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Network Vision/LTE - Lower Central Valley Market (Fresno, Bakersfield, Visalia)


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Im not seeing anything on sensorly?


Have we been FOOLED?

I would sure hope not, but we just can't be sure. If we could have had a screenshot with a map showing current location and LTE at the same time, that would be awesome.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

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I don't use sensorly


I used it in Florissant mo and it showed areas of lte but when I tried to locate my phone showed only 3g


Why do you not use Sensorly? We need to you map the LTE coverage that you find! It's the most reliable way of knowing where LTE is, much better than the Sprint coverage maps.

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I already explained why lol


You don't use it because you couldn't find LTE where it showed there was? Simple answer to that. Someone either had a stronger device than you and was able to pick up LTE in that area, or the tower was down for any number of reasons. Florrisant is not in a launched market, and Sprint has no obligation to keep those towers operating 24/7 until the market is launched. 


If this is why you are not using Sensorly, that is a very, very silly reason.

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My reason is sound


I have a gs3



Sensorly said I had lte there which it didn't I went to several places


The airport had it though it was right about that


Frankly, I don't understand your reason. Someone was able to map an LTE signal, then for some reason, that tower (or towers) were taken down by Sprint and you were not able to connect. But that doesn't change the fact that someone had been able to map LTE in that area. That particular area is back online now, I can tell you that for a fact. Please tell me how Sensorly gave you any false information? 


As the saying goes on this site - "Sensorly or it didn't happen."


Until we see those Sensorly blips on Fresno, we cannot confirm LTE is active in the area.

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How can I not make this clear?


It said I had lte available but my phone didn't pick it up for the entirety of my visit


That is the nature of Sensorly, and the Sprint buildout. Signals come and go during the buildout. That area does in fact have LTE coverage now, as the issue with the towers was fixed.


As the saying goes on this site - "Sensorly or it didn't happen."


Until we see those Sensorly blips on Fresno, we cannot confirm LTE is active in the area.

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Well, I still have to say I don't understand why that one experience makes you refuse to use Sensorly. It's not like it lied to you. The information it showed was valid. The network changed. Sensorly has no way of knowing when a site is up or down due to maintenance.


You don't even have to look at the map, just map for the rest of us. It's not that hard, and it lets others that maybe don't visit this site see that there is LTE in the area. 


The main reason we ask for Sensorly is we have had people troll the pages, posting that "I have LTE in XYZ City! Look here's a screen shot of my speedtest!" when in reality, they were not in XYZ City. 

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I thought I seen lte pop up on my gfs gs3 on shaw and villa



Maybe on of those is the one my wife's gs3 accidently picked up?


What is this, Utah?


You wont tell us where you allegedly picked up Sprint LTE because you know I will drive out there. I already did that at the Shaw/Villa site that would have been the one that you picked up, so you don't want to repeat that mistake. Bad trolling job is bad.

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Lol by all means go for it


It's in an area u once spoke of


Why can't you just tell us so someone can go map it and that way Dkoellerwx can add it to the map he has located here?

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Let's just leave it at that if ya don't wanna believe me I already said where it was it's not on me lol I took a screenie. Of it


It's not my problem if u can't find it maybe it was just on when I happen to be around who knows right like u said about the Florissant thing

Edited by dontsh00tmesanta
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Lol, hopefully for not too much longer. With all of the sites I've sought out, I sure hope I'm the first one on S4GRU to actually see it (cough cough) in the Fresno area.


You can have Visalia/Tulare, though!

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