, many of the features are already available on Android, but they are not easy to find.


I believe Apple is really good at is taking features that others have, and streamlining them into the OS, making it appear evolutionary.


Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2


I disagree.

Apple is a snake in the grass!

Selling iPads at toys-r-us ! It's not a toy!

They just want kids to grow up around apple and have customers for life!

Not to mention the patent schemes/trolls they have set up on the internet !

Why do they need to sue everyone if they are the best? Why would they worry about anything if they are the best?

Ios IS NOT THE EASIEST as apple claims it is !

It's a hoax! You will see it in the following video!


Edited by Euphorian
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LOL. Dude seriously...


Selling iPads at ToysRUs makes ToysRUs the bad guy not Apple. That's like blaming Jack Daniels for alcoholism. Or blaming Hershey's for childhood obesity. You think Apple broke into all the ToyRUs stores and stocked the product themselves? Not to mention, you better be willing to take the same view of Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, all of whom actually do much more to addict children to video games than Apple could if it tried, also pander to children and even spend millions of dollars on marketing to children; something you'd be hard pressed to find Apple do...


And the video is pretty much rubbish too. The whole map thing is a joke. First off, if you want to find the closest In and Out Burger, only a moron is going to bother going to the website, then entering in their zip code, then scrolling through the list of choices to find the one they want, and then (gasp) become disgruntled because they can't interact with the text on the address... That's just silliness. If that's the easy way that proves Android is so much better then, yeah, keep it....


And on your "why worry if they're the best" argument. Ok, so if someone steals your automobile, are you suggesting that you wouldn't call the police because knowing that you own it is enough for you? Yeah, good luck with that argument. Apply that logic to any company who you don't have such a distinct dislike for, and see if that advice still sounds like a good way to run a business. You must hate HTC and Samsung too then, because they've both sued Apple for the same stuff that you are trying to vilify Apple for.


I'm not saying one is better than the other, and I'm pretty far from being a fanboy or otherwise blind to the possible virtues of doing things a way other than my chosen way, which is why I get so tired of everyone with a bone to pick because they need everyone else to know why they are "right" and their way is "better". It's a childish argument.

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Not to mention the patent schemes/trolls they have set up on the internet !

Why do they need to sue everyone if they are the best? Why would they worry about anything if they are the best?

And on your "why worry if they're the best" argument. Ok, so if someone steals your automobile, are you suggesting that you wouldn't call the police because knowing that you own it is enough for you?

What? That is not even close to a similarity. None of these other OEMs are flat out stealing or the frivolous lawsuits that Apple keeps throwing around would have put the Android OEMs out of business or stopped them from making Android phones by now.


What euphorian is saying, is that Apple prances around with the utmost arrogance acting like they invented the touchscreen smartphone and everything that goes along with it. They then sue all their competition, not to make money from licensing, but to try to disrupt their operations. If the iPhone is so good, why don't they license all these "inventions" they have "pioneered"? Because they don't want competition. They could easily license their patents to Samsung, HTC etc and make money on every Android handset sold. If Apple makes the best product and people would buy it regardless, then it's a no brainer. Voice commands have been around forever on Android, then Apple puts SIRI on the 4S and all of a sudden Apple owns voice commands and can try to block Samsung's Galaxy S3 because the voice command module has been improved and people now think talking to your phone is "cool."

Apple is like communism, it satisfies your basic needs, but you BETTER NOT want anything that they don't provide for you.



I like the video. I think someone messed up the motto of Apple. Instead of "it just works" it was supposed to be "it's just more work" As for the examples he pointed out in the video, no, if you were looking for in and out burger you wouldn't google it first. But if you were browsing the internet and came across an address that you wanted to go to, you would have to take extra steps in iOS. You can sit and pick apart anything, but he is showing simple examples that he can quickly reproduce on camera of why he likes Android better. Why is Apple vs. iOS such a touchy subject?


I like catsup better than ketchup. Let me have it people, why am I wrong?

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Ummm. Yeah. It sounds like you keep up with the lawsuits that support your views of Apple. How about you set that aside for a bit and go do some searches on what you are saying, because yeah, they all go back and forth doing the same exact stuff to one another. They all "steal" others ideas and try and make it their own and they all sue when their idea gets taken. You need to go take a look without the blinders on and you'll see that it's a common thing for just about every big manufacturer. Apple is no more guilty of it than any of the other guys.


And yeah, Apple doesn't want competition. Neither does anyone else. That's called survival in business. You don't want competition. Sorry if that offends, but it's how every company (even the one's that you like) make money. It's not Communism, it's Capitalism. There's a pretty huge difference...

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Ummm. Yeah. It sounds like you keep up with the lawsuits that support your views of Apple. How about you set that aside for a bit and go do some searches on what you are saying, because yeah, they all go back and forth doing the same exact stuff to one another. They all "steal" others ideas and try and make it their own and they all sue when their idea gets taken. You need to go take a look without the blinders on and you'll see that it's a common thing for just about every big manufacturer. Apple is no more guilty of it than any of the other guys.


And yeah, Apple doesn't want competition. Neither does anyone else. That's called survival in business. You don't want competition. Sorry if that offends, but it's how every company (even the one's that you like) make money. It's not Communism, it's Capitalism. There's a pretty huge difference...


I don't even care about iPhone v Android. I just like sticking it to all the arrogant, self important iFanatics out there who think their iToy is some sort of a status symbol, and somehow makes them better than me. Apple has manufactured this aire of exclusivity that if you own an apple device, you own the best. We can sit here and argue all day about which is better, just like Frank and Bob down at the cafe will argue Chevy v Ford. They both make good phones. Apple just makes all their devices top of the line (except the 3GS that they are still selling as new on AT&T) There are top of the line Androids too. Apple is probably sue crazy because of the last time they went the road of their own software on their own hardware, when Microsoft nearly put them out of business by licensing windows to anyone who wanted it. Not everyone wants top of the line all the time. I'm typing right now on a $200 laptop, this thing is a pile, but it does what I need it to.


And to clarify, I am not calling anyone in here arrogant or self-important. Or iFanatics for that matter.

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And yeah, Apple doesn't want competition. Neither does anyone else. That's called survival in business. You don't want competition. Sorry if that offends, but it's how every company (even the one's that you like) make money. It's not Communism, it's Capitalism. There's a pretty huge difference...


Eliminating all other choices except what you force on people is more akin to communism than capitalism. The entire iPlatform reeks of communism. Giving people choices and letting people make their own decision is capitalism.


If a man has good corn or wood, or boards, or pigs, to sell, or can make better chairs or knives, crucibles or church organs, than anybody else, you will find a broad hard-beaten road to his house, though it be in the woods.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Eliminating all other choices except what you force on people is more akin to communism than capitalism. The entire iPlatform reeks of communism. Giving people choices and letting people make their own decision is capitalism.If a man has good corn or wood, or boards, or pigs, to sell, or can make better chairs or knives, crucibles or church organs, than anybody else, you will find a broad hard-beaten road to his house, though it be in the woods.—Ralph Waldo Emerson


I couldn't agree more!

Every word is the raw truth!

Whether people like it or not !


I will never buy another apple device/product again !


Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2

Edited by Euphorian
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I bore of these rants. *yawn*


Or should I say, iBore?




Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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iHaters make me laugh sometimes. Apple is communism is a new one to me.


Communism is not a particularly apt analogy; totalitarianism would be a better parallel for the Apple iOS ecosystem. Massive vertical integration, extreme protectionism, market domination by one firm may be capitalism, but it is not healthy capitalism.



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