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Verizon has announced their new shared data plans


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So today Verizon announced the new shared data plans that have been rumored and talked about for months. Here you are:




And Verizon's own site:




The details:


Monthly charge for phone type:

Smartphone $40

dumbphone $30

usb/data modem/netbook/portable hotspot $20

Tablet $10


That charge gets you unlimited calling and texting. If you want data you'll buy a pool to share among up to 10 devices on your plan. Here are those:


1gb = $50

2gb = $60

4gb = $70

6gb = $80

8gb = $90

10gb = $100


Wifi tethering is now included in the cost. Plans are required for all new customers starting June 28.


Still waiting for AT&T to announce what their shared plans will look like. So there's the competition. Will this give Sprint a leg up?


Enjoy folks.

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Wait, so I gotta pay 90bucks for 1gb of data? ( 50 initial+ smartphone 40)


Unlimited txt and talk is nice, but that's a bigger ripoff than their current plans which are the worse in us.


I hope sprint sees these plans and puts the network vision on warp speed. I could see potential customers leaving Verizon if they get forced into these plans.

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The "gotcha" in VZW's Share Everything plans is the forced inclusion of unlimited voice and messaging costs in the core smartphone ($40) and feature phone ($30) fees. VZW has just revealed its response to the decline in traditional voice and SMS/MMS usage and the rise of VoIP and IP based messaging. Basically, you are going to pay for unlimited voice and SMS/MMS even if you rarely use them. Plus, any VoIP and IP based messaging usage will deduct from your data allotment.


VZW takes what purports to be a consumer friendly offering and still finds ways to stick it to the consumer. Well played, VZW, well played.



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I wonder if corporate discounts will apply? And if so, to what??


The unlimited talk and text is the carrot they are hoping will bait customers away.


This will likely cause the others to rethink their tablet plans and wifi tethering costs. For a customer looking for moderate access across multiple devices with tethering capability ( for example: a realtor comes to mind) there is some savings here.

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For my personal situation, for four devices, it would be 300 per month on VZW if we share a 10GB data plan. Which is about approximately how much we use for four devices now.


In comparison, I pay 198 per month with Sprint for four lines with my 25% discount. VZW offers me a 15% discount, and assuming they took it off everything, that would still be 67 more per month for me.


The last time I did a VZW price comparison, the difference was approximately 75 per month with everyone getting 2GB plans in my family, but me getting 5GB. So the family plan doesn't offer much of a discount. Its more of a convenience to pool data.


However, adding a tablet to the pool looks really cheap. As well as the USB/MiFis. And the ability to WiFi tether against your data allotment is a good idea that many people have been clamoring for.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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All I can say is ouch!!!! Now I am really glad I did not go to Verizon. The shared everything plans do not benefit anyone except those who are on unlimited voice plans. Looks like those folks who were waiting to grab the GS3 and lock into the unlimited data are screwed now since the GS3 on Verizon doesn't launch until July 9th.


Verizon's pricing is getting very close to Canadian carriers pricing for data.

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For my personal situation, for four devices, it would be 300 per month on VZW if we share a 10GB data plan. Which is about approximately how much we use for four devices now.


In comparison, I pay 198 per month with Sprint for four lines with my 25% discount. VZW offers me a 15% discount, and assuming they took it off everything, that would still be 67 more per month for me.


The last time I did a VZW price comparison, the difference was approximately 75 per month with everyone getting 2GB plans in my family, but me getting 5GB. So the family plan doesn't offer much of a discount. Its more of a convenience to pool data.


However, adding a tablet to the pool looks really cheap. As well as the USB/MiFis. And the ability to WiFi tether against your data allotment is a good idea that many people have been clamoring for.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


You're right the included tethering is a nice add-in. Once you've capped total data there's no reason why it shouldn't include it. Now it would just be nice if the data caps were doubled. Then it would be great.

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LMAO! I already share my (unlimited) data with my tablet and laptop for free.


And doing so is a violation of the Ts and Cs to which you agreed. Now, that said, many of us do so sparingly. But if you do so extensively, then I will be blunt: shame on you. You are taking unfair advantage of Sprint's unlimited data offering, and you are adding to the data network congestion for the rest of us. This is a downside to so called unlimited data -- it can invite abuse.



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Are those plans also supplanting the individual-line ones? Because that data is freakishly expensive.


At that rate, if I'm a single user, I'd go to Page Plus Cellular, get unlimited talk, text and 2GB of data for $55, and buy my phone outright.


If my entire family switched to VZW, we would probably need 4GB, maybe 6GB of data, spread over three smartphones and two non-smartphones. Throw my iPad in there and the amount needed rises to 6GB no matter what. I calculate $270 per month in wireless bills. We get more data for less than that now, albeit without unlimited voice...


Go Sprint!

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Wow, I don't even want to figure out what Verizon would cost me. What a total screw job to their customers...


So I figured it and I would be $40 more, before insurance/TEP, taxes, surcharges, fees, etc.

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No kidding.


My iPad will stay on Verizon, with a $0-$50 monthly fee for data depending on how much I need LTE for that month (will probably be $20 for 1GB most of the time). My phone is staying Sprint. I had thought about switching to VZW if their shared data plans were reasonable (e.g. $15 or so more per month to add the iPad to a standard individual voice line). I'd only be paying marginally more under the new plan, and would get unlimited voice minutes in return, but I don't need unlimited voice minutes, and my gut feeling says that I'll never actually be on the correct plan data-wise.


If Verizon wanted to encourage people to use data on their plans, they'd make the tiers cheaper, with a higher top end (e.g. 20GB instead of 10GB). As it is, they just want to wring more out of the customer for similar services. Too bad it will keep folks like me, who know that they have the best wireless network in the US for the moment, away.

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I was just talking to one of my friends who has Verizon service and he was bummed out about the new shared data plans because he wanted to get the GS3 and lock it in before the phone plans changed. However my friend thought about a way to get the GS3 and lock in his unlimited data.


It seems like Verizon didn't think the release dates of the shared plans (June 28th) and the GS3 (July 9th) all the way through because Verizon has a 14 day return window for service. I am not sure if Verizon offers the same benefit as Sprint but I know on Sprint you are allowed to switch your initial device for a new device once within your first 30 days (now 14 days).


If Verizon does offer this benefit, my friend is thinking about extending his 2 year contract and pick up a RAZR MAXX on June 27th and on July 9th swap it for a GS3 and paying any difference in phone prices and restocking fees. July 9th would only be the 12th day of his first 14 days. This way he can get the GS3 and still have his unlimited data. Anyone with Verizon service can verify if you can swap out your initial device within your first 14 days for another device? If so this could be the loophole that I can see people doing to get the GS3.

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I may just go prepaid and Audi 5000 off VZW. Just pay for the new iPhone on full price, then use RedPocket on AT&T's HSPA+. The cost savings would make up for the price of an unsubsidized device over time.

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Looks like I will for sure be going back to Sprint at the end of my current contract :)


Edit: that would cut my total data amount down by 4 GB from what I have on my plan currently, but if their discount was applied to the data and main line charge, it would be cheaper than what I am currently paying. (and cheaper than what I would pay on Sprint for 4 smartphones albeit with only 10GB of data to share instead of unlimited)

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And doing so is a violation of the Ts and Cs to which you agreed. Now, that said, many of us do so sparingly. But if you do so extensively, then I will be blunt: shame on you. You are taking unfair advantage of Sprint's unlimited data offering, and you are adding to the data network congestion for the rest of us. This is a downside to so called unlimited data -- it can invite abuse.





LMFAO! So much hate and hypocrisy from this post, you know damn well you do the samething. but it's ok so long as it's sparingly... get outta here with that BS! come on man, for reals, really? really? lol sprints 3G speeds are so bad that sparingly is the only way to use it... atleast in my area (Las Vegas) anyway.


Shame on me? ok daddy! I'll go to my room with out supper :-(





Sent from my Evo 3D using Tapatalk

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on another note not to make fun of my verizon friends (ill do that later) but this makes me really happy I stayed with sprint :-) all this time. It also worries me just what sprint might do when there LTE network is more grown.



Sent from my Evo 3D using Tapatalk

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LMFAO! So much hate and hypocrisy from this post' date=' you know damn well you do the samething. but it's ok so long as it's sparingly... get outta here with that BS! come on man, for reals, really? really? lol sprints 3G speeds are so bad that sparingly is the only way to use it... atleast in my area (Las Vegas) anyway.


Shame on me? ok daddy! I'll go to my room with out supper :-(


Sent from my Evo 3D using Tapatalk[/quote']


The sentiment of AJ's post is spot on. We all should only tether sparingly on the new Network or Sprint is going to shut us all down. You can mark that down.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

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LMFAO! So much hate and hypocrisy from this post, you know damn well you do the samething. but it's ok so long as it's sparingly... get outta here with that BS! come on man, for reals, really? really? lol sprints 3G speeds are so bad that sparingly is the only way to use it... atleast in my area (Las Vegas) anyway.


Shame on me? ok daddy! I'll go to my room with out supper :-(





Sent from my Evo 3D using Tapatalk



You know that there is a reason that Sprint has a tethering option that you can add on to your plan. Unauthorized tethering adds extra stress to the (already stressed) network and everyone else suffers. Tethering is not free while abiding by the terms and conditions of your contract.


On another note, "hate and hypocrisy"? I think AJ is correct in saying that "shame" on anyone taking advantage of extensive tethering. Not only is it stealing from Sprint, as you are only paying for data on the device that is currently connected to the network, but it is a detriment to all the other users trying to use the network.


ALSO, all these hacked tether apps opening the doors for people to access services that users are required to pay for could easily push lawmakers to make rooting/jailbreaking illegal again.

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The sentiment of AJ's post is spot on. We all should only tether sparingly on the new Network or Sprint is going to shut us all down. You can mark that down.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


The sentiment of AJ's post was an attack, but i do agree with everyone using the new network only as needed but we all know there are going to be tons of people who will cancel there home internet and use there phone as a modem. I don't like it, but it is what it is bro, get ready to say good bye to unlimited or hello to some kind of major throttling policy.




Sent from my Evo 3D using Tapatalk

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You know that there is a reason that Sprint has a tethering option that you can add on to your plan. Unauthorized tethering adds extra stress to the (already stressed) network and everyone else suffers. Tethering is not free while abiding by the terms and conditions of your contract.


On another note, "hate and hypocrisy"? I think AJ is correct in saying that "shame" on anyone taking advantage of extensive tethering. Not only is it stealing from Sprint, as you are only paying for data on the device that is currently connected to the network, but it is a detriment to all the other users trying to use the network.


ALSO, all these hacked tether apps opening the doors for people to access services that users are required to pay for could easily push lawmakers to make rooting/jailbreaking illegal again.



ok im having trouble finding what side of this you are on, on hand you post " Tethering is not free while abiding by the terms and conditions of your contract." then you post "AJ is correct in saying that (shame) on anyone taking advantage of extensive tethering." LMAO! and then you go as far as call extensive use stealing.


So what, using it sparingly isn't? if your going to agree that it's ok to brake the rules a little. then you have no right to use them as a sword on someone who might be braking them alot... basicly don't try and talk rules to me if you don't follow them your damn self. At witch point I stand buy my "hate and hypocrisy" statement only now it's also aimed at you!!!




Sent from my Evo 3D using Tapatalk

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